2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Lord help me really get the word from today. Understanding of others is so needed. We often times are so busy wanting to get out point across and not wanting to get out done that we don't think to ask a person why they do what they do. I pray the word that the sermon was based on Proverbs 18 1-2 really gets deep inside me. It's very to the point. I don't want to be a fool. I know I have growing to do.

I pray that everyone who is coming to this area for the pageant this weekend is safe. We are all coming by no coincidence. Time to open up and allow others in my world. As the word says a fool isolates herself and I don't want to be that person.

I like this heartfelt prayer. Have a great week!
Father, help us to shine brightly this day and the whole week:

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Praise God for life like right now. Like you could be in heaven which isn't a bad thing but yet God allowed another day. I just want to tear up thinking about all the greatness and love that is abounding.
It's difficult not to become passionate about issues and especially not respond to insults from others. But if I can teach my kids anything from my culture and my faith, it's that they are not their honor classes, nor are they just competition for the braggarts. If worrying about being number one is all those are being taught about life, then their parents have missed a higher mark. Education is highly important to my family but justice is first. We don't take our degrees, jobs nor material possessions and elite experiences with us when we pass from this life. We don't even take our bodies. But what we do take is our souls and they will give an accounting on how kind, just and truthful they were.
I refuse to get involved with the fables of men...it's pointless, fruitless and tiring to say the least.

"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." NASB
I get that. But we must be ready to defend the faith, no matter how ridiculous the fables are. There's always somebody out there who truly wants the veritable story and they are just waiting for someone to give it. So much mush and wishful harmful thinking going on. There's crap, then there's the true gospel. This is like the 4th attempt within what, 4 to 5 years? DaVinci Code, the Ossuary supposedly containing the body of Jesus...what's that Antonio Banderas movie...The Body? Eh. Nice tries.

But I heard something strange today in response in the tweeted comments to CNN...."whether he was married or not, I still love Jesus." Ok, I get that point. But what if someone were trying to prove he was a murderer? You couldn't quite use that same response. Put the truth into firm declaration, no matter what, and stand on it.

l Peter 3:15

"New International Version (©1984)
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,"

Incidentally, being gentle and respectful doesn't equate with not being confident.
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Bible Study was great tonight. We spoke about the church not compromising to fit in with the world. Also that as Christians we should be willing to stand out and up for the truth and the word of God and be prepared for any consequences that come with that stance.
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Some people think they know everything. No one knows everything! People who think they know everything are not teachable. They think they have all the answers and no one can tell them anything! Their minds are closed. Until they realize that they are uncertain in some areas, it will be impossible for them to grow.
auparavant said:
I get that. But we must be ready to defend the faith, no matter how ridiculous the fables are. There's always somebody out there who truly wants the veritable story and they are just waiting for someone to give it. So much mush and wishful harmful thinking going on. There's crap, then there's the true gospel. This is like the 4th attempt within what, 4 to 5 years? DaVinci Code, the Ossuary supposedly containing the body of Jesus...what's that Antonio Banderas movie...The Body? Eh. Nice tries.

But I heard something strange today in response in the tweeted comments to CNN...."whether he was married or not, I still love Jesus." Ok, I get that point. But what if someone were trying to prove he was a murderer? You couldn't quite use that same response. Put the truth into firm declaration, no matter what, and stand on it.

l Peter 3:15

"New International Version (©1984)
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,"

Incidentally, being gentle and respectful doesn't equate with not being confident.

And I wish some Christians wouldn't believe everything they hear...especially from the world. Some people, instead of doing Biblical research themselves will just entertain an idea because they figure someone more reputable, smarter, or more scholarly than them must have thought of it and "proved" it.

Also note this one idea spawns a lot of other ideas such as the Bible not being complete and reputable and that ultimately leads people away from the Gospel.

But yes, I'm done entertaining the "idea".
This reminds me of:
Matt 7:6

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

I refuse to get involved with the fables of men...it's pointless, fruitless and tiring to say the least.

"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." NASB
I didn't write l Peter 3:15 but the L-rd surely did. I am not the issue...we are all different. As christians, we are to defend the faith and not hide our heads in the sand. If one applied that logic of ignoring the confusion, then we shouldn't be addressing the abortion issue either because it's an idea outside christian doctrine.

There are people who are not afraid of the charges. The L-rd is not shocked when He hears of such ideas and He offers a way to get to the truth. He doesn't curl his lips and spit in disgust when someone is contrary. If he were, then everytime one of his followers sins, we should expect even more lip curling and spittle.

Sometimes, people learn the christian view through direct discussion where such ideas are shown to be disproven through scripture and additionally, in our case as catholics, by holy tradition. If one doesn't care to discuss such issues, there is no problem. But purposefully misconstruing meaning and/or failing to link to the full articles as well as despising orthodoxy in its views on the faith are not reasons to pin blame on a fellow believer because they make you uncomfortable. If people are not familiar with the confusions about Jesus, let them study and learn and be ready to defend the truths. Many ask. I am not the author of the confusions nor am I the author of the truths of Him but I am simply a follower. Again, I didn't command to defend the faith, He did.
I've been enjoying Mary Welchel this week about feeding oneself spiritually. I agree with her that journaling is a good process to aid in growth:

Journaling is a fancy word and I think it scares some people off. But it's very simple: You get yourself a notebook, and write in it what passage you read that day, and just a few notes as to how it ministered to you. It doesn't take long and it's well worth the effort.

For example, today I read Luke 17, and I was struck by what Jesus said in verse 4, that if someone sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, "I repent," forgive him. That is a tall order, don't you think? It caused me to stop and think about how I'm supposed to forgive someone over and over and over for the same thing! I made a few notes in my journal, and when you do that, it helps you remember what you heard God say through his Word. It's a great help in feeding yourself, and I encourage you, if you haven't tried journaling as you read the Bible, please give it a try. It will help you grow up.
- MARY WELCHEL, Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Getting into methodologies and technicalities and not enjoying God's best for us is a waste. People that care about a person will attempt to pull them up and not baby a person who has walked with the Lord for 30 years without progress. It would look bad if a mother was carrying a 30-year-old in a stroller who has use of their physical limbs....
God's Word is so powerful, sometimes it's clear we can underestimate or take for granted how powerful He really is.... He is a double-edge Sword Who heals while He cuts (conviction). We can read the Word times over and still get refreshed each time. Still get revelation, each time. It's never the "same old Word". It's Living...always fresh, always new, always flowing. It brings healing. Never hurts. Never despairs. Never disappointments. That is why two people can read the same thing and get different meanings, because the same Word is unique to everyone. That's how precious we are in the sight of God. As big as He is, He sees each person. God is about individuality and that is why no two people are ever the same, yet we are all the same in His Eye, through Jesus. Double-edged Sword.

Mark 2:22 says:
And no man puts new wine into old wineskins: else the new wine does burst the wineskins, and the wine is spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined: but new wine must be put into new wineskins.

Would we dare presume that we can improve on anything Jesus has already given to us? I don't have that power ... The Blood of Jesus has the power to change the mind. Salvation is free.
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Talk is cheap. It is not just reciting, writing or talking about it. Actually, making the changes makes the Word powerful. People say the right things because they may have a new hidden agenda--to gain another handout or lost approval.

When you are free from people bondage and operating from the right motives, you will just do. Actions will show over time. Time reveals all things.

Jezebel spirit pretends for a while to be on the right path and then, submerges.
Nice Lady if I ever see a 30 yr older in a stroller I'm going to fall out on the floor.

I don't know if this is something that I should ask for prayer about but please keep in your thoughts this weekend ladies. I will be going out of my comfort zone and doing my first and probable only beauty pageant. I know it's nothing that is praise worthy but its been a goal of mine for 10 yrs for a many of reasons. I was made in his image so there is beauty within that so maybe that is praise worthy.
God's Word is so powerful, sometimes it's clear we can underestimate or take for granted how powerful He really is.... He is a double-edge Sword Who heals while He cuts (conviction). We can read the Word times over and still get refreshed each time. Still get revelation, each time. It's never the "same old Word". It's Living...always fresh, always new, always flowing. It brings healing. Never hurts. Never despairs. Never disappointments. That is why two people can read the same thing and get different meanings, because the same Word is unique to everyone. That's how precious we are in the sight of God. As big as He is, He sees each person. God is about individuality and that is why no two people are ever the same, yet we are all the same in His Eye, through Jesus. Double-edged Sword.

Mark 2:22 says:
And no man puts new wine into old wineskins: else the new wine does burst the wineskins, and the wine is spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined: but new wine must be put into new wineskins.

Would we dare presume that we can improve on anything Jesus has already given to us? I don't have that power ... The Blood of Jesus has the power to change the mind. Salvation is free.
Beautiful words from a beautiful woman of God! Keep your focus...the Lord is about to do something NEW in you!
I've been enjoying Mary Welchel this week about feeding oneself spiritually. I agree with her that journaling is a good process to aid in growth:

Journaling is a fancy word and I think it scares some people off. But it's very simple: You get yourself a notebook, and write in it what passage you read that day, and just a few notes as to how it ministered to you. It doesn't take long and it's well worth the effort.

For example, today I read Luke 17, and I was struck by what Jesus said in verse 4, that if someone sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, "I repent," forgive him. That is a tall order, don't you think? It caused me to stop and think about how I'm supposed to forgive someone over and over and over for the same thing! I made a few notes in my journal, and when you do that, it helps you remember what you heard God say through his Word. It's a great help in feeding yourself, and I encourage you, if you haven't tried journaling as you read the Bible, please give it a try. It will help you grow up.
- MARY WELCHEL, Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I have been journaling for years! I have enough notebooks to fill a closet...praise God!
Nice Lady if I ever see a 30 yr older in a stroller I'm going to fall out on the floor.

I don't know if this is something that I should ask for prayer about but please keep in your thoughts this weekend ladies. I will be going out of my comfort zone and doing my first and probable only beauty pageant. I know it's nothing that is praise worthy but its been a goal of mine for 10 yrs for a many of reasons. I was made in his image so there is beauty within that so maybe that is praise worthy.

Yes, it would be funny. Darling, I wish you the very best on your pageant. This also represents the progress you have made.
Changes don't happen overnight. You have to be committed because you will be tempted to go back. People can cheer you on, but you have to be courageous by yourself. Our walk with God is a personal thing and not a facade.
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ITA.. lately, it's been of dreams for me... will share that when appropriate. My DH and mom tend to help me with dreams but some I just really have to pray about and leave it there....

I have been journaling for years! I have enough notebooks to fill a closet...praise God!