2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

I feel blessed! Nine years ago today, I married my husband. He is smart, kind, funny, and loving. He is a wonderful friend, husband and father. Thank you, God!

Maybe it should be now...we could surely use the help. Kaduri was right...
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From the Ministry of Encouragement

Aren’t you glad the
Promises of God
have no expiration

Continue to stand
on that which cannot
be moved – the WORD

Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth
shall pass away, but my words shall
not pass away. “
So tired of being thrown under the bus, devalued and unappreciated.......I just want to cry but I can't. Lord please answer my prayers...

So... people at work are *interesting*. They pull a last minute switch that would mess me all the way up. I go to God about it, He gives me the answer which gives me the liberty of avoiding this mess all together. *Insert happy dance* I go forward with it- now people at work are saying, maybe we can work something out. O_o

I bet you can. -_-

I've already gotten my answer and am going forward with it, but I love the way God works. The way His plans are so much greater than ours. The way He hears us.
Hallelujah! The God I serve, pray to, and sing about is AMAZING and STRONG!!!
Realizing that my trust issues with God are what are holding me back spiritually. Didn't realize that until recently. I don't know how to get past them. Like I actually feel like I was abandoned and more hurt when I did/do trust Him. I know that sounds awful, but it is truly how I feel ...

I want to speak to my church counselor or leader about this, but the last time I did that (at another church), it was like I was speaking to air ...

I'm scared to pick up my Bible because I don't want to get closer to Him and then be hurt again. It's like it's easier not to trust because there will be no pain when "trust" is broken ...

Off to contemplate ...
Don't own something that doesn't belong to you.:nono:

The enemy will make you take on things that you shouldn't, just to slow you down and eventually take you out. Don't give in. The Lord has given us armor to put on to advance and overtake the enemy (Eph. 6:10), not run from him.

Fight like your life depends on it, because it does. Knock his butt out:boxing:

We need to stop focusing on things that are temporary and subject to change, but we must focus on the things that are eternal...heavenly...things above, not things on the earth. I know its not easy...but, we can do it because of He who lives in us!!!

How do we do this?


Not just reading the Word...but sitting at His feet. There is healing, deliverance and wisdom at His feet.

Learn about the story of Mary and Martha.

"Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Luke 10:38-42
Realizing that my trust issues with God are what are holding me back spiritually. Didn't realize that until recently. I don't know how to get past them. Like I actually feel like I was abandoned and more hurt when I did/do trust Him. I know that sounds awful, but it is truly how I feel ...

I want to speak to my church counselor or leader about this, but the last time I did that (at another church), it was like I was speaking to air ...

I'm scared to pick up my Bible because I don't want to get closer to Him and then be hurt again. It's like it's easier not to trust because there will be no pain when "trust" is broken ...

Off to contemplate ...

loolalooh thanks for writing this, I felt like this a few months ago and wrote an angry letter to Him saying the same thing. It was difficult but I had to be honest with Him (I was afraid of admitting to myself that I felt the way I did) but I had to admit it myself and then to Him.

I just wanted to let you know I understand (((hugs)))
"Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths" II Tim. 4: 2-4

"The Lord said...Go through the midst of the city...and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.
"And to the others he said...Go you after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have you pity: "...but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary" (His church)
Eze. 9:4-6

"For the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
1 Pet 4:17
hey yall first time posting in here. ive been making a lot of changes in lately and without getting into too many details i know that right with God is where i need to be.

i picked up my Bible today not really knowing what i wanted to read, so i prayed and i moved to the Book of Daniel. aside from a few Scriptures i dont know much about the book. I am going to start reading tonight and see where it takes me.

any insight as to what is going on in this book?
I feel like when i talk to God it falls on death ears,like he is not even listening or paying attention. Although i just started a relationship with him recently i am having doubt that i made the right choice. I mean what is the point?
hey yall first time posting in here. ive been making a lot of changes in lately and without getting into too many details i know that right with God is where i need to be.

i picked up my Bible today not really knowing what i wanted to read, so i prayed and i moved to the Book of Daniel. aside from a few Scriptures i dont know much about the book. I am going to start reading tonight and see where it takes me.

any insight as to what is going on in this book?
The Book of Daniel speaks of upcoming prophecies. For someone who is just reading the Bible, may I make a suggestion?

Find out who Jesus is by reading the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These books will help you to understand what you are searching for in God and the Holy Spirit will speak to your spirit about the things that are necessary for you at this time. Trust me, the Book of Daniel you will come to understand at a later time.

I feel like when i talk to God it falls on death ears,like he is not even listening or paying attention. Although i just started a relationship with him recently i am having doubt that i made the right choice. I mean what is the point?

I always look at how I start relationships with people. When I meet them, do I ask questions and answer questions so we can get to know each other? Do I know that person after 1 week? 1 month? Do I want to spend time with them, just because?

I've learned this: The more time I spend with a person, the more I get to know him/her. There must be time spent so that I will know who they are!

I realize that it takes time to get to know someone, and so is it with the Lord. He is always here, waiting for us to begin to KNOW His voice. Its not easy because there are so many voices going on around us. But please...I ask you...give Him a chance...I promise you, if you really take the time and then listen...you will hear His voice because He is always speaking to our hearts!

Father, in the name of Jesus,

I pray for my sister
Xaragua . I know its not easy when someone needs to hear from you and it seems that you either are not listening or even not there. But, God...I ask that you speak to her heart...even through the tears...even while she is asleep. That she may KNOW you and know that you are always with her...never leaving her and never, ever forsaking her. Help her in whatever situation/state that she is in right now. Let her know that you are with her and that she can trust her heart to you.

I pray that every voice that is speaking louder than you quiet down, so that she may be at peace and hear you speak to her heart, in the Name of Jesus. I thank you that you will answer this prayer because I believe and know that you are a God of answered prayer!

Thank you, Lord....in Jesus name. Amen.

I will be praying for you sis. God bless you!

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loolalooh thanks for writing this, I felt like this a few months ago and wrote an angry letter to Him saying the same thing. It was difficult but I had to be honest with Him (I was afraid of admitting to myself that I felt the way I did) but I had to admit it myself and then to Him.

I just wanted to let you know I understand (((hugs)))

You're welcome and thank you, LoveisYou. I think I'll borrow your idea and write an angry letter to Him ... maybe that will help me to release this. Yep, I will do that today. Thank you for understanding, and I hope you are doing much better now.

Don't own something that doesn't belong to you.:nono:

The enemy will make you take on things that you shouldn't, just to slow you down and eventually take you out. Don't give in. The Lord has given us armor to put on to advance and overtake the enemy (Eph. 6:10), not run from him.

Fight like your life depends on it, because it does. Knock his butt out:boxing:

We need to stop focusing on things that are temporary and subject to change, but we must focus on the things that are eternal...heavenly...things above, not things on the earth. I know its not easy...but, we can do it because of He who lives in us!!!

How do we do this?


Not just reading the Word...but sitting at His feet. There is healing, deliverance and wisdom at His feet.

Learn about the story of Mary and Martha.

"Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Luke 10:38-42

I'm going to try to absorb this. Thanks for posting, Nice & Wavy. I don't want to give up the fight.
I realize that my faith in God makes me kinda of arrogant to those around me. But when given the option of believing the lastest rumor in the office about layoff or believing in Philippians 4:19, its a no brainer for me. My pastor always says when fear comes a knocking at your door or in my case my cublice, let faith answer it.

All the specualtion in the world about what is going on with this job does not stop, hinder and deter God from keeping His Word to me. He will supply ALL my needs according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.

God is so good!!!!! The very next day that I wrote this thread, my supervisor called me into a private meeting at the end of the day. He told me the manager who I reported to when I first started with the company has been promoted to Director and he wants me to work in his department. He asked if I was interested in the position. I said yes.

Yesterday, I went into work expecting to continue to work in my current position but that was not the case. I started training for my new position and will be officially reassigned to the new department by Monday. Oh yeah, this position comes with really nice raise a well.

God has proven to me yet again, trusting Him and His Word is really a no brainer!!!
It's so humbling but difficult to be transparent to others about your struggles with sin. But it's necessary. So necessary.
hey yall first time posting in here. ive been making a lot of changes in lately and without getting into too many details i know that right with God is where i need to be.

i picked up my Bible today not really knowing what i wanted to read, so i prayed and i moved to the Book of Daniel. aside from a few Scriptures i dont know much about the book. I am going to start reading tonight and see where it takes me.

any insight as to what is going on in this book?

God bless you Mallymommy... :congrats: on your new discoveries in the Bible. This is going to be a wonderful journey and experience for you. It's a time of special bonding between you and the Lord. :love2:

Daniel is a book of phophesies, signs and interpretations. Even more, it is a book of amazing faith of those who chose to stand for God and not yield for the other gods and idols of man.

Read Daniel Chapter 3...

Lost my job today officially. My position was made redundant. Despite it all my hope is in Jesus.

Reaffirming from the other post...

BrandNew.... :kiss:

Your screen name has a message behind it and God's Word to back it up...

'He makes all things new'

You can expect a brand new beginning that God has planned just for you.

Stay encouraged, Precious One. This is a wonderful time to prepare for a new beginning, new life, new dreams coming true.

I think it's time for more chains to be loosed in my life... as a Messianic I'm learning about the Hebrew Jesus... and how HE LIVED.. He is expecting us to do greater works...... so welp... time to fast and pray and break chains.. and get rid of some things
I so really wish I could be real open like real truthful but I know alas this is the web and there are some who really don't like me here in general. But I just can't be quite about how God has been keeping me for real. To be 100 about things right now I think God hates me. You gave me a job granted but I'm in debt like never before. I have food and shelter thankfully but I don't know how long. My job will most likely be gone on the 31st. I'm 27 as of last week and I'm still single,no man really in sight and no career to show.

But God. See I drive fast and hard and thankfully I allowed God to flow on my bday last week. Tires on the front where just gone. It truly was grace and mercy that kept me in the Texas heat from not having a blow out. Then my dr.s reports came back stellar. With my past Lord all I could do that day in the dr's office was cry tears of thankfulness. Today I got a bill that I totally forget to pay. Most places would have turned my service off but thanks be to God I was able to fix it. God I just thank you for all that you do. I know my life isn't perfect now am I one of those holy rollers who every word out of their mouth is praise or sweetness. But the contrary my mouth isn't the best and my situation is a utter mess. I hate messy but thankfully God can handle my mess. Others my stick their noses up at me but thanks be to God he humbles the proud and raises up the humble.

I miss the section alot but I know in my walk right now I'm grappling with things that the CF section can't relate with I believe. The emotions I deal with now are so foreign. Depression is abnormal for me while desiring to be out and living life to the fullest is my norm. Desiring another is so big to me but I know to do it with care.

To the sisters here who are going through whatever if you admit your going through you will be ok. If you don't then it will be a struggle. Most here are really helpful in helping with prayer.Thanks be to God for the true genuine sisters here.
Yesterday my anxiety was a beast, but my God I'm here today. Church service was awesome, I know that I will overcome anxiety once and for all. Thank you Father God for always walking with me.
My fears of failure, rejection, loud noises, retaliation, people, and being alone have been with me since I was a toddler.

God Your perfect love casts out all fear. Please help me to know how to walk in the boldness you're giving me. I don't know what this looks like in a practical sense.
My fears of failure, rejection, loud noises, retaliation, people, and being alone have been with me since I was a toddler.

God Your perfect love casts out all fear. Please help me to know how to walk in the boldness you're giving me. I don't know what this looks like in a practical sense.
As a Christ Follower, you no longer have to walk in those areas that have been affecting you all these years. This day, proclaim and declare that it ends....today! You have the victory over this because Jesus lives inside of you! You have the strength to do it because you are a child of the Most High God!

You can do it...I know you can!!!
We have the authority
to cancel Satan’s activities,
his influence, and his
involvement in our homes,
churches, businesses,
on our jobs, in our families,
and in our bodies.

Our power trumps
Satan’s power every time!

Luke 10:19 “Behold, I give unto you power to tread
on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power
of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

Saints; this is my prayer that we recognize who we are in Christ walk in our authority so that we can prosper in all areas of our walk...