2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

2 Cor 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

There is FRESHNESS and NEWNESS in Christ.

stop bringing up what I used to do, the bible says; behold or look....LOOK at me now I am new in Christ Jesus. Amen!
I call upon you Lord more but I still am not where I should be. I should be perfect in my praise and speech but I am not. I hear time and time again your so brutal with yourself how do I not. I say I'm not deserving of another day and some disbelief that. Maybe my thoughts about deserving another chance is what is getting me down. My belief that there isn't much hope for me because nothing has come yet is why I am so belittling of myself. I don't want to be that way. I feel too sensitive to the gloom and doom I hear from some Christians but I'm too sensitive to the everything is great and all have a bright life I hear from non-Christians. I need balance. I need a chance.
Thank you Lord for guidance and Godly advice. I am so grateful for all the people that help to show me the right way.
Thank you for your goodness:

May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory and raise a victory banner in the name of our God. May the LORD answer all your prayers.
You can spend all your
time adding up your
troubles or you can spend
your time counting up all
of your blessings.

You’re loaded down
with the goodness of God.

Recognize it and appreciate it!

Psalm 68:19 – “Blessed be the Lord,
who daily loadeth us
with benefits, even
the God of our salvation.”
Submission to Christ is everything. But man's coercion and forced submission of those around him is not g-dly. You should not publicly shame someone into deference. That is against their humanity.
Billy Graham comes to mind today...and I'm just sharing some of the powerful things he's said over the decades:

A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone.


When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.


A real Christian is a person who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip.

God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, "I love you."

It is not the body's posture, but the heart's attitude that counts when we pray.


I've read the last page of the Bible. It's all going to turn out all right.


God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.

My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world.


The framers of our Constitution meant we were to have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

Read the Bible. Work hard and honestly. And don't complain.

Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love.

Believers, look up - take courage. The angels are nearer than you think.


The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service. The greatest form of praise is the sound of consecrated feet seeking out the lost and helpless.


If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life.


There is nothing wrong with men possessing riches. The wrong comes when riches possess men.


Prayer is simply a two-way conversation between you and God.


God's angels often protect his servants from potential enemies.


Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion - it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.


God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in heaven, and if it takes my dog being there, I believe he'll be there.


Only God Himself fully appreciates the influence of a Christian mother in the molding of character in her children.


Everybody has a little bit of Watergate in him.
I haven't been faithful to my own advice in the past. I will in the future.


Man has two great spiritual needs. One is for forgiveness. The other is for goodness.

Here is an excerpt on Spiritual Development(Catch more of it on http://www.gospelway.com/christianlife/steps_maturity.php) :

A. We Will Never Grow Unless We Want to Grow

In the physical realm, children WANT to grow.

"I want to grow up to be just like Mommy/Daddy/Michael Jordan..." "I can't wait till I'm 16 so I can drive."
Parents and kids become so excited when kids learn something new - the first step, first word, draw picture, etc. Everyone wants them to develop new abilities.
Parents sometimes use this to encourage children. When Tim was small, he wanted to drink milk because Bill Buckner (Cubs' first baseman) advertised it.

Likewise, in spiritual matters, Christians must WANT to grow.

1 Peter 2:2 - Desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.

Some seem to like being spiritual babies. They don't want to grow. It's easy to be a baby - no responsibility. Others feed you, clothe you, change your diaper. In the church, you don't have to teach, rebuke sin, or do work. It's a free ride!

But being a baby is not the goal of life. We are born babies so we can grow up and be productive and useful. Likewise, we are born again, so we can become mature Christians, actively serving the Lord.

One of the conditions for becoming a child of God is REPENTANCE. One must determine to turn from sin and GO TO WORK in God's vineyard. Then one must bring forth the FRUITS of repentance. This will lead us to grow and improve in God's work. Otherwise, we have not accomplished our purpose for becoming children of God.

1 Peter 2:21 - Jesus set an example for us, and we should follow in His steps. We should ask ourselves, "Don't I want to grow up to be spiritually strong like Jesus?"

B. We Must Maintain This Desire to Grow.

Some members who once wanted to grow, may lose that desire.

They may start off on fire for the Lord, but lose their zeal. They develop a spirit of indifference or negligence.
Others develop a level of maturity and stagnate. They are satisfied, thinking no more growth is needed.

The Scriptures teach that growth is always needed.

Philippians 3:12-14 - Even Paul, as mature as he was, did not consider himself to have achieved perfection (maturity) such that he could cease striving to improve. He forgot past achievements (and failures) and pressed on to greater accomplishments.
Matthew 26:31-35 - Peter thought he had reached a level where he would never deny Jesus. But that very night he denied Him three times.

1 Corinthians 10:12 - Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. Christians never reach the point we are so mature that we cannot fall.

One of the main reasons Christians do not grow is that they do not see the NEED for growing. They have no desire to work and serve to the full extent of their ability. When people develop a burning hunger and thirst to work for the Lord, then they will develop the other steps they need to grow.

Do you have that burning desire to accomplish more for the Lord? Have you set specific goals of work you want to accomplish for God, improvements to make, new levels to reach?
As one gets older, you begin to feel sorry for bitter individuals. When you are whole, you realize how polluted and a bit insane their view and take on life is. One can only pray and hope that they get free of a bitter spirit. When a middle-aged person, thinks being spiteful and insanity is the answer. It is almost like: What have you learned since you been on this planet? Haven't you learned how to handle different people? Haven't learned how to deal with the storms of life without it tearing you to shreds? Haven't learned fighting small things are a waste of time while not winning the war?.. Real talk....

Anyway, Father, thank you for your goodness and as your children, the ability to triumph. Not be emblems of defeat in this life:

For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.
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Does anyone ever feel overwhelmed in life? Does anyone here ever feel a urge to pray for people you don't know? Does anyone ever feel like just being in total silence of this crazy loud world? I do. I may be alone in my thoughts but I won't be ashamed anymore of my thoughts. I'm not the ice princess I thought I was or wanted to be so badly. I guess people can change.
Does anyone ever feel overwhelmed in life? Does anyone here ever feel a urge to pray for people you don't know? Does anyone ever feel like just being in total silence of this crazy loud world? I do. I may be alone in my thoughts but I won't be ashamed anymore of my thoughts. I'm not the ice princess I thought I was or wanted to be so badly. I guess people can change.

Yes! Plenty of times. I have prayed for people I don't know many times, just from an unction that I get. I have silently prayed for God to bless people all the time. The fact that you've seen yourself changing is awesome, that's the power of the Holy Spirit!!!! I have seen so many changes in myself since dedicating my life to Christ, there are a lot more changes and growth that I need, but thank God for what He's done so far. I surprise myself sometimes, which affirms how much my changes have nothing to do with me. God is just awesome.
Does anyone ever feel overwhelmed in life? Does anyone here ever feel a urge to pray for people you don't know? Does anyone ever feel like just being in total silence of this crazy loud world? I do. I may be alone in my thoughts but I won't be ashamed anymore of my thoughts. I'm not the ice princess I thought I was or wanted to be so badly. I guess people can change.

Nope, you are not an ice princess at all.
Has anyone actually had God give them direction??

Yes, many times. You always start off with prayer and ask him to help you. Sometimes, we are too quick to reach out first to others who love us, but may not point us in the right direction or know themselves. Psalm 32:8 says he will instruct us and guide us in the way in the way we should go. Other Scriptures for reference are: John 10:26-28 and Romans 8:14. Don't get into a panic even if the deadline for the answer is approaching.

He will send confirmations through: (1) people; (2) lead you to a verse with the answer; (3) uncover vital information to help you make decisions or (4) any other source.

Make sure any advice given to you lines up with the Word of God. You don't want to do something that violates His Word because then you will land into problems. I am sure there is more to add to this answer...
Thanks for your goodness and our stance of victory in life:

He took his life in his hands when he killed the Philistine. The LORD won a great victory for all Israel, and you saw it and were glad.

I praise your wonderful name. I thank you reign over all:

Oh, sing to the LORD a new song! For He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.
This was my first post in this thread and the Lord wants it to be a reminder for those of us here who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose:love3:

We have a work to do, women of God! Let us gather together and pray and love on each other...for the Harvest is going to great this year! There will be supernatural occurrences that will take place...a supernatural watering of the seeds that has been planted already in the hearts of those who have been reading the Word in this forum in 2011.

Be ready....be diligent and steadfast....but, keep your FOCUS!

Looking forward to a great year in ministry with you!

Love always....

Nice & Wavy
There is no pain Jesus can't feel
No hurt He cannot heal
All things work according to His perfect will

No matter what you're going through
Remember God is using You
For the battle is not yours, it's the Lord's

There's no sadness Jesus can't feel
And there is no sorrow that He cannot heal
For all things work according to the Master's holy will

No matter what you're going through
Remember that God is only using You
For the battle is not yours, it's the Lord's

This was my first post in this thread and the Lord wants it to be a reminder for those of us here who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose:love3:


Agreed. We need to be pressing into the things that we can do today for the Father. We have cities that need our help and prayer.
Father, I thank you that we will begin to operate at the levels that you called us to. Let us not take our existence here for granted. Help us to get re-focused on your calendar and let us bring Heaven to Earth:

May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests.
Timely Word ... especially when dealing with friends and family in real life who don't want to hear anything about God or Jesus. Painful, but hey, Jesus suffered and died for our sins. There is no comparison...Amein~

September 15

I Thessalonians 2:2
But though we had already suffered and been shamefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we had boldness in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in the midst of much conflict. (English Standard Version)

When people see how much you're willing to suffer for your cause, they are usually much more willing to at least listen. Unfortunately, suffering is a reality in this life. Many of us suffer as quiet Christians while Paul suffered because of his call. Sometimes we think boldness means that we will declare the gospel in a dark environment. Paul's kind of boldness is characterized by continuing to declare after you have already endured persecution. A hostile environment doesn't mean you will be persecuted. These believers knew first hand that Paul was slandered, beaten, deserted, and exposed. When Paul had an opportunity the preach the gospel, he considered it an honor to suffer for Christ. Most of us won't even suffer with him, let alone suffer for him. Paul had the resolve to go through conflict for any person in need of salvation. Do you think you could plan your next preaching engagement after being hospitalized for the beating you took the last time you preached?

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church
Kinda ticked I can't go to Mass today...but it'll be alright. I shouldn't spread hideous germs. One thing's for sure, I'm finding what I came to look for. It's happening fast. You just never know about that kinda thing. G-d is looking out for us, truly.
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When I Think about the Lord,
How He saved me, how He raised me,
How He filled me, with the Holy Ghost.
How He healed me, to the uttermost.

When I Think about the Lord,
How He picked me up and turned me around,
How He placed my feet on solid ground

It makes me wanna shout,
Thank you JESUS,
LORD, your worthy, of all the glory, and all the honor,
And all the praise...!


Lord help me really get the word from today. Understanding of others is so needed. We often times are so busy wanting to get out point across and not wanting to get out done that we don't think to ask a person why they do what they do. I pray the word that the sermon was based on Proverbs 18 1-2 really gets deep inside me. It's very to the point. I don't want to be a fool. I know I have growing to do.

I pray that everyone who is coming to this area for the pageant this weekend is safe. We are all coming by no coincidence. Time to open up and allow others in my world. As the word says a fool isolates herself and I don't want to be that person.