I am going to commit to __1__ session. I have _____faith____!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do ____platinum_____ level!
My additional challenge will be __buns/baggy___. (for platinum only) My consequence will be no fried food for a month. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

Okay. I'm all over this!!!

I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have Determination!

I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!

Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!

My additional challenge will be 3-month Relaxer Stretch My consequence will be an extra Workout for every week I fall Short! I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

I'm trying to stretch my current relaxer as close to the end of December as I can. That'll give me a nice, fresh start for January 1st!​

Thanks for getting this started!

I metro qt am going to commit to 1 session. I have Faith!

I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be no combing/brushing and vitamins. (for platinum only) My consequence will be an additional workout for each week i miss. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread!
I am going to commit to _1_ sessions. I have to have beautiful hair for my wedding!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Training!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Gold level!
My additional challenge will be waist-length hair. My consequence will be raw beet and carrot juice when I slip up. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread! Lets do this!

I have been doing this anyway, except for the deep conditioning part, so I am sure I can fit right into it
I have some pics from a month ago I could take a current one to have as well. I am also challenging myself to take MSM, and Biotin for the challenge as well.
i have to sign up for this. It gives me PLENTY of time to prepare. The results should really be interesting. I need to take tome before pics.

I am going to commit to 1 (may increase later) sessions. I have HOPE !
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do GOLD level!
My consequence will be NO SHOPPING FOR A MONTH. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
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ok... i'm jumping into this headfirst... i chose 2 sessions because i'm pretty sure that i have a wedding to be in in September... plus, i'm going to start perfecting it all now so it'll be a breeze come January...

I am going to commit to 2 sessions. I have Discipline and Diligence!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Training!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be consistent moisture (scalp conditioning) and increased exercise/water intake (for platinum only).
My consequence will be no fast food for 4 weeks.
I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread!
Lets do this!​
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Love it !!! This will be my first official challenge... My main thing is to retain length at the ends, my hair grows well at the roots.

I am going to commit to __2__ sessions. I have _____Determination and Vision____!

I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do ____platinum__ level!
My additional challenge will be __________no playing with hair or picking at ends__________. (for platinum only) My consequence will be ________each hair pull/touch or snapping of split ends =into a baggy bun for 2 days_______. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
I Birdie am going to commit to _1_ session. I have discipline!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Training!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Gold level!
My consequence will be no carbs for 1 week__. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread! Let’s do this!
Welcome Everyone :grin: I am sooo happy that people are excited about this challenge! We will definitely have the momentum to achieve our hair goals!!

Letitia - Yep, I will be posting a Pictures thread at the beginning of December....I want people to post there most current picture...so thats why I am waiting.

PaperDoll - Youre a trip! It wont be that bad....the flat iron is not your friend :lol: Put down the flat iron, walk away slowly, then run!! Your hair will thank you ;)

Sarel - Yes you can do one session at a time. I designed it that way so people can adjust it according to their needs.

YAY!! Im so excited....APL here I come! :)
brownsugarflyygirl said:
Welcome Everyone :grin: I am sooo happy that people are excited about this challenge! We will definitely have the momentum to achieve our hair goals!!

Letitia - Yep, I will be posting a Pictures thread at the beginning of December....I want people to post there most current picture...so thats why I am waiting.

PaperDoll - Youre a trip! It wont be that bad....the flat iron is not your friend :lol: Put down the flat iron, walk away slowly, then run!! Your hair will thank you ;)

Sarel - Yes you can do one session at a time. I designed it that way so people can adjust it according to their needs.

YAY!! Im so excited....APL here I come! :)

Thanks. Sounds like a good idea.
I am going to commit to ONE session. I have DISCIPLINE!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Training!

Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do PLATINUM level!
My additional challenge will be A VITAMIN REGIMEN & DRINKING MORE WATER.
I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread!
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I too will be a part of the challenge

I am going to commit to 2 sessions I have faith and determination! I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Training! Also, I am going to raise the stakes and to platinum level! My additional challenge will be to cdrink more water, keep my ends moisturized and take my vitamins in a discipline manner. My consequence will be what shows in my hair and my weight if I don't do this as well as some serious dissapointment! I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread! Let's do this!
I'm in but can only commit to one session as a time.

I am going to commit to 1 sessions. I have Discipline!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be to take my multivitamin and MSM daily. (for platinum only) My consequence will be no Internet for the number of days I have not taken my multivitamin and MSM. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

I am going to commit to __2__ sessions. I have _A SERIOUS DESIRE TO HAVE LONG HEALTHY HAIR SO IM DOING THIS BABY__!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do __GOLD_ level!
I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
I am a newcomer and I am stilled blown away to find a whole network of people as obsessed with long healthy hair as I am:shocked: ! This is my first posting and I am wide open!!! I feel like I stumbled into a gold and diamond mine! My eyes are burning as I could stare at this website ALL DAY!!! Im sooo happy to have found you all and Im going to get started on bootcamp early:grin: ...still trying to figure out how to post all the other stat. info about my starting point and goals.:look:

I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have PERSERVERANCE!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be cutting out most sugars. (for platinum only) My consequence will be wearing a protective weave for an extra six months:D
!. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
I have decided will be my new years resolution for 2007

I am going to commit to __3__ sessions. I have ____dreams about having long healthy hair_____!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do ___platinum______ level!
My additional challenge will be _drink at least 2l of water and take my vitamins every day___________________. (for platinum only) My consequence will be no dessert for a week :eek: _______________. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

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I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have DETERMINATION! I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning! Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level! My additional challenge will be No Combing or Brushing Except on Wash Day! I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread! Lets do this!
Andreainnis said:
I am a newcomer and I am stilled blown away to find a whole network of people as obsessed with long healthy hair as I am:shocked: ! This is my first posting and I am wide open!!! I feel like I stumbled into a gold and diamond mine! My eyes are burning as I could stare at this website ALL DAY!!! Im sooo happy to have found you all and Im going to get started on bootcamp early:grin: ...still trying to figure out how to post all the other stat. info about my starting point and goals.:look:

I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have PERSERVERANCE!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be cutting out most sugars. (for platinum only) My consequence will be wearing a protective weave for an extra six months:D
!. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

hahaha Welcome! and goodluck with your hair goals! you'll reach them in no time. :)
I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have discipline, diligence, and determintaion! I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be no combing/brushing except on wash days. My consequence will be 2x my normal workout routine for 2 weeks. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this Ladies!
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I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have determination! I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning! My consequence will be NO sweets for 2 weeks. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
This is just the type of challenge I need to get my hair on track!

I, InJesusName

I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have Discipline, Dilligence and Determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be Vitamins and Low Manipilation (for platinum only) My consequence will be No Sweets and 1 extra Cardio Session. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
I am going to commit to 2 sessions. I have diligence!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do gold level!
My consequence will be no LHCF for 2 weeks. :(
I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

My own goal for this year is growing out my hair until I can bun it for another 365 day challenge! :p
I will do weekly rollersets 95% of the time and wear falls in a quick fix.
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Yes count me in been needing to give my hair some TLC thanks for the Thread.

I am going to commit to 1_sessions. I have _________!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do ____Gold_____ level!
My additional challenge will be ( lots of exericise). (for platinum only) My consequence will be ____no sugar _. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
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I'm definately in. I need to think about what my challenges will be though. I am waiting for my touch-up in December to find out if I succeeded in the 2006 bra strap challenge this year in order to set an appropriate goal for next year.
I am going to commit to ___3_ sessions. I have _______determination__!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do ____Platinum_____ level!
My additional challenge will be no trims . (for platinum only)
My consequence will be no texting for an entire day. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
I am so IN!

I am going to commit to 4 sessions. I have discipline and strength!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be to take vitamins, drink at least a gallon of water a day, do the bun AND baggie method. (for platinum only) My consequence will be no products AND another 30 minutes onto my run. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this

D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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I simplediva, am going to commit to 2 sessions. I have disicpline and diligence!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be moisturize my hair 3x a week under my weave. My consequence will be no shopping for a month. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
Wooo HOOOO! Ok here it goes!

I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have Perseverance and Determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do The Platinum level!
My additional challenge(s) will be 1. Stretch relaxers for 2-3 months, 2.Wear more protective styles, 3. Eat healthier (NO FAST FOOD :naughty:) 4. Drink LOTS of water and exercise regularly . (for platinum only) My consequence will be

No sweets or shopping for 2 months:eek: . I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

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