WOO! I'm in! I had to print it out so I can stay focused :lol:

I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have Determination !
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be: I will take my vitamins EVERY SINGLE DAY, without fail, for the duration of boot camp!! If I miss a day I must count that as my one cheat or else face the consequences. The consequences: I will give up all non-water beverages for 2 weeks! Including hot chocolate, coffee, etc.
I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread!

Further notes:
In order to comply with the deep conditioning every shampoo, I will reduce my daily shampooing to once per week, and just rinse/con wash daily.

Signed in blood,
I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have Determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do the gold level!
My additional challenge will be vitamins, no direct heat, and relaxer stretch 3 months .My consequence will be Cod Liver oil twice a day for 1 week. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!:) :) :)
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tsmith said:
I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have _determination!

I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Gold Level level!
My additional challenge will be ____________________. (for platinum only) My consequence will be going to Curves 5 days a week instead of 3. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

There you go Boo:p
Thank you, tsmith!!:) Wait, I dont think I did it right.:confused:
Darn it!! Sign me up for the first session - gold level. If I can manage that I'll go on and do all three sessions.
I am so In.

I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have Determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be relaxer stretch for 3mos. My consequence will be an extra 30min on the threadmill. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

MonaRae said:
lolll! I know but I am curretly doing what is stated for this bootcamp and I have been hiding my hair for almost 1 year now :(. I am currently wearing a phony pony and under it my hair is in a baggie. So I really already started. Before that I had my hair in kinky twist (only 5 weeks :ohwell: I just couldn't take it another day!). That was 2.5 weeks ago. So really I am doing 3 sessions but I started 9/15. lollll! Bet you didn't see that coming.

My plan was to go back to me in July and I didn't want to lie and say I will do it and know I wouldn't. I so long to wear my hair out again.

I really think I am scared to wear it out again. So I plan on getting rid of all my blouses that will cause shedding and replace with silk or silkly blouses.

Thanks! tsmith I need a kick in the butt every now and again!


umm...okay...do what you gotta do:p and nope I didn't see that coming:) and girl I'm scared to wear my hair out too:)
brownsugarflyygirl said:
MJ…..you know you wanna join (in my best peer pressure voice)…lol…:yep:

You got me!:lol:

I am going to commit to 3 sessions.
I have Determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do the Platinum level!
My additional challenges will be to take my vitamins, and rinse/cowash and say good things about my hair everyday. In addition I will deep condition my hair at least once each week.
The consequence of not following my pledge will be to create a positive affirmation and write and say it out loud 50 times each day for 4 weeks.
I am excited to do this for my self and hair! I plan on having a wonderful time doing this challenge!
I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 15, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread!
Lets do this!
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I am going to commit to 3sessions. I have The 3 D's of success!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be Take Vits & Work out. (for platinum only) My consequence will be No Hair Forum of anykind. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be to take my vitamins, low manipulation, and up my water intake. (for platinum only) My consequence will be no fried food for a month! I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

I dreamt my hair looked great for my wedding. I know I should be able to hit waist length at the end of 2007. Time to make it a reality!!!!
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WooHoo!!! Count me in!!

I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will take my MSM and up my water intake. (for platinum only)
My consequence will be do my husband's house chores for a week! :shocked:
I am excited to do this for my hair! My starting point picture is in my siggy, and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread!

:orders:Lets do this!
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I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!

Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be _to stop eating so much junk food. (for platinum only) My consequence will be working out at Curves 5 days a week instead of 3. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

Thanks Beautifulwideeyes, tsmith, and rinygirl6 for givin' a sistagirl computer lessons!:kiss:
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I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be to take my vitamins, low manipulation, and stretching my relaxers. My consequence will be no new products for a month! I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
I Asha am going to commit to __3__ sessions. I have discipline, diligence, and determination !
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be vitamins and MTG. (for platinum only) My consequence will be No new products for three months. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

I am claiming my pass right now...I am getting married on July 7/2007 so I will be using heat that day.
asha said:
I Asha am going to commit to __3__ sessions. I have discipline, diligence, and determination !
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be vitamins and MTG. (for platinum only) My consequence will be No new products for three months. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

I am claiming my pass right now...I am getting married on July 7/2007 so I will be using heat that day.

7/7/07...thats so cute! (And good luck);)
I, bluedaisy, am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have Determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be daily vitamins intake, wrap hair every night and create a hair care routine and stick to it. My consequence will be to cook healthy meals with all the food groups every night for 2 weeks. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread!
I have been stalking this thread since it first appeared. I was on the fence for several days. I know it's something I need to do for my hair. Hopefully, this challenge will help me to stay focused in 2007 but I'm going to start to get into it now. Please add me to the role.

I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have DETERMINATION! I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning! Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level! My additional challenge will be No Combing or Brushing Except on Wash Day! Be consistent with my Vitamins! Be consistent with my Water Intake!I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread! My punishment will be no new hair products for 1 month!


Good luck everybody!
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I am going to commit to 2 sessions. ( If all goes well I will commit to the last session as well). I have determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!

Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be stretching my relaxer to 3 months and my own personal braid out challenge . My consequence will be no new purses. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!:grin:

This is a great idea for the upcoming New Year!! Thanks so much!

I (PrincessDiva) am going to commit to __3__ sessions. I have _ Discipline, Diligence, and Determination
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do __Platinum__ level!
My additional challenge will be ___daily vitamins,lots of water,healthy diet ,exercise__ . My consequence will be _No eating out for 2 weeks__. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread! Lets do this!
:yay: :dance7:
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I am going to commit to 1 session. I have Determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be consistently taking my vitamins and a better diet. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
I am going to commit to 2 sessions. I have determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do gold level!
My consequence will be no sweets for three months. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
oh God
i need this
i really do
my hair has not been right since maybe april
and i just cut off an inch today
so this is right on time
oh God
this is HARSH


I am going to commit to __ONE__ session. I have ___DISCIPLINE!______!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do _PLATINUM_______ level!
My additional challenge will be _______4 MONTH RELAXER STRETCH_____________. (for platinum only) My consequence will be _NO LHCF FOR 2 WEEKS__(umm someone make a note of this so if i fall off i can be held accountable..oh God)____________. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

oh God help me
*nervously eyes flat iron*
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I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have discipline, diligence and determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be baggying, drinking 8 glasses of water every day, washing every 2 weeks, and no combing/brushing until wash day. (for platinum only) My consequence will be no sugar for 2 weeks. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread! Lets do this!

ETA: I will have to use a pass to flat iron in June 2007 and September 2007. After those months, no more until the end of December 2007.
I am going to commit to 1 session. I have Determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do 1/3 of a Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be oiling my ends and exercising. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
Ok I've been thinking this over since the day you posted. Can I sign up for one session at a time? Or is what I commit to at the start all I can do for the challenge?

Greeeeeeeeeeeat thread, by the way! This will be my first challenge :)
I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have Determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Training!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be more consistency with my vitamins and water intake (64 - 80 ozs) (for platinum only). My consequence will be no eating out and no sweets for 2 weeks . I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread! Lets do this!

I already know I will need a pass on Feb. 16 when I get my hair straightened for my 40th bday (it will be 6 months since my BC).
Sign me up!!!;)

I, Pattycake, will commit to one session. I have discipline!

I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do gold level!
My additional challenge will be n/a. (for platinum only) My consequence will be no sweet treats for one week. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

[FONT=&quot]I am going to commit to 1 session. I have discipline!
[FONT=&quot] I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] My additional challenge will be CO washing every day. My consequence will be 35 situps every day for a month. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread! Let’s do this![/FONT]
I, brickhouse, am going to commit to __3__ sessions. I have _Determination!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be eating clean, no sweets, cw frequently, deep conditioning weekly, taking vits regularly, exercising at least 5 times a week. (for platinum only) My consequence will be no fast foods for 2 weeks. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this
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