2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Thanks for giving life again this morning. I turn over my life for service:

"Yours, O Lord is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all."
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@ the bolded... :yep:

Car accidents (and other traumatic experiences) are a part of life, sometimes based on our actions/decisions. At other times, we didn't have to do anything. I believe there are reasons some die and others don't and that has everything to do with God.

Whether saved or not people get involved in vehicular accidents every day. Being on the road increases one's chances on being involved in a vehicular accident whether it was our fault or not. NY preacher David Wilkins was killed in a more recent car wreck. I remember when Gospel singer Rev. Timothy Wright died. Christian band MercyMe was involved in a fatal wreck and knew people who died in car accidents, their experience yielded the soul-soothing song "I Can Only Imagine" that no doubt has touched, and still is, touching many lives.

Then we have Singer Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter, killed by her brother in a car accident. She was an innocent child, but God allowed her death. I mean really...when we look at car accidents I believe that God is always in control during those times. Good comes out of trauma and death, as in Chapman's case, for example, when he wrote a song that no doubt touched the lives of millions and may have saved many from suicide. If anyone has heard that song, they know what I'm talking about. We experience where the deaths of people are a wake-up call for others and others are led to Christ.

My point in sharing all this is, we never really know until we know from God Himself or see the fruit borne out death/trauma what God is saying. Sometimes he may not be saying anything to the person involved in accident but using their lives to speak to others! We keep folks in prayer when they have escaped physical death, Christian or not. But we must hold fast and trust that God KNOWS what He is doing. Our job is simply prayer.

On those two separate vids, I'm really glad to see two different testimonies from two seemingly remarkable young women. One was confident and had no doubt she'd have made it to heaven.. I so enjoyed her testimony!!I am convinced that anyone who takes the time to listen to her testimony is in for a blessing.

God's ways are never our ways and I'm so grateful to Him for that!

Interesting....what was so good to see was the fact that she was listening to the other young lady who was in a car accident talk about the Lord and how people need to get their lives right with Him, etc. Taren talked about watching the video. A seed planted produces fruit. Taren had a car accident a week later...God is speaking to Taren, just hopes she is listening.
Courtesy of Tebow today:

7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.

8 They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.”
I know you and Hubby are praying; as well as several others here on this forum and outside that I know personally. :yep:

We've been praying all along, yet in amazement of those in the 'Body' who are not. They are truly caught up in the man, igoring the platform which has dire consequences. I thank God for the Churches and other Believers who are not supporting his destructive platform.

Tuesday night's theme just took the cake... satan's stamp is all over his campaign. You can literally see the principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places, hovering over the Washington capital and the White house.

So sad... so very, very sad. :nono: That's when I needed to ask my Pastors, why are other Churches celebrating this, and without conviction not to. Why can't they see it?

For Barack Obama... He's not Ready to lead yet; far too many souls are following him into darkness.

Until he surrenders his heart to God, he's not ready. He's not on his knees yet. His heart is not with God. When he is, his fruit will show and give God the Glory.

Yes, sis...DH and I pray for him all the time...that's what we are called to do!

Adding her to the prayer list for deliverance. :yep:
:yep::yep::yep: amen!

@ the bolded... :yep:

Car accidents (and other traumatic experiences) are a part of life, sometimes based on our actions/decisions. At other times, we didn't have to do anything. I believe there are reasons some die and others don't and that has everything to do with God.

Whether saved or not people get involved in vehicular accidents every day. Being on the road increases one's chances on being involved in a vehicular accident whether it was our fault or not. NY preacher David Wilkins was killed in a more recent car wreck. I remember when Gospel singer Rev. Timothy Wright died. Christian band MercyMe was involved in a fatal wreck and knew people who died in car accidents, their experience yielded the soul-soothing song "I Can Only Imagine" that no doubt has touched, and still is, touching many lives.

Then we have Singer Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter, killed by her brother in a car accident. She was an innocent child, but God allowed her death. I mean really...when we look at car accidents I believe that God is always in control during those times. Good comes out of trauma and death, as in Chapman's case, for example, when he wrote a song that no doubt touched the lives of millions and may have saved many from suicide. If anyone has heard that song, they know what I'm talking about. We experience where the deaths of people are a wake-up call for others and others are led to Christ.

My point in sharing all this is, we never really know until we know from God Himself or see the fruit borne out death/trauma what God is saying. Sometimes he may not be saying anything to the person involved in accident but using their lives to speak to others! We keep folks in prayer when they have escaped physical death, Christian or not. But we must hold fast and trust that God KNOWS what He is doing. Our job is simply prayer.

On those two separate vids, I'm really glad to see two different testimonies from two seemingly remarkable young women. One was confident and had no doubt she'd have made it to heaven.. I so enjoyed her testimony!!I am convinced that anyone who takes the time to listen to her testimony is in for a blessing.

God's ways are never our ways and I'm so grateful to Him for that!

Amen to this whole post! I was in a bad car accident in 2007 and I'm still dealing with the effects of that accident. I praise God He kept me during that accident...He is so good!
Wrong doing is never an excuse to use God turning what the devil (or tare) did for evil and turning for good. Calling around other Christians to explain that what wrongdoing was meant because God had a higher purpose. God can take any bad choice and turn it around. However, we still have take ownership for our actions. We can't be fraudulent Christians.

It is not okay to be saved for 30 years and in kindergarten. The seats are too small--literally and figuratively.
Shimmie I always love your senitments and you are the most fancy of them all with those smilies. Did you do a class on the use of them.

I guess at times it's hard to accept my talent and not look into others lane. I don't feel being a voice is all that important. However I know that it is to a degree. Gives me something to ponder on tonight while doing a night of prayer online.

:lol: I need a T-Shirt that displays the little smilies.
I am happy that Shimmie congratulated publicly. You are doing good and more importantly, you are growing. That is apart of Christianity. Anytime, a person is in everyone else's lane--they are jealous and don't have their life together. Women of substance who have been through it and triumphed in life try to always reach back and help the younger ones. Shimmie displayed that.

I am proud of your spiritual development. You are progressing. I know you will reach back and help others.

Thank you Nice Lady

Shimmie cares about GoddessMaker... she's been through hell and back and only a woman with great strength such as hers deserves to be recognized. :yep:
Wrong doing is never an excuse to use God turning what the devil (or tare) did for evil and turning for good. Calling around other Christians to explain that what wrongdoing was meant because God had a higher purpose. God can take any bad choice and turn it around.
However, we still have take ownership for our actions. We can't be fraudulent Christians.

It is not okay to be saved for 30 years and in kindergarten. The seats are too small--literally and figuratively.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Lord, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a Child of God. I would be sooooooo lost without you. I'm so happy to be a Christian!!!!

Thank you, Jesus!
..and I for one am so glad you're here today. To God be the Glory!!!

Amen to this whole post! I was in a bad car accident in 2007 and I'm still dealing with the effects of that accident. I praise God He kept me during that accident...He is so good!
..and I for one am so glad you're here today. To God be the Glory!!!
And I you, my sister! Thank you so much...love you! :love3: :kiss:

ETA: Laela

I had to come back in here to let you know that I love you and appreciate your ministry here in the CF. We all have different gifts in our ministry, but yours reminds me of Barnabas....you are such an encourager and I am so grateful that you are here.

May the Lord continue to pour out into your spirit His Wisdom so that you can continue to be an encourager to me....you are one of a kind!!!

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Nice Lady you went in on the spritual level with your last post. If I were to put you on the mic at a church the place would surely blow up. I believe every word of you post beyond words.

I want to do a prayer group or some sort irl. However I don't know enough people to do it so I will keep pushing myself to pray first thing in the morning on my knees daily. I want to be on the path God wants me to be. I know I have dreams but I may give them up as I want to make sure all I do will glorify him.

I wonder about my walk quite a bit. I stumble on things that I feel I should be good on. But it shows how much I constantly am in need of God. I feel I'm fighting for my life most days. I feel a bit overwhelmed at times with life. It's like I can't breathe. But I push through because there has to be better for my life. I won't always be raggedy and poor. I won't always be of the have not's because God is not lack of anything. I just need to make sure I'm really using my time in the waiting room properly.
“I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world; but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am” - John Newton
Disclaimer: This is not for any one person....this is general, k? :love2:

There has to come a time when we stop and think before we post. :yep:

Is it coming from a heart of love?

Is with God in mind?

Are we looking to be disciples that are examples to ALL people so that we can disciple others correctly?

Will the Lord be pleased with your post/posts?

I believe we MUST change our hearts on a daily basis. Allow the Holy Spirit to take charge in our hearts before we decide to post. If we aren't feeling well in our spirit, then I say...don't post it.

I love that the Holy Spirit is our teacher....there is no failing in Him.


Love to all!!!

Father, I thank you for another day of life. I pray for a renewed passion, vigor and desire to do things that are Kingdom-building. Grant us victory over prolonged things and unseen things in this week:

Now this I know: The LORD gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand.
Thank you @BostonMaria for posting that video link. She was very transparent something society isn't ready for. I truly love testimonies because it shows how God cares for each and every one of his kids. God unlike some people can't give each of their kids care and keep up with each one. I see this at stores all day long lol.

I want to be like the young woman in the video to shift my thinking away from the what could have to what is. To not think about all the failed suicide attempts, the life threatening situations I placed myself in,the wasted money and time. Instead I want to dwell my thinking on the failed attempts of not being on this earth,the fact I'm here typing this very message out right now knowing the situations I placed myself in. Just to be able to see right now,to be able to walk in my kitchen and get something to eat when there have been times when I had nothing.

I think back to a sermon I was studying and the thought waiting time is never wasted time. While I wait for what God has me here for I will take that time and be on point. Not in the physical sense but spiritually. Like the young lady said if you always ready you will be ready. It has taken a long time for certain things to finally be accepted in my life. I still grapple with accepting myself and that I'm not the damaged produce I really think I am. My God still looks at me with all my flaws and sees his handiwork in me. I can finally accept that it is ok to be loved and to love. It's ok for me to be happy instead of sad. It's ok to reach out to others and that no one even those on this site are too good for me to speak to. Lord thank you for grace and mercy.

I always watch testimonials on Youtube to continue encouraging myself to pray every day. It makes me remember that I'm not alone in this world. Pete Cabrera is my favorite and he's a faith healer from Kansas. Here's one of his videos and I hope you subscribe to him:

Watching Creflo and TD every sunday, going to church at christenings, weddings and funerals, subscribting to Joel and Victoria and being able to recite Pslams 23 in the time of crisis does not mean that you have relationship with God ...

it's painful trying to explain some things to yall, I know that I'm an outsider and I wont compromise because we are 'family', I guess this is the 'sword' that the Lord speaks about in Matthew 10...
I receive that Blessing, in Jesus' Name, Amein.

And I you, my sister! Thank you so much...love you! :love3: :kiss:

ETA: @Laela

I had to come back in here to let you know that I love you and appreciate your ministry here in the CF. We all have different gifts in our ministry, but yours reminds me of Barnabas....you are such an encourager and I am so grateful that you are here.

May the Lord continue to pour out into your spirit His Wisdom so that you can continue to be an encourager to me....you are one of a kind!!!

I know I may be off base in my next thought but, I feel I have to be very careful who I let in my life and what I read here. I know everyone isn't a christian but I am. I know many believe in other ways of healing and dealing but I know the word says God is a jealous god and therefore I can't worship another. I don't want to worship anything but God so I have to be mad careful what I read and accept in. I'm researching how not to beat myself up and I see so much about various things that I can't be open to. I want to be open to good sound doctrine. I know Rome wasn't built in a day and maybe that is the first step of my process. I just want to have the life that I was born to have. I want to not be effected by external. I want to operate from the inside out instead of the other way around. One day all this will make sense.
I know I may be off base in my next thought but, I feel I have to be very careful who I let in my life and what I read here. I know everyone isn't a christian but I am. I know many believe in other ways of healing and dealing but I know the word says God is a jealous god and therefore I can't worship another. I don't want to worship anything but God so I have to be mad careful what I read and accept in. I'm researching how not to beat myself up and I see so much about various things that I can't be open to. I want to be open to good sound doctrine. I know Rome wasn't built in a day and maybe that is the first step of my process. I just want to have the life that I was born to have. I want to not be effected by external. I want to operate from the inside out instead of the other way around. One day all this will make sense.
This is a really good post. You are certainly not alone...we ALL must pay attention to what we read and allow in our eye gates. :yep:
I would be too afraid to say that I am a Christian and not believe God's Word in its entirety!:nono: I am soooooo happy that the Lord has given me His Word and that I can receive His Word with gladness!

The bible says "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." James 1:8

Thank you, Lord for your Word!
This is my prayer today...

Lord I acknowledge You,

I don’t know what to do,

But my eyes are on You,

I have not been this way,

Each step is strange and new,

My eyes are still on You,

Teach me Your ways and I will follow,

Speak to me now I will obey,

You’ve always brought me through,

My eyes are still on You!
Christ is the foundation of our faith... we can never go wrong sticking to the basics as His Children, and that is focusing on Him, The Gospel.
ITA with the Sword of the day shared by IWantHealthyhair67.... it's in order and I thank God for His Word.

Deep and wide

Deep and wide

There's a Fountain flowing deep and wide


Ephesians 6:16-19
That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.