necoleg said:
How do I sign up?

Just copy and paste the paragraph below the words "Sign up now! Cut and paste please:)". Then fill in the blanks with your info. Also go here http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=108763 and post your starting point pics. We only post pic updates at the end of each 120-day session.

Each month there will be a new thread to just post in words how it's going. The thread title will be something like "2007 Bootcamp 90-day Update" for the April update. Here are the links to the Feb & Mar updates so you can see them:



Welcome to the challenge! HTH
I am going to commit to _3_ sessions. I have __the faith to know that I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do ___platinum__ level!
My additional challenge will be __3 month perm stretch and taking vitamins daily. (for platinum only)
My consequence will be ____no fried chicken__. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
Hey I'm new to this set and I am SO SO SO excited to be starting down a new hair care path.

I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Training at the Platinum level.

My additional challenge will be three month relaxer stretch, to be shoulder length by December 2007, and no trims. I am excited to do this for my hair!


Happy Hair Care Ladies!:D
I am going to commit to __1__ sessions. I have ___discipline______!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do ___platinum______ level!
My additional challenge will be Vitamins and 3mth relaxer stretch. (for platinum only) My consequence will be 2x normal workout. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by March 14,2007. I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
Ok im joining !!!!
I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have DETERMINATION!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!

Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be Take all my supplements,growth aids,and no combing or brushing except on wash day. (for platinum only) My consequence will be _No sushi for 2 months. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by March, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
I am going to commit to _1_ session. I have _Discipline_!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do _Platinum_ level!
My additional challenge will be _vitamins daily_ (for platinum only).
My consequence will be _no playing the Sims2 for a month_.
I am excited to do this for my hair!
I have added my starting point picture in my siggy and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread!
Lets do this!​
carribean_dream said:
How is everyone doing??? I am holding on for dear life....LOL I need some serious inspiration

I'm doing very well, and hope to have some update pics. at the end of the month. Wow, I can't believe the first session is almost over and have flown by. Here are the links for each of the monthly follow ups in case you have missed them:

1. April: Hasn't been started yet, but should be up soon.

2. March: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=118738

3. February: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=115236
Can I do this over the summer from May thru to September. OMG I'm so scared.....its seems easy and yet so extremely hard
sign me up!!

I guesswho am going to commit to participating of Session 2 of LHCF bootcamp! sessions.
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be baggying nightly, oiling my scalp daily, and never let my hair touch my collar! always have my ends protected! (for platinum only) My consequence will be no buying new products, no lhcf for a month and no wearing my hair down not even for special ocassions I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting picture is in my siggy and I promise to report updates in the monthly thread! Lets do this!
I am going to commit to 1 sessions. I have faith !
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be baggy, & 3 month stretch. (for platinum only) My consequence will be no new products for 2 months. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

Goals: APL
Challenge:3 month stretch, 3 month Baggy (lord help my hubby!)
Products: Mango Butter, EVOO,
Oils: Coconut oil, almond oil
Pre-poo: avacado, bannana, egg, manyonnise
Shampoo: Carols Daughter Khoret, Mizani
Deep Conditioner: Bone Marrow, Affirm,Dudley's DRC
Last edited:
:grin: I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have patience!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do Platinum level!
My additional challenge will be Vitamins (for platinum only) My consequence will be no junk food for a week. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by June 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
I am going to commit to 3 sessions. I have patience!
I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!

Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be to drink 2 liters of water every day and take my vitamins daily. (for platinum only) My consequence will be no new shoes or candy. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by June 17, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!
I am going to commit to 1 sessions. I have faith !

I am going to challenge myself to complete Basic Traning!
Also, I am going to raise the stakes and do platinum level!
My additional challenge will be baggy, & 3 month stretch. (for platinum only) My consequence will be no new products for 2 months. I am excited to do this for my hair! I will do my best to post a starting point picture by January 1, 2007 and I promise to report updates in the montly thread! Lets do this!

Goals: APL
Challenge:3 month stretch, 3 month Baggy (lord help my hubby!)
Products: Mango Butter, EVOO,
Oils: Coconut oil, almond oil
Pre-poo: avacado, bannana, egg, manyonnise
Shampoo: Carols Daughter Khoret, Mizani
Deep Conditioner: Bone Marrow, Affirm,Dudley's DRC

yeah what she said :yep:....i'm doin the same things so count me in for this challenge dude! ill post pics with the results. visit my fotki 2 see my methods and products