You know you're seeing a bad stylist when....

The last time I went to a braid shop I had to hold and feed my braider's baby while she did my hair! I handed the baby over when I could smell it was time for a diaper change! :nono: The place was so dirty I was afraid to use the toilet - I just could understand how a brunch of women could work there, have their children running around and not keep it clean
OMG this sounds terrible. Makes me want to hurry up and get my liscense. I don't want to work at a hood shop though. no ma'am. I want a nice salon with nice products and eventually own my own.

Somethings mentioned here have happened to me but I never went to the salon a lot.
This thread is crazy!

These are all personal experiences...:rolleyes:

1) When you are told to keep your purse in your car because the salon was robbed the week before and a few days ago and the police hadn't caught the guy, that they knew of, but that it might have been one of the sytlists cousins. :nono:

2) When you have to listen to your stylists friend - who came to the salon with no appointment - stand next to her while she does your hair and tell the stylist about the STD her man gave her...:nono:

3) When everytime you go to the salon, the same shampoo assitant is BADLY in need of some deodorant. After three times, I figured this was not a coincidence and stopped going. She was the only shampoo assistant.

4) When you go to the salon for your first ever TRIM and the stylist notices that she recognizes your last name...asks you if so-and-so is any say yes, and later the stylist "accidently" cuts your hair uneven and then SHAVES the back!. Apparently, I had to pay for my uncle cheating on his babymama. Turned out okay...But my mama was not happy about her 16 year old leaving the house with MBL hair and coming back with the back shaved and SL hair in the front.

5) When the stylist doesn't understand that you want Janet Jackson's pincurls on your relaxed hair and not the weave that she's wearing in the picture. :sad: I will never know why that was so hard for her to understand. We went back and forth for half an hour before I gave up and just got a wrap.

I love bad salon stories, it makes me feel less alone. :lachen::lachen: I could go on and on!
- When after your appointment, you have to go home and "fix" your hair before anyone you know sees you.
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Maine y'all were straight at some hood salons. See I don't do those. I really tried to avoid that mess. I can't be around all that nonsense, my nerves are too bad.
I love bad salon stories, it makes me feel less alone.

Ditto. I try to avoid going to the salon because it's always something and I'm starting to feel like unprofessionalism (is that a word?) is the norm.

My experiences:
  • When the African stylist is disgusted by your natural hair.
  • When all the stylists have busted weaves.
  • When the stylist with 3c natural hair suggests you texturize your 4b twa (after you tell her you BC'd the week before) so it has less of an "afro texture."
  • When the stylist tries to comb your DRY AFRO with a rat tail comb.
  • When you're the first one in the salon once it opens that morning and no one acknowledges you for about 15 minutes-- and they aren't doing anything! Just sitting around and ignoring the customers!
Personal Experience:
When your stylist suggested "because of your hair type" it is best to get a relaxer every 4 weeks!

When you arrive 10 minutes early and after 1 hour, no one has greeted you.
When the stylist leaves you under the dryer to "go get some more towels," locks you in the shop alone, then comes back smelling like weed!!

When the stylist tells you that having her do your hair is like going to visit your're gonna be there for a long time!

The nerve of some people...
When your stylist leaves you sitting in the chair(hair half done) to run around the corner to a funeral parlor to do the hair of a recently deceased person she did not know.

It was my 1st and last time there. I mean come on. She had a chance to have a repeat customer that tips!!!!!!!

She said I'll be right back. I waited a good hour and she still had not returned. I kindly got up, put my wig back on and used the money she would have gotten to got to the casino.

SHUT UP!!!! That is unreal, girl, simply unreal!!!!!!
When you have been seeing her every two weeks,for about 5 mos, but your hair is still always dry. You point this out to her,and she agrees,but doesn't offer any suggestions to help. You finally ask her to recommend a moisturizer,and she sells you some silk drops,similar to chi silk infusion... Wtf????!!
OHH - I forgotl.. The weave is showing the trqacks it looks so bad... She says "She has no time to take of her self...."

:nono: Dayum.
When the stylist leaves you under the dryer to "go get some more towels," locks you in the shop alone, then comes back smelling like weed!!

When the stylist tells you that having her do your hair is like going to visit your're gonna be there for a long time!

The nerve of some people...

:lachen:too much! But speaking of towels - how about when the salon runs out of clean towels!

Yeah, I'm glad my days of low quality salons are over!
I don't know if these have already been posted but this happened to my mom and I with the same stylist

- when she talks on the phone (to customers, friends, ordering new stocks...) while weaving braiding your hair.
- when you get on time to the appointement but start about 1 hr later because she was cleaning from the night before or doing something else.
- when she assures you that if she sees and removes your old weave, she'll be able to do the same style; then she ends up messing up and doing something else altogether :ohwell:
- when you have to fix the style once you get home :rolleyes:
- when she tries to sell you a hair cream or oil "appropriate for the style" :perplexed EVERY single time you get your hair done.
- when she tells you that the style didn't look like what you expected because it was you HAIR or HEAD's fault for being such and such way

There is more but that's all I can remember for now, one thing is sure I'm never going back there :nono:
Your doing the same things to your hair as you were before yet after 6 months of using a new stylist you go from Full armpit length to shoulder length.
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When you tell the stylist that you do not WANT or NEED brown super hold gel in your head. She tells you that's the only way she can mold my hair because it is way to curly and that I need a touch up if I want my hair to lay down flat. You tell her that your hair will lay down if she would only use the Mizani foam you gave her. She say ok & uses a pump of the foam and sneaks and uses the brown gel anyways. U come from under the dryer with hair so hard she can't even comb it. Yet she still proceeds to ripped you hair out with a fine tooth comb and put heat to your hair.

When I got home my hair was so hard and stiff that I cried. I went the next day to my regular stylist mad as heck (like I should have just waited for and did in the first place) and he says WTF happened to your head! He just shakes his head and mumbles about how he doesn't understand how people stay in business destroying people's hair.
Or towels that someone left in the washer for days and they smell like mildew and mold. I left after that. Why in the world wouldn't you just rewash the towels??? No because it is easier to just dry those bad boys and put that stank on your clients' heads.

:lachen:too much! But speaking of towels - how about when the salon runs out of clean towels!

Yeah, I'm glad my days of low quality salons are over!
When you go for years and they tell you every week that you have dry scalp or damaged hair... but have done nothing to fix the problem except tell you that you have one.

My dry scalp is official gone! Thanks LHCF!