You know you're a pj when...


Well-Known Member
You have bottles and jars stacked precariously, and you and only you know how to take one container down in a way that everything won't come tumbling down like the walls of jericho.

In the event something does fall down, you are willing to turn your face yet use your body as a buffer so the jars don't hit the floor TOO hard, thus cracking a glass jar of your precious anita grant hair butter.

People on various boards are calling you the pusher (I don't understand WHY, but as it goes...)

Your bedroom is like a hair apothecary, you have a cure for every hair ailment someone can think of.

You go through the swap boards salivating like pavlov's dog

You refuse to rest until you find that "one" product that someone mentioned

In addition to the above, you are willing to spend an entire day driving all over town, your SO in tow, to find that "one" product

You rationalize that one jar or bottle of product in your possession is not nearly enough, you need AT LEAST 2 or 3 in the stash to keep you from panicking

You're on a first name basis with vendors

Vendors know your VOICE when you call the shop, soon as you open your mouth

You try to rationalize to SO about why you need xyz product

You do swaps and sales with old boxes from previous swaps and sales

feel free to add on!!! :lachen:eisani? boston maria? tiffers?
You have bottles and jars stacked precariously, and you and only you know how to take one container down in a way that everything won't come tumbling down like the walls of jericho. GUILTY

In the event something does fall down, you are willing to turn your face yet use your body as a buffer so the jars don't hit the floor TOO hard, thus cracking a glass jar of your precious anita grant hair butter. GUILTY

People on various boards are calling you the pusher (I don't understand WHY, but as it goes...)

Your bedroom is like a hair apothecary, you have a cure for every hair ailment someone can think of.

You go through the swap boards salivating like pavlov's dog GUILTY

You refuse to rest until you find that "one" product that someone mentioned GUILTY

In addition to the above, you are willing to spend an entire day driving all over town, your SO in tow, to find that "one" product- GUILTY

You rationalize that one jar or bottle of product in your possession is not nearly enough, you need AT LEAST 2 or 3 in the stash to keep you from panicking - GULITY

You're on a first name basis with vendors

Vendors know your VOICE when you call the shop, soon as you open your mouth

You try to rationalize to SO about why you need xyz product- GUILTY

You do swaps and sales with old boxes from previous swaps and sales

feel free to add on!!! :lachen:eisani? boston maria? tiffers?

You call sally's to find out when delivery date is and you once know when, you call on that day so they can put product on hold for you.

When you make it to Sally's they only stocked 6 and you buy all 6.
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You know you a PJ when you go to the local BSS or Sally's and feel the need to pull up a chair or sit in the middle of the aisle just so you can read labels.
You know you are a pj when you get up at 3:00 in the morning to shop for products, that you were thinking about.

you know you are a pj when you have every natural hair care site booked marked:look:.

You know you are a pj when you are subscribed to the vendor forum.

You know you are a pj when a box comes and dh is like its for your hair right.:blush:
I don't understand why my name keeps poppin up around here, but uh:

You get this dizzy lightheaded feeling and you can't quite figure out if it's excitement or a mild stroke whenever u see a sale.

The mailman, UPS and FedEx guys know u by 1st name and u are comfortable enough with them to leave your back garage door unlocked so they can put your boxes in there if you're not home.

You can justify any product purchase. Never attempt to argue with a PJ!

You can find a use for dang near everything in the produce section of your local grocery store.

You see nothing wrong with buyin 8 bottles of the same conditioner @ once.

You look @ store employees like gum on your shoe cuz the only way they can help u is by holding your purse while u scoop up the last 9 bottles of condish on the shelf.

When ppl ask what's on your wishlist and u sit there like :perplexed: cuz you've damn near done it all!
You can find a use for dang near everything in the produce section of your local grocery store.

Well err uhh...I guess I'm a PJ then. I think I hide behind the fact that my hair products do double duty as groceries so it doesn't count when I buy 10 cans of coconut milk (I use one per cowash).
When you go to Sally's and start directing customers to the products they need because the clerk doesn't know where anything is...

You buy up 8 bottles of conditioner and when they look at you crazy you just do that Hottie from Flavor of Love smile.

You gently knudge someone meandering in front of the conditioner aisle.

In your mind you are thinking ,"move!" but it actually comes out of you mouth sometimes. Gotta watch that.
Well err uhh...I guess I'm a PJ then. I think I hide behind the fact that my hair products do double duty as groceries so it doesn't count when I buy 10 cans of coconut milk (I use one per cowash).

Denial. PJ cardinal rule #1: Deny, deny, deny! #2: Look for loopholes and technicalities. It's ok msa, we understand :giggle:.
ok ok I got one. You know your a PJ when you can call the only BSS on island that sells to non-liscensed ppl and tell them your half an hour away and they stay open just for you!

It happened today and I am proud!!!!:lachen:
When you have 5 of something yet you gotta buy 3 more because it was a good sale.

When someone says "Girl, your hair is looking good now. What products are you using?" You lie because you don't want her to have none.

When you contemplate on a daily basis where you can store new purchases.
You go to the BSS and pick up a product and say..."Hmph, LCHF mentioned this in a thread, let me try it out."

You have a stash in your trunk.
See, I'm glad I'm not the only one that keeps stuff in the trunk. I got looked @ a lil cross eyed yesterday (ahem *fab*) when someone mentioned a product that has been reformulated and I told them if they wanted to try it, I had some of the original in my trunk... :look: I mean it when I say I'm somehwere collecting discontinued products lol!!

Oh, another PJ sign: you keep certain products that may have been discontinued or reformulated as mementos and refuse to use that last lil dab. I know I'm still holding on to my Sidr Tree butter...Sound familiar, Ri?? :laugh:
I don't understand why my name keeps poppin up around here, but uh:

You get this dizzy lightheaded feeling and you can't quite figure out if it's excitement or a mild stroke whenever u see a sale.

The mailman, UPS and FedEx guys know u by 1st name and u are comfortable enough with them to leave your back garage door unlocked so they can put your boxes in there if you're not home.

You can justify any product purchase. Never attempt to argue with a PJ!

You can find a use for dang near everything in the produce section of your local grocery store.

You see nothing wrong with buyin 8 bottles of the same conditioner @ once.

You look @ store employees like gum on your shoe cuz the only way they can help u is by holding your purse while u scoop up the last 9 bottles of condish on the shelf.

When ppl ask what's on your wishlist and u sit there like :perplexed: cuz you've damn near done it all!
:lachen::lachen:- you know why!

You know you're a PJ when you find yourself about to cuss out the people who work in the leasing office, 'cause you KNOW they have your package of xyz (being that you've tracked it every day on the net), even though they're telling you they ain't got it... (this was me a couple of weeks ago)

When you go to Sally's and start directing customers to the products they need because the clerk doesn't know where anything is...

You buy up 8 bottles of conditioner and when they look at you crazy you just do that Hottie from Flavor of Love smile.

You gently knudge someone meandering in front of the conditioner aisle.

In your mind you are thinking ,"move!" but it actually comes out of you mouth sometimes. Gotta watch that.
I have done that before! :grin: Sally's, the local BSS.

And you know you're a pj when you belong to a board about credit - nary a thing to do with hair - but people post in the general forum asking you questions about products... :spinning:
oh man, its like looking in a mirror in here. Me and the Ups man have a special spot if i'm not home and the FedEx man puts me last so that i'll be home from work.

you are so right about the discontinued products, I went on a quest to find that old cobre colorshowers when you said the new one was suspect. Its still in my cabinet untouched...

I cant get a real regimine or stable, because even when something is reall good, if someone mentions something else i've got to try that
I knew i was a pj when i spent 250 on hair products instead of buying a digicam to document my hair progress:wallbash:
See, I'm glad I'm not the only one that keeps stuff in the trunk. I got looked @ a lil cross eyed yesterday (ahem *fab*) when someone mentioned a product that has been reformulated and I told them if they wanted to try it, I had some of the original in my trunk... :look: I mean it when I say I'm somehwere collecting discontinued products lol!!

Oh, another PJ sign: you keep certain products that may have been discontinued or reformulated as mementos and refuse to use that last lil dab. I know I'm still holding on to my Sidr Tree butter...Sound familiar, Ri?? :laugh:

:lachen::lachen:yall are heeeeelarious!! eisani, darn tootin, i still have some sidr left AND the herbal and medicinal pomade lol. and soap of alep....

im like hammer though CAN'T TOUCH THIS!!!!!! :lachen:
You know you are a pj when you know you could open a BSS with your stash and put all BSS in your area out of business....hands down.
Friday: standing in the aisle at Sallys for nearly 2 hours, reading product labels, and bringing up LHCF searches on my PDA to check what I've read about different products. Asked by the departing shift of workers and the arriving shift of workers if I need help and I started giving them stuff to find that I knew didn't exist just so they'd leave me alone with my labels. Okay: I lied to one of them, asked for "Phyto" (deliberately pronounced it FI-TOE) and told them I'd seen it there before. (I was 98% sure the crackhead who asked me had never heard of it.) That kept her busy for nearly a half hour, looking for it. She asked me if I wanted a shampoo or a conditioner, so I told her either one I can use them interchangeably. That messed her up pretty good. :lachen:

Note: I would not call her a crackhead if she'd get the crack remnants offa her mouth, and limit herself to three or less colors and/or textures at a time. She looked like a cockatoo on Friday.
When an entire closet is full of hair products.
you buy shampoo just because it is on sale even though you just got tree braids.
bwahahahaha!!! I was on your youTube like yesterday and I totally called you names (a PJ) but I love it because you can give me a review!!!! You have a fans! You can't let them down or let anyone stop you from reviewing prods.

You should start a business of reviewing prods and expense the items you buy. Then you can get a tax deduction. :) .. is that illegal...::walks away::
Also, my other thing about SERIOUS pj's is like - why do you guys buy SO much of something when you not even sure if it's gonna work yet?! When I'm 'trying out' I buy samples or ONE of soemthign at a time. I see PJ's buying like 3 juices for oyin but I'm like.. you can only use one at a time!!! :lachen:

I love it- keep doing you. Just make sure it doesn't get in the way of other things.. like your bed and furniture
Yeah...I am a PJ in far I am doing good...I am making sure that I buy nothing new until I use up what I have...and going through what I have and do not use to send to my sister...this is really hard...really really hard...I want to move on to something else now...but I have tons of my current stuff pray for me...
You know you're a PJ when you don't tell how much something cost instead you use product speak. For example...I went to the club last night and it cost me one Honey Hemp Condish, one Honeystick. and one Burnt Sugar Pomade.

You're also a PJ if you just added that up in your head.
OMG! This thread is so funny. It's just too many to quote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

You know you're a PJ, when you're dead broke and you're more worried about money for hair products instead of putting gas in your car.

My hair is going to look so fly when I'm on the side of the highway with my emergency flashers on.
Guilty of a few of these

I wish I could go back to my freshman year in college. The only thing I brought with me was 2 combs, a boar brush, motions shampoo and conditioner and ors olive oil moisturizer. And even then I kept my hair braided the whole school year
Simple times.
You have bottles and jars stacked precariously, and you and only you know how to take one container down in a way that everything won't come tumbling down like the walls of jericho.

In the event something does fall down, you are willing to turn your face yet use your body as a buffer so the jars don't hit the floor TOO hard, thus cracking a glass jar of your precious anita grant hair butter.

People on various boards are calling you the pusher (I don't understand WHY, but as it goes...)

Your bedroom is like a hair apothecary, you have a cure for every hair ailment someone can think of.

You go through the swap boards salivating like pavlov's dog

You refuse to rest until you find that "one" product that someone mentioned

In addition to the above, you are willing to spend an entire day driving all over town, your SO in tow, to find that "one" product

You rationalize that one jar or bottle of product in your possession is not nearly enough, you need AT LEAST 2 or 3 in the stash to keep you from panicking

You're on a first name basis with vendors

Vendors know your VOICE when you call the shop, soon as you open your mouth

You try to rationalize to SO about why you need xyz product

You do swaps and sales with old boxes from previous swaps and sales

feel free to add on!!! :lachen:eisani? boston maria? tiffers?

:lol: at all of these! How about when you claim you're too tired to go grocery shopping but suddenly gain a burst of energy when you find out a local store carries one of your favorite products that was previously only available via mail. :giggle: