2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

I can be a bit more real this morning. I helped a lady who is trying to start a fashion show production biz. She couldn't get her hair done for a event last night so I helped her get some hair and made it nice with the half wig. I also did her makeup. All free since I know she is unemployed due to the way I meet her,at my job at the unemployment office. I was more so disappointed that she acted if she could get us into this swank event last night. I say doing the stuff I did as fine because I would at least get a chance to mingle and possible get some paid clients. That was a bust.

I look at this board and becoming so hopefully that maybe just maybe I can have come from the rubble of the poor and become something great. I know everything is a process and I should stay in my lane and not compare but it's sorta hard to not see others and use that as a benchmark. But as a friend here said a few nights ago you didn't come from a easy life the fact that you aren't strung out on dope and drunkard with no kids is just a miracle so don't sweat you are doing the most with all the hell you been through. I just want to be a real success story.

But you ARE a REAL success story. Very Real.

You are the 'voice' of many who have been silenced by fear and rejection. Many are reading your posts and are able to 'exhale' for you are speaking what they are feeling; for the hurts in their lives have 'muted' them; they cannot convey the words of their hurts. Yet, you are speaking for them and they are being set free as you indeed are free in Jesus.

You are the 'Voice' of Healing for multitudes who can only wish for someone to hear them. Many 'hear' them, through you. Share your victories, you have them, many. :yep: Share your heart, that others may be healed, knowing someone has heard them.... finally.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen . . .

this was encouraging

Philippians 4:13
I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (New International Version)

This is one of the most popular verses in the entire bible. When Paul said it, I don't think he was necessarily talking about outward ability. As your grow in your Christianity, you will understand more and more that your hindrances are primarily internal and not external. The biggest battles occur in your mind, in your perceptions, in your expectations, and in your strongholds. But I don't have any strongholds do I? Unfortunately, we all believe something that hinders our development more than it helps. Just pray your strongholds don't paralyze you or anyone else watching you. Paul depended on the grace and strength of the Lord in order to endure the things that happened to him. Contentment is a state of mind that doesn't change what it believes about God in spite of the circumstances. The devil wants to change your thinking about God! Just a few of the things you can "do" through Christ are: suffer loss without losing joy, trust Him when everyone abandons you, and sorrow without losing hope. When life knocks you down to your knees, you might as well pray while you're down there.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church

This was a lovely read and completely relevant. Thank you.

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But you ARE a REAL success story. Very Real.

You are the 'voice' of many who have been silenced by fear and rejection. Many are reading your posts and are able to 'exhale' for you are speaking what they are feeling; for the hurts in their lives have 'muted' them; they cannot convey the words of their hurts. Yet, you are speaking for them and they are being set free as you indeed are free in Jesus.

You are the 'Voice' of Healing for multitudes who can only wish for someone to hear them. Many 'hear' them, through you. Share your victories, you have them, many. :yep: Share your heart, that others may be healed, knowing someone has heard them.... finally.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen . . .


Shimmie I always love your senitments and you are the most fancy of them all with those smilies. Did you do a class on the use of them.

I guess at times it's hard to accept my talent and not look into others lane. I don't feel being a voice is all that important. However I know that it is to a degree. Gives me something to ponder on tonight while doing a night of prayer online.
@Shimmie I always love your senitments and you are the most fancy of them all with those smilies. Did you do a class on the use of them.

I guess at times it's hard to accept my talent and not look into others lane. I don't feel being a voice is all that important. However I know that it is to a degree. Gives me something to ponder on tonight while doing a night of prayer online.

I am happy that Shimmie congratulated publicly. You are doing good and more importantly, you are growing. That is apart of Christianity. Anytime, a person is in everyone else's lane--they are jealous and don't have their life together. Women of substance who have been through it and triumphed in life try to always reach back and help the younger ones. Shimmie displayed that.

I am proud of your spiritual development. You are progressing. I know you will reach back and help others.
I'm so disturbed. I don't know what I could have done to have every close friend abandon me at the point when I need them the most. How do you love and care about someone so much one day and throw them away the next? I don't understand that.. I love and care too deeply to play those games. This hurts :(
I'm so disturbed. I don't know what I could have done to have every close friend abandon me at the point when I need them the most. How do you love and care about someone so much one day and throw them away the next? I don't understand that.. I love and care too deeply to play those games. This hurts :(
:bighug:I'm so sorry. I know what you are going through...I've been there and its not a good feeling.

I believe that the Lord wants to do a "BrandNew" thing in you, and because of it, these people can't go where God is about to take you.

He will give you the right people to be in your life that won't turn away from you when you need them the most...they will be there for you.

May your heart be comforted today and become stronger as you take this time to stay in the presence of the Lord, to hear His plan for you during this time.

God bless you.


:love2: :kiss:
Thank you so much Nice & Wavy. That just brought down the tears I was holding back all evening. I was trying to encourage myself earlier that maybe in this season God wants to remind me that my hope and trust is in him alone.

I needed this!

God bless you N&W!! :bighug:
Thank you so much @Nice & Wavy. That just brought down the tears I was holding back all evening. I was trying to encourage myself earlier that maybe in this season God wants to remind me that my hope and trust is in him alone.

I needed this!

God bless you N&W!! :bighug:
My sweet sister...sometimes God places people that we wouldn't expect to be "our Friends" in spite of what we would ordinarily think our friends are suppose to be. I AM YOUR FRIEND...I AM YOUR SISTER!

I know I'm not on here much, but there are times when the Lord will speak to me to come on here and when I do, I see His hand move mightily.

You are never, ever alone. There are so many of us on here who love you and many others, and are here for you. I'm grateful that you are recognizing that you are not alone....God is here for you and He is concerned about EVERYTHING that concerns you.

God bless you too, my sister....my friend!

Why are you sorry? You don't have to be sorry about anything...you didn't do anything, sis!

I love your heart, though...I really do, so...thank you!

:love2: :love3:

I respect your Ministry here. And I have to remember that when hot topics arise, I need to go and get my cup of crushed ice (which I lovvvvve :love2:) and chill.

Nice & Wavy... (ETA)

I have four (4) top of the line appliances in my kitchen which crush ice like soft fine snow.

Vitamix blender

Ninja blender

Margaritaville Chamber Ice Crusher

Pampered Chef Hand Powered Ice Crusher

If the power goes out I have a 'hammer'.... :look: :lol:
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I respect your Ministry here. And I have to remember that hot topics arise, I need to go and get my cup of crushed ice (which I lovvvvve :love2:) and chill.
:kiss: sis. I respect yours here as well and you should have your own E-Talk Show on Hot Topics, cause you got IT!!!:lol:

BTW, I love crushed ice too, and DH got me a great fridge with a dynamic ice machine...makes the best crushed ice (the frosted kind) yummmm!!!
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:kiss: sis. I respect yours here as well and you should have your own E-Talk Show on Hot Topics, cause you got IT!!!:lol:

BTW, I love crushed ice too, and DH got me a great fridge with a dynamic ice machine...makes the best crushed ice (the frosted kind) yummmm!!!

:kiss: Thanks sis. But I still apologize. I didn't want you to have to close your thread.


I had a lonnnnggg talk with my Pastors. I didn't watch any of the conventions, I just didn't want to. When I heard how the Dems top theme was gay marriage, I went straight to my Pastors, because I couldn't understand how Christians who know God's word would support this. Where is God in their support of this man?

Pastor shared the same feelings that I have about this election, giving me a male Pastor's perspective.

Pastor says it's clear that Obama chose to go with the 'popular' vote. He shared further, that to be honest, Obama will have to answer to God. Pastor shared that we have to pray for Obama's spiritual convictions to kick in and to take over in spite of his political concepts.

What we are doing is praying for Obama's salvation and deliverance. He needs God's heart far more than he needs man's votes. :yep: He's hurting the Black community, those who look up to him; and multitudes of professed Christians are being lead astray as if he were the Pied Piper. Little boys and young Black teens who have no positive men in their lives, look to Obama and they will think that's okay to choose and live a gay lifestyle.

More than votes, Obama needs prayers of salvation and God's revelation and the courage to follow through with God and not fear loss of man's approval. My heart has been set in a new direction of prayer, it is for this man's soul to get right with God.
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That's all we've been doing, sis...praying that the Lord change his heart. Glad you had a talk with your pastors:yep:

:kiss: Thanks sis. But I still apologize. I didn't want you to have to close your thread.


I had a lonnnnggg talk with my Pastors. I didn't watch any of the conventions, I just didn't want to. When I heard how the Dems top theme was gay marriage, I went straight to my Pastors, because I couldn't understand how Christians who know God's word would support this. Where is God in their support of this man?

Pastor shared the same feelings that I have about this election, giving me a male Pastor's perspective.

Pastor says it's clear that Obama chose to go with the 'popular' vote. He shared further, that to be honest, Obama will have to answer to God. Pastor shared that we have to pray for Obama's spiritual convictions to kick in and to take over in spite of his political concepts.

What we are doing is praying for Obama's salvation and deliverance. He needs God's heart far more than he needs man's votes. :yep: He's hurting the Black community, those who look up to him; and multitudes of professed Christians are being lead astray as if he were the Pied Piper. Little boys and young Black teens who have no positive men in their lives, look to Obama and they will think that's okay to choose and live a gay lifestyle.

More than votes, Obama needs prayers of salvation and God's revelation and the courage to follow through with God and not fear loss of man's approval. My heart has been set in a new direction of prayer, it is for this man's soul to get right with God.
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WOW! What a witness for Christ!

Now, because of her experience, check this out....:nono: This is a video from Taren who also had a car accident over Labor Day weekend.


I haven't watched Taren since the first time I saw a video she posted about communicating with the familiar spirit she claims to be her mother... I knew after watching that video that people in her family ( or at least her mother) have been communicating with familiar spirits for a long time. I wanted no part in that so I stopped watching her videos immediately.

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I haven't watched Taren since the first time I saw a video she posted about communicating with the familiar spirit she claims to be her mother... I knew after watching that video that people in her family ( or at least her mother) have been communicating with familiar spirits for a long time. I wanted no part in that so I stopped watching her videos immediately.

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Interesting....what was so good to see was the fact that she was listening to the other young lady who was in a car accident talk about the Lord and how people need to get their lives right with Him, etc. Taren talked about watching the video. A seed planted produces fruit. Taren had a car accident a week later...God is speaking to Taren, just hopes she is listening.
That's all we've been doing, sis...praying that the Lord change his heart. Glad you had a talk with your pastors:yep:

I know you and Hubby are praying; as well as several others here on this forum and outside that I know personally. :yep:

We've been praying all along, yet in amazement of those in the 'Body' who are not. They are truly caught up in the man, igoring the platform which has dire consequences. I thank God for the Churches and other Believers who are not supporting his destructive platform.

Tuesday night's theme just took the cake... satan's stamp is all over his campaign. You can literally see the principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places, hovering over the Washington capital and the White house.

So sad... so very, very sad. :nono: That's when I needed to ask my Pastors, why are other Churches celebrating this, and without conviction not to. Why can't they see it?

For Barack Obama... He's not Ready to lead yet; far too many souls are following him into darkness.

Until he surrenders his heart to God, he's not ready. He's not on his knees yet. His heart is not with God. When he is, his fruit will show and give God the Glory.

I haven't watched Taren since the first time I saw a video she posted about communicating with the familiar spirit she claims to be her mother... I knew after watching that video that people in her family ( or at least her mother) have been communicating with familiar spirits for a long time. I wanted no part in that so I stopped watching her videos immediately.

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Wow... I've never heard of Taren until now. Where is she from?
Interesting....what was so good to see was the fact that she was listening to the other young lady who was in a car accident talk about the Lord and how people need to get their lives right with Him, etc. Taren talked about watching the video. A seed planted produces fruit. Taren had a car accident a week later...God is speaking to Taren, just hopes she is listening.

Adding her to the prayer list for deliverance. :yep:
In honor of you, Lord, I thank you for another day of life and to enjoy your presence. Thank you for us walking into long-awaited answers to prayers.

David asked the LORD about it again. “Leave right now,” the LORD answered. “I will give you victory over the Philistines at Keilah.”

It's funny how people look at your life from the outside
and assume.....
But they have NO idea
But God!!!!!
It is only by the grace of God!
Wow... I've never heard of Taren until now. Where is she from?

I only know her from her videos on YouTube. I was subscribed to her for years I think, up until the said video. I will pray for her as well. She is seriously misguided. I hope God allows someone to cross her path who will be a light for her.

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Thank you BostonMaria for posting that video link. She was very transparent something society isn't ready for. I truly love testimonies because it shows how God cares for each and every one of his kids. God unlike some people can't give each of their kids care and keep up with each one. I see this at stores all day long lol.

I want to be like the young woman in the video to shift my thinking away from the what could have to what is. To not think about all the failed suicide attempts, the life threatening situations I placed myself in,the wasted money and time. Instead I want to dwell my thinking on the failed attempts of not being on this earth,the fact I'm here typing this very message out right now knowing the situations I placed myself in. Just to be able to see right now,to be able to walk in my kitchen and get something to eat when there have been times when I had nothing.

I think back to a sermon I was studying and the thought waiting time is never wasted time. While I wait for what God has me here for I will take that time and be on point. Not in the physical sense but spiritually. Like the young lady said if you always ready you will be ready. It has taken a long time for certain things to finally be accepted in my life. I still grapple with accepting myself and that I'm not the damaged produce I really think I am. My God still looks at me with all my flaws and sees his handiwork in me. I can finally accept that it is ok to be loved and to love. It's ok for me to be happy instead of sad. It's ok to reach out to others and that no one even those on this site are too good for me to speak to. Lord thank you for grace and mercy.