2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

ITA.. lately, it's been of dreams for me... will share that when appropriate. My DH and mom tend to help me with dreams but some I just really have to pray about and leave it there....
I hope you are writing your dreams down in your journal..it's very important to do.
If we only believed that we are overcomers and conquerors, then we fear no one or anything. No threats. We walk with integrity, have a pure heart, and care about serving the Father. God settles and handles things. Hidden things come to light...
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Lately, yes...and I agree it's important. There are still some dreams I recall from years ago, as if I just dreamed them last night. I don't believe all dreams have deep spiritual meaning behind them, though. Could be from thinking on something too much, or just eating too late at night :lol: -- then they're nightmares. But I believe Almighty God could use a dream to send a message, as part of attestation. It's all a matter of discernment.

I hope you are writing your dreams down in your journal..it's very important to do.
Lately, yes...and I agree it's important. There are still some dreams I recall from years ago, as if I just dreamed them last night. I don't believe all dreams have deep spiritual meaning behind them, though. Could be from thinking on something too much, or just eating too late at night :lol: -- then they're nightmares. But I believe Almighty God could use a dream to send a message, as part of attestation. It's all a matter of discernment.
Yes, you are so right.:yep:
Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; For He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you—The former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.
Nice & Wavy did you make enough cookies for the cf group. We could have cookies and tea while having bible study.

I'm so grateful for being alive right now. I can walk,talk,run for short periods lol and can see. Thank you Jesus for that ability.
So... lol my therapist cracks me up. I was in there ranting about how money isn't real and how unfair the economy is and how God shouldn't have just dropped me here to fail blah blah blah. Finally he was like wait, you're a Christian right? I was like DUH (we refer to scripture all the time). He was like... so, if all of this isn't real and you're just going to leave here, then why do you care? I literally had nothing to say. LOL. I still have nothing to say. And I didn't wake up with any worries this morning for the first time in awhile. I was hoping for a moment where my fears would start seeming irrational, and I think that started yesterday...
Either that or my period is coming to a close I dunno we'll see LOL. Either way that was a big step for me.
@Nice & Wavy did you make enough cookies for the cf group. We could have cookies and tea while having bible study.

I'm so grateful for being alive right now. I can walk,talk,run for short periods lol and can see. Thank you Jesus for that ability.
Yes I did:lol:...I love tea with my cookies too! I'm so happy that you are happy right now. You are so loved :love2: :love3: :kiss:
^^ you're so wrong for that.. posting those cookie pics. Tempting people over the Innanet.

Just wrong...

:lol: :lol:
I wish I had saved these texts. But I'll ask this question anyway and will give further background info if needed. How do you ladies respond to someone who may say something like "I never claimed to do everything the bible says" or "just because it's in the bible doesn't mean I do it".

I called the guy a lukewarm Christian. Because while I don't claim to do everything because we all fall short, I still STRIVE to do what God tells me to do and I pray each time I fall short and ask God to help me with whatever I'm struggling with. This guy, not so much....oops I said I wouldn't give background unless asked. Ok. So how do you handle this other than praying for the person? Do you remain friends with people like this?
It is amazing when you close your eyes and simply think of Jesus and a big smile comes across your face and your heart is filled with joy.

My worship is a weapon. My praise is a shield. When I feel discourage and sadness try to come upon me, I simply worship. I have been having seizures for the past few months for no apparent reason.I have no family history of it. They started once a month. Then every few weeks, and now every other week, but after every seizure, I say "Lord, you still worthy". My love and my worship is not determined by circumstance nor situation. Because no matter what I go through it does not change what God has been to me. It does not take away from His greatness.He said he chooses His servants through the furnance of affliction. I have understanding that I must be afflicted to be chosen.So if this is my cup, I will drink of it, and not grudgingly.And I will not complain. All God want is glory. But glory comes forth out of pain. We always say we want God to be glorified, but at what cost are we willing to pay for it?

So when you feel like you can do nothing else. Worship. When you feel forsaken and broken. Worship. When you feel like you have tried everything and nothing is happened. Worship. When you want to throw in the towel.Worship. When you have pain but no words to express. Worship. It's power in our worship, that's why the enemy try to stop us from doing it. Don't try to figure it out. Just Worship...

In the midst of our worship is where God dwells......

psalm 91 v1-2

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
I really need to get back to studying and reflecting the Word every day. It's like I do well for about a week or 2 and then I fall off. That's how I am with everything though. Studying, working out, etc. With all the things one must do in a day, how do you ladies find balance or what tips do you have? It's hard for me because I'm really not in control of my schedule and I oftentimes don't know what I have to do for the day until the day of or night before.
I really need to get back to studying and reflecting the Word every day. It's like I do well for about a week or 2 and then I fall off. That's how I am with everything though. Studying, working out, etc. With all the things one must do in a day, how do you ladies find balance or what tips do you have? It's hard for me because I'm really not in control of my schedule and I oftentimes don't know what I have to do for the day until the day of or night before.
I know how you feel. My schedule can be pretty hectic too.

What I have done is to install a Bible app on both my phone and my tablet, that way when I have a small break or even in the restroom I can read at least a chapter or two.

The one thing I have learned is that I cannot live without reading the Word of God. It is food for my spirit so I make time, even while I eat the food for my body, I make time.

Hope that helps.
^^ you're so wrong for that.. posting those cookie pics. Tempting people over the Innanet.

Just wrong...

:lol: :lol:

:lol::lol::lol:...what's that saying "We go hard on the innanets!"

See, when you come and visit me...I will bake some for you:grin::grin::grin:

I know... Laela... it's just wrong, for Nice & Wavy to have that picture of sheer torture.

Those chocolate chips keep 'winking' at me, saying : "Come Hither" Shimmie, Come Hither" :lol:

Right now it's easier to get through the eye of a needle, than to get to those chips....

Precious Wavy, can I place an order for some of them cookies?
The Lord is unbelievably good and merciful and gracious. All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well. :yep:
It's so very easy to confuse the govt. with the land of Zion and His holy purpose. Feeling so very distant and even angry at the state of the society, esp. the prejudice and discrimination of brother against brother, I felt such disgust...and then I opened up my prayer book and there it was...

Psalm 132

13 For the Lord has chosen Zion,
he has desired it for his dwelling, saying,
14 “This is my resting place for ever and ever;
here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it.
15 I will bless her with abundant provisions;
her poor I will satisfy with food.
16 I will clothe her priests with salvation,
and her faithful people will ever sing for joy.

It's simple, really. He desired it and I should not allow the ugliness of the day destroy my memory of that.
I really need to get back to studying and reflecting the Word every day. It's like I do well for about a week or 2 and then I fall off. That's how I am with everything though. Studying, working out, etc. With all the things one must do in a day, how do you ladies find balance or what tips do you have? It's hard for me because I'm really not in control of my schedule and I oftentimes don't know what I have to do for the day until the day of or night before.


You (and the pastor at today's sermon) are reading my mind. :lol: I've been wanting to finish up the book of Jeremiah but just cannot find the time EVERYDAY to read it. And then it hit me today (in church). If I can make time to brush my teeth, then I can make time for the Word. If I can make time to read the news online, then I can make time for the Word. If I can make time to socialize, then I can make time for the Word. If you can view the Word as "essential" (which it is), time will be made. To answer your question more personally, I'm forcing myself to prioritize the Word above everything else outside of school/work. Even if it means going to bed 10-15 minutes later than usual, I have to open up the Bible.
Sigh......it cannot even be expressed properly, L-rd. You see it...please do something about it and remove those offenders from the way.
Said in the utmost of love......why do you think 1st runner up is a failure? Ever watched toddlers and tiaras? Those girls do pageants ALL the time, and sometimes never place......this was your first pageant and you placed! Right next to the top!!!!! That's something to be proud of. I'm sure there were other girls who had been doing it longer than you have and jealous of you.....try looking at the positive instead of the negative. You have accomplished a lot in such a little bit of time....I'm so proud of you! God is pleased with you! The road may have bumps and turns, but that doesn't mean you won't get to the destination you hoped for! Love you and Congratulations!!!!!!!!
GODdesmaker...you made first runner up? And you think you failed? You landed amongst the stars! See your glass as 1/2 FULL rather than 1/2 empty. And you should talk about this with your therapist who can help you get through these awful feelings and see just how much you accomplished. You did a great feat!
Thank all 3 of you. I thank you more so for not flogging me. I will shake this off in a day or two. I can't stay in this state of mind since it's major damaging.