2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Happy that something has been resolved and I can move on. Happy to dig deeper in what makes me me. I don't want to hide behind Christianity anymore. I don't want to be this staunch christian who has no personality,who is extra critical and stagnant. I'm thankful God has kept me even though I don't feel it. I can't go based of feelings since they change with the wind. Hoping to finally embrace me flaws and all.

God wants you to enjoy your life: Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God. Feelings are deceiving. Everything is a process--you will be fine.
Thank you father at another chance at life and we thank you that your children will walk in victory today:

That night, Abram divided up his troops, attacked from all sides, and won a great victory.
I think I may get fired from my job today. The sad thing is I was partially at fault. But naturally, working for this person, I'm fully at fault even if my name was partially mentioned.

But the thing is.....I'm at peace.....I just hope I get at least a 6-month severance package from my job.

I'm really not bothered...which is amazing.....
I think I may get fired from my job today. The sad thing is I was partially at fault. But naturally, working for this person, I'm fully at fault even if my name was partially mentioned.

But the thing is.....I'm at peace.....I just hope I get at least a 6-month severance package from my job.

I'm really not bothered...which is amazing.....

:pray: for the best outcome possible...
I think I may get fired from my job today. The sad thing is I was partially at fault. But naturally, working for this person, I'm fully at fault even if my name was partially mentioned.

But the thing is.....I'm at peace.....I just hope I get at least a 6-month severance package from my job.

I'm really not bothered...which is amazing.....

M&M, you're at peace because you've experienced God's favour and blessings and you know first hand how He has never failed you.

I pray God's best for you. You taught me alot about faith on our prayer line. You held onto God's promises and you reaped the fulfillment of each of them. With God you shall always land in victory.

Love and blessings to you...

Shimmie :Rose:
I think I may get fired from my job today. The sad thing is I was partially at fault. But naturally, working for this person, I'm fully at fault even if my name was partially mentioned.

But the thing is.....I'm at peace.....I just hope I get at least a 6-month severance package from my job.

I'm really not bothered...which is amazing.....

Yes, praying for the best outcome. I've been there before. I've even been railroaded. Just hang in there. He's got your whole life under control!!!
Well, I'm just looking at this mess I'm left with and am confused on how to proceed. It's a mess. We're alright and doing okay, but we were stabbed with all the things happening now, with all that happened in the past. They say there's blessing in starting anew. I'm having trouble finding that. So much was answered ...from the impossible to the "don't even dream" but I'm needing this answer so badly. I trust, I'm just confused right now. I see signs you're speaking to me about it but I am guarded and cautious. Maybe I should take Fr.'s advice about coming back to when I was a girl. It's scarier now.
Thanks ladies....I wasn't fired! Actually my managers whole demeanor change.

I don't know what's going on; but I'm staying prayerful.

Thanks for the encouraging words.


I love this prayer... my heart is so 'full' from reading it just now.

Thank you Laela Rose for this 'Rose' from God's heart.

He is our Father who art in Heaven... Hallowed be His Name which shall reign forever and ever... Amein and Amein.

Praise God forever, Amein.
Shimmie, me too.. I esp love to hear babies - little children --- pray that Prayer...their hearts so pure .... and hope springs eternal.
Lord, how many are praising you right now... ? How many?

I'm so sorry for the times when I haven't and it broke your heart.

You are my God and there is none other... None. Absolutely None :rosebud:
There a lady I know she was my first paid mu client back in 09. She is married and has a beauitful family. She is a wedding planner and does that full time. I use to be so envious of her because I wanted her life so bad. Nice house,loving husband,the cuties,and the ability not to have to overly worry when she lost her job. She is the sweetest thing I have ever encountered. Her and her dh sing and they have a group and they have put out there 1st cd. I'm like soo happy for her and her newest arrival. I really hope one day I will be able to get myself together enough to get it all in gear. I know men are visual so I have to be on point and I just want to be able to have a good ending you know. I know many bible thumping folks just say wait on the Lord and do nothing but I feel I should be doing more. I was reading in the ot section about 21 thoughts the rich have vs the average aka poor person like myself think. I want wealth,happiness and the ability to not be so uptight. I hope the day comes before I'm too old to enjoy it all.

I was speaking to a friend tonight who hit that I do feel guilty for not having something extra wrong with me since my grandmother,mother and brother all have been plagued with mental illness. I know depression hit me hard but it pales in comparison to my bro and grandmother since both have schizophrenia. I feel like how can live life decent and they never got a chance? Which makes me beat myself up mentally for not being further along in life esp career wise. I know my buddy said you are where you suppose to be but I still can't help but wonder if I'm just lame or dunce.
There is no pain Jesus can’t feel
No hurt He cannot heal
All things work according to His perfect will

No matter what you’re going through
Remember God is using You
For the battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s
Another glorious day and a chance at life. Father, thanks for your affection towards us:

My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me (Psalm 62:7).
Just so that all of you know, the Mormon Thread was not closed by the Mods, I asked for it to be closed....what was needed to be said, was said.

Have a great day!
Lord guide me on the next steps tonight. Something came to me that could lead to great money possibilities but I want to make sure it's proper. I know the scene isn't the best but I know sometimes you will place people in not so saved places for your glory.

Thinking on the reading I did last night and I def feel like I'm mentally schizophrenic because I feel like I'm going through a war on my thoughts. It's like my mind feels weird being negative but feels weird being too positive as well. I'm never been one for the rose tinted glasses but I dont' want to be a dark cloud anymore. I feel weird to smile and be all hopeful. I feel out of place being depressed for too long too. This truly is a war on the mind.
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I thank you God for grace and mercy. I had to assist someone in their home and I'm so leery in peoples homes. I'm also grateful for discernment and how people really are. Sometimes thinks appear one way but time really does show a persons true self. I really hope one day not to desire more in life that way I won't be disappointed. If I could be one of those who was ok being poor and poverty stricken I would be ok. I just can't seem to be ok with that life. I want to the life and high energy type.
I thank you God for grace and mercy. I had to assist someone in their home and I'm so leery in peoples homes. I'm also grateful for discernment and how people really are. Sometimes thinks appear one way but time really does show a persons true self. I really hope one day not to desire more in life that way I won't be disappointed. If I could be one of those who was ok being poor and poverty stricken I would be ok. I just can't seem to be ok with that life. I want to the life and high energy type.

That was good and very nice that you helped someone.
Our eyes are fixed on you, Lord. You are the anchor for our souls and Our rock.

"Jehoshaphat led the crowd back to Jerusalem. And as they marched, they played harps and blew trumpets. They were very happy because the LORD had given them victory over their enemies, so when they reached the city, they went straight to the temple."
I can be a bit more real this morning. I helped a lady who is trying to start a fashion show production biz. She couldn't get her hair done for a event last night so I helped her get some hair and made it nice with the half wig. I also did her makeup. All free since I know she is unemployed due to the way I meet her,at my job at the unemployment office. I was more so disappointed that she acted if she could get us into this swank event last night. I say doing the stuff I did as fine because I would at least get a chance to mingle and possible get some paid clients. That was a bust.

I look at this board and becoming so hopefully that maybe just maybe I can have come from the rubble of the poor and become something great. I know everything is a process and I should stay in my lane and not compare but it's sorta hard to not see others and use that as a benchmark. But as a friend here said a few nights ago you didn't come from a easy life the fact that you aren't strung out on dope and drunkard with no kids is just a miracle so don't sweat you are doing the most with all the hell you been through. I just want to be a real success story.
this was encouraging

Philippians 4:13
I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (New International Version)

This is one of the most popular verses in the entire bible. When Paul said it, I don't think he was necessarily talking about outward ability. As your grow in your Christianity, you will understand more and more that your hindrances are primarily internal and not external. The biggest battles occur in your mind, in your perceptions, in your expectations, and in your strongholds. But I don't have any strongholds do I? Unfortunately, we all believe something that hinders our development more than it helps. Just pray your strongholds don't paralyze you or anyone else watching you. Paul depended on the grace and strength of the Lord in order to endure the things that happened to him. Contentment is a state of mind that doesn't change what it believes about God in spite of the circumstances. The devil wants to change your thinking about God! Just a few of the things you can "do" through Christ are: suffer loss without losing joy, trust Him when everyone abandons you, and sorrow without losing hope. When life knocks you down to your knees, you might as well pray while you're down there.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church