You're his secret!

Have you ever been someone's secret lover?

  • Yes, because I loved him

    Votes: 37 21.6%
  • No, because I won't allow it

    Votes: 108 63.2%
  • Maybe, because I didn't know I was until the end

    Votes: 26 15.2%

  • Total voters
What if you were seeing someone know you know you are a secret to, and no one knows about you. He tell you in public "don't kiss me", or you only see each other at night. How long would you allow it to continue?

SBC?!?! Are you for real? :lachen: I don't think any woman would go for this! (or maybe just not the brilliant ladies of LHCF)
Count me in. I love being 2nd or 3rd fiddle. It shows me how much he cares...and I can't help it cuz i love him. I'll let it go on until he sees the error of his ways and quits all the other chicks to be with me. Love is all we need.
Count me in. I love being 2nd or 3rd fiddle. It shows me how much he cares...and I can't help it cuz i love him. I'll let it go on until he sees the error of his ways and quits all the other chicks to be with me. Love is all we need.

Right I mean he's with his wife/girlfriend because of the kids. He doesn't really love her, he loves me. He told me that he wanted me to have his baby so it must be true. They aren't even having sex, he only has sex with me. :yep:
View Poll Results: Have you ever been someone's secret lover? Yes, because I loved him

Now that's what I'm taking about!
See I was a secret lover, but it wasn't out of love, it was pure sex. That wasn't an option so I voted no. But I ain't mad at the chicks that do it for love, just know that there are at least 2 other one doing it with him for love too.
Yes He was my little secret and thats how we kept until he wanted to go all public and bust out his feelings for me!:nono:
The awkward part is that a lot of females are experiencing and going through this and then having babies from this situation. But X gets a SQUARE! if the side chick wants to be a jump off.. then be a jump off. I just hope they use more than 3 forms of protection and have their OBGYN on speed dial.:rolleyes:
lmfao, i voted i would never allow it....and then i realized i had. :lachen:loonnng story..but we both knew what was up & i wasn't trying to claim his ass either =X
0 time.

The moment I discover I am a secret it's over. That means he is
1. cheating on someone else with you
2. cheating on you
3. you're just his jump off
4. he is embarrassed of you
5. he doesn't respect you
6. he's not man enough to own his choices
7. there is no "relationship"
She listed all the reasons why i won't do it knowingly.
0 time.

The moment I discover I am a secret it's over. That means he is
1. cheating on someone else with you
2. cheating on you
3. you're just his jump off
4. he is embarrassed of you
5. he doesn't respect you
6. he's not man enough to own his choices
7. there is no "relationship"

You covered it.:ohwell:
0 time.

The moment I discover I am a secret it's over. That means he is
1. cheating on someone else with you
2. cheating on you
3. you're just his jump off
4. he is embarrassed of you
5. he doesn't respect you
6. he's not man enough to own his choices
7. there is no "relationship"

I deserve better!
Present. I voted "Yes." Use your heart and not your mind. So what he's a student where you work and you heard that he had a baby mama. I mean- he said it wasn't his and he lives alone. The only reason he wants to keep you a secret is because he's a private person. You are not a jump off and this is not a red flag. Neither is the fact that you're taking different antibotics for each day of the week. It's just a rash. It'll go away. :drunk:

*sighs* No. I am not going to be fav. I am his only. For absolute no reason would I do this if he was in relationship. So something could happen and you end up being in an unfortunate series of baby mamas. I think not. I can't think any reasons that would come up to keep things a secret now especially in a grown relationship. In my younger days, I had a "secret" relationship from my parents. But it was only because they wouldn't let me date. My friends knew and his. We definitely went out in the daytime and showed affection in public. We were also only seeing each other. So I don't think that it is applicable unless its extreme. No other woman for me and no only going out at night or acting like someone's sister. No excuses. Only I better be going on and he treats me like his woman. End of Story.
I think I was somebody's secret. Either he had a girlfriend or he didn't want to be seen in public with me :ohwell:
For my one and only Booty call obviously I was the secret. I had no problems with that because he had what I wanted and that is ALL I wanted with him. Whenever I didn't have a man I was with him regardless if he had a girl or not. This was a 20+ year thing. Recently he is actually single and he wants us to be a couple. HECK NO, how in the world would I be able to trust this dude? I dropped the booty calling over a year ago.
Yes He was my little secret and thats how we kept until he wanted to go all public and bust out his feelings for me!:nono:

Girl, don't they. Start looking at you with love in their eyes and carrying on. Want to do a lot of talking and expressing themselves.:nono::nono: I have had a few that was my lil secret:grin::grin::grin:
For my one and only Booty call obviously I was the secret. I had no problems with that because he had what I wanted and that is ALL I wanted with him. Whenever I didn't have a man I was with him regardless if he had a girl or not. This was a 20+ year thing. Recently he is actually single and he wants us to be a couple. HECK NO, how in the world would I be able to trust this dude? I dropped the booty calling over a year ago.

This happened to a family friend. She is an older woman-friend of my grandparents. She had been this man's "other woman" for years and years. Well, his wife passed and then they became a couple. Which was wierd, because growing up I always thought she was his wife, until I got much older and poeple told me the real deal.

I thought it a bit odd. But they are in love. She is like his Camilla and he Prince Charles, I guess. But if his wife was living she would still be waiting. I KNOW he was never going to leave her.

But the two of you would have major trust issues, I guess. But you were doing the dirt together so...? I have a question, but I just can't formulate it at the moment:ohwell:
Present. I voted "Yes." Use your heart and not your mind. So what he's a student where you work and you heard that he had a baby mama. I mean- he said it wasn't his and he lives alone. The only reason he wants to keep you a secret is because he's a private person. You are not a jump off and this is not a red flag. Neither is the fact that you're taking different antibotics for each day of the week. It's just a rash. It'll go away. :drunk:

What the hell??? I cant see any woman who is a willing participant in a secretive relationship unless she has her own objective or side relationship(s) but outside of that, such relationships becomes an emotional toll because who wants to be hidden. Even if you go into one and you think things may change along the way, reality continues to prove that it is seldomnly for the better. But what gets me are the antibiotics. What the heck is that about? I know he/she cannot be that serious to put there health at risk. Please tell me that is not the case!
But the two of you would have major trust issues, I guess. But you were doing the dirt together so...? I have a question, but I just can't formulate it at the moment:ohwell:
I think I know your question. Honestly I dealt with him when I was free and not committed to anyone. I have always been faithful to the person I was in a relationship with and when I told him I was in a relationship he left me alone, never bothered me, but once he knew I was single he would call. If I was his mate, I know I would feel some sort of way about it though.

Crazy thing, his long term relationship of 9 years who he just broke up with was aware of me, but she never step to me. I guess she figured she had him on lock. She needn't worry because I didn't want him. Let's just say she was very pleased when I got married and flipped out when I got divorced. I have first hand knowledge of it.

I so wish he would find another girlfriend so that he can stop ringing my phone.
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This happened to a family friend. She is an older woman-friend of my grandparents. She had been this man's "other woman" for years and years. Well, his wife passed and then they became a couple. Which was wierd, because growing up I always thought she was his wife, until I got much older and poeple told me the real deal.

I thought it a bit odd. But they are in love. She is like his Camilla and he Prince Charles, I guess. But if his wife was living she would still be waiting. I KNOW he was never going to leave her.

But the two of you would have major trust issues, I guess. But you were doing the dirt together so...? I have a question, but I just can't formulate it at the moment

Well at least they are together now, I guess. My grandfather cheated on his wife for many years with several women but had kids by this one particular woman. When his wife passed we kind of assume that maybe he would go ahead and be with the other woman since they had an affair for so long. I mentioned it in passing and dude had the nerve to act insulted and said that a woman that didn't mind sleeping with another woman's husband could never be his wife. I am sitting there like dude, I don't know if you remember but that married man was you.:ohwell:
I don't understand why some people start threads talking about bad behavior (hoping to pull out others who also do wrong) as if that justifies the behavior. Like the more people that do X too, the better I should feel about doing X.
Envybeauty FTW.

Well at least they are together now, I guess. My grandfather cheated on his wife for many years with several women but had kids by this one particular woman. When his wife passed we kind of assume that maybe he would go ahead and be with the other woman since they had an affair for so long. I mentioned it in passing and dude had the nerve to act insulted and said that a woman that didn't mind sleeping with another woman's husband could never be his wife. I am sitting there like dude, I don't know if you remember but that married man was you.:ohwell:

Said it once will say it again. Men are mentally unstable.
I voted yes, but I definately learned from it. This reminds me of a quote I came across recently. "Don't allow someone to be your priority while you be their option." - Author Unknown