2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

What do you do when a relative (who is Christian) is acting possessed? Do you let him/her self-destruct? Do you continue to pray for him/her?

I've sent up my prayers and am leaving them there. But I'm also leaving this relative for the sake of my own peace of mind. I know that God will work it out, but it has to be between the two of them. I can't insert myself anymore. I actually feel at peace about this ... about removing myself ... at least for now.
Praying and interceding for your family member is of the utmost importance for them at this time. If your family member is truly a Christian (and I say this wisely because many Christians are carnal Christians, thereby not walking in the precepts of God but of the flesh), then they cannot be possessed, but can be demonized which simply means to be under the influence of a demon. Either through evil done to them or through their own choices, a doorway has been opened to the demonic realm.

When a person is under this type of influence, there is no reasoning that you can do that will bring this person to clarity of their condition. It's spiritual, therefore they need to be spiritually cleansed, which can only come from the power of God.

My advice would be for you to ask the Lord what type of fast that you can do for your loved one and then earnestly pray for deliverance for him/her. God is sovereign and He will answer your prayer of faith because its according to His Word.

I will be praying for you and your family because the devil cannot keep his hands on your family member if they are believers in Jesus Christ, no matter what it looks like.
Praying and interceding for your family member is of the utmost importance for them at this time. If your family member is truly a Christian (and I say this wisely because many Christians are carnal Christians, thereby not walking in the precepts of God but of the flesh), then they cannot be possessed, but can be demonized which simply means to be under the influence of a demon. Either through evil done to them or through their own choices, a doorway has been opened to the demonic realm.

When a person is under this type of influence, there is no reasoning that you can do that will bring this person to clarity of their condition. It's spiritual, therefore they need to be spiritually cleansed, which can only come from the power of God.

My advice would be for you to ask the Lord what type of fast that you can do for your loved one and then earnestly pray for deliverance for him/her. God is sovereign and He will answer your prayer of faith because its according to His Word.

I will be praying for you and your family because the devil cannot keep his hands on your family member if they are believers in Jesus Christ, no matter what it looks like.

Thank you for your wisdom, Nice & Wavy. Given what you shared, I think this person is moreso being demonized and through their own choices.

I really appreciate your prayers and will follow your advice. Thanks again.
Led to Jude today.

16 These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage. 17 But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: 18 how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. 19 These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit.

20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

22 And on some have compassion, making a distinction;[d] 23 but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire,[e] hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.
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Have you ever observed a child learn something new, and how big their eyes get when they finally understand? ... they get excited and happy and start to feel more confident..some clap... but they all SMILE. They always do. There is a reason why God uses children to teach us the most important lessons we can ever learn in life and in our spiritual lives. A trusted servant to a king wears the keys to the king's house around their neck ... to be a trusted servant of God, we must first be like little children and receive the key...

(Luke 18:15-17)And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.
We should never lose that wonderment, spiritual or physical, because even among the most mature of Christians, we'll not be able to grasp here on earth, how long, high, deep and wide His Love is. We will know when we received from Him, because our hearts will SMILE every time, whether through our reading of the Word, through someone's words or a sermon, or even a song. Whatever you receive, I hope you treasure it, because it will always be something GOOD, designed for your heart, straight from His Heart.
Okay... sixth or seventh time that little pastor has bestowed upon me that beatific smille of his as I was leaving church. Next time I need to stop and introduce myself instead of just smiling back.

I'm not superstitious, but I can't help but wonder about buying an herbal product from an Etsy store that states it's product is made on a "witch's stove and stirred by a wand" or something to that effect.:look: I know about meat offered up to idols and how it would not be problematic for some but definitely for others. There's only but one G-d and I'm aware of scripture. Just, what would you do? It would seem as though it's a bit of humor in the description related to natural living and we all know how wiccans are seemingly heavily involved with herbal medicine. But something is off-putting. If I purchase this salve, would you have your priest bless it? Yes, I'm trying to find an alternate company. What would you do?
WOW! My discernment has been working over time. It always get like this when I've been in prayer and reading/listening to my word.
Thank you for your wisdom, @Nice & Wavy. Given what you shared, I think this person is moreso being demonized and through their own choices.

I really appreciate your prayers and will follow your advice. Thanks again.
You are more than welcome! Keep me posted!

Have you ever observed a child learn something new, and how big their eyes get when they finally understand? ... they get excited and happy and start to feel more confident..some clap... but they all SMILE. They always do. There is a reason why God uses children to teach us the most important lessons we can ever learn in life and in our spiritual lives. A trusted servant to a king wears the keys to the king's house around their neck ... to be a trusted servant of God, we must first be like little children and receive the key...

We should never lose that wonderment, spiritual or physical, because even among the most mature of Christians, we'll not be able to grasp here on earth, how long, high, deep and wide His Love is. We will know when we received from Him, because our hearts will SMILE every time, whether through our reading of the Word, through someone's words or a sermon, or even a song. Whatever you receive, I hope you treasure it, because it will always be something GOOD, designed for your heart, straight from His Heart.
Amen, sis!!!
auparavant said:

I'm not superstitious, but I can't help but wonder about buying an herbal product from an Etsy store that states it's product is made on a "witch's stove and stirred by a wand" or something to that effect.:look: I know about meat offered up to idols and how it would not be problematic for some but definitely for others. There's only but one G-d and I'm aware of scripture. Just, what would you do? It would seem as though it's a bit of humor in the description related to natural living and we all know how wiccans are seemingly heavily involved with herbal medicine. But something is off-putting. If I purchase this salve, would you have your priest bless it? Yes, I'm trying to find an alternate company. What would you do?

I think if you're questioning it then you probably shouldn't get it. It's obviously not sitting right in your spirit so I would just look for another company/individual that makes what u need. However if this is something u really wanna get then yes maybe pray over it before u use it or have ur priest bless it :D

I bought some Chinese holistic stuff and I didn't know that the person that made it prayed over it. I had a hard time focusing on God whenever I took this stuff. It made me lose weight and I spent ALOT on it but I wound up throwing it in te trash cause I felt like I shouldn't be taking it
From The Ministry of Encouragement ..

If it seems that your
life is not in order,
it may be because
your priorities
for life are out
of order.

Put God first and
Everything else will
fall into place.

The good life begins
when our Good
God is made #1.

Matthew 6:33 –“ But seek ye first the kingdom
of God, and his righteousness; and all these
things shall be added unto you.”
Today's promise

Philippians 4:19

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
I think if you're questioning it then you probably shouldn't get it. It's obviously not sitting right in your spirit so I would just look for another company/individual that makes what u need. However if this is something u really wanna get then yes maybe pray over it before u use it or have ur priest bless it :D

I bought some Chinese holistic stuff and I didn't know that the person that made it prayed over it. I had a hard time focusing on God whenever I took this stuff. It made me lose weight and I spent ALOT on it but I wound up throwing it in te trash cause I felt like I shouldn't be taking it

G-d is good...I was able to get it in town yesteday and I will make my own. It's processing now. I mean, she had the biggest size and the best price. :nono: You truly need to be careful out there. I've heard Cardinal Arinze give his opinion on a similar question over eating Chinese food and he said basically that we have nothing to fear (it was a white guy who said his old priest said don't eat it :nono:....that was just no right, imho) and he reassured them about this issue in scripture. But this stuff right here....something was like..."DON'T DO IT!" She might have been joking and I almost overlooked that little bit of print on her site...but it seems now it was some sort of ritual. :look:
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auparavant said:
G-d is good...I was able to get it in town yesteday and I will make my own. It's processing now. I mean, she had the biggest size and the best price. :nono: You truly need to be careful out there. I've heard Cardinal Arinze give his opinion on a similar question over eating Chinese food and he said basically that we have nothing to fear (it was a white guy who said his old priest said don't eat it :nono:....that was just no right, imho) and he reassured them about this issue in scripture. But this stuff right here....something was like..."DON'T DO IT!"

That was probably the Holy Spirit talking to you! The same thing happened to me I just threw that crap away lololol I'm glad u were able to make ur own! Now u can pray over it urself!! Lol :)
in the dessert section of our staff cafeteria nestled between the cheese and red velvet cakes

there was this and this, well I walked right on by, but not before I stopped to take a picture, they were huge ..practicing self control, another fruit of the spirit:yep:


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in the dessert section of our staff cafeteria nestled between the cheese and red velvet cakes

there was this and this, well I walked right on by, but not before I stopped to take a picture, they were huge ..practicing self control, another fruit of the spirit:yep:

Girl... You are Good..

I'd a' been like this... :cry: :nervous2: :cry: :whyme: :sick: :lol:

I'm not much on Oreo cookies, but I positively LOVE cherry pastries... :love4:
I could put every last bit of faith I have in me, in Him.
And still get crushed.
I declared, and I fasted, I spoke it, and I believed.
It didn't work.
And somehow it occurred to me at that point that we spend so much time praying, speaking, believing and declaring scripture, and God may just not do it.
Sure he's able, but he just won't do it.
How much more will he just "not do"?
I just don't have any faith left for the future.
in the dessert section of our staff cafeteria nestled between the cheese and red velvet cakes

there was this and this, well I walked right on by, but not before I stopped to take a picture, they were huge ..practicing self control, another fruit of the spirit:yep:

I could put every last bit of faith I have in me, in Him.
And still get crushed.
I declared, and I fasted, I spoke it, and I believed.
It didn't work.
And somehow it occurred to me at that point that we spend so much time praying, speaking, believing and declaring scripture, and God may just not do it.
Sure he's able, but he just won't do it.
How much more will he just "not do"?
I just don't have any faith left for the future.

And right when you are at the point of giving up is when you will see His hand move on your behalf.

Keep your focus. Do not give up. Stand and after you have done ALL to stand.........STAND AND GIRD UP YOUR LOINS!

The Lord could just be saving you from destruction. NOW is the time to TRUST HIM like never before!

Father, in the name of Jesus...I lift up my sister to you and I pray that you will give her your Peace, that surpasses all her understanding...let it guard her mind and her heart, right now, in Christ Jesus.

I pray that she will remember the day that you rescued her in the past and how you kept her ALL THIS TIME and, how you are STILL with her today, never leaving her and never forsaking her.

Father, I pray that the doors of doubt will close...for it should not be even in the thought of the believer. I pray that she will be comforted and that you will quickly reveal to her the reason of your stay, during this time in her life.

I know that you are able to make ALL grace abound for her...in her weakness, you are made strong. Help her to overcome and not look to the circumstances that are surrounding her, but that she will see You even in the midst of the storm. Remind her that you are the Captain of the Hosts and that you are at the helm, steering her life the way You desire, so that she will stay on the path that has been set for her.

I thank you, Father that she will come back to this thread with a testimony of how you delivered and set her free from this!

I praise You because I know that you are able to do it!!!

In Jesus precious and Holy Name...the Name that is above every name!

My prayers will be continually with you. Keep me posted.


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And right when you are at the point of giving up is when you will see His hand move on your behalf.

Keep your focus. Do not give up. Stand and after you have done ALL to stand.........STAND AND GIRD UP YOUR LOINS!

The Lord could just be saving you from destruction. NOW is the time to TRUST HIM like never before!

Father, in the name of Jesus...I lift up my sister to you and I pray that you will give her your Peace, that surpasses all her understanding...let it guard her mind and her heart, right now, in Christ Jesus.

I pray that she will remember the day that you rescued her in the past and how you kept her ALL THIS TIME and, how you are STILL with her today, never leaving her and never forsaking her.

Father, I pray that the doors of doubt will close...for it should not be even in the thought of the believer. I pray that she will be comforted and that you will quickly reveal to her the reason of your stay, during this time in her life.

I know that you are able to make ALL grace abound for her...in her weakness, you are made strong. Help her to overcome and not look to the circumstances that are surrounding her, but that she will see You even in the midst of the storm. Remind her that you are the Captain of the Hosts and that you are at the helm, steering her life the way You desire, so that she will stay on the path that has been set for her.

I thank you, Father that she will come back to this thread with a testimony of how you delivered and set her free from this!

I praise You because I know that you are able to do it!!!

In Jesus precious and Holy Name...the Name that is above every name!

My prayers will be continually with you. Keep me posted.



Thanks. Its really appreciated. xx
I wonder why do some christian blogger make being a christian sound so bloody wimpy. I'm not a sappy happy christian. I'm a bit edgy about things. I guess different strokes for different folks. I wish for once people who profess they are Christians would be real and raw. State that you have issues major ones. State you are going through the challenges of life and how you are working through them while being focused on how God wants you to. How going through day to day and crucifixion flesh hurts and the reality of living in this world. Not everything is going to be cute or major. God gave us free will and a brain. I see so many times folks think if your a Christian you don't have one. Maybe one day I will be a cute little Christian girl or lady who has the sassy pen and brooch and likes little kids and longs for marathon bible sessions. I crave now is quite time and solace with God.

Wasn't Peter kinda ruff? LOL. Not all the apostles were eloquent as Paul. Israel itself is pretty gruff, all throughout history. Some people are dainty, others are not. I'm rather "daint" and reserved in person...a total ruffian online lol. I say what I feel. Am I perfect? Nope, not at all. I now I have areas of my life that need help as do all of us. Thing is, don't be under another's judgement. Do YOU and become the best you can be. We should never compare ourselves to another in those ways....only for edification but not to compare worth if we want to keep our healthy self-esteem. Remember, even the most beautiful white-washed tombs house corrupt bodies. Paint conceals a lot of ills.
Sisters, please pray for my brother who suffered a fractured skull on Saturday night. He had surgery and according to doctors it was successful. Please help me pray that he will have a full recovery in Jesus name. I have been by his bedside this entire time and it's so hard seeing him lay there so helpless but I have to be strong for my mom who is a wreck right now.

Thanks in advance, BN.