You know you're seeing a bad stylist when....

When the Stylist curls your hair and you see a good chunk of your hair fall into your lap because it is too hot.

When they use cheap products and charge West End/up market prices.

When you use a Marcel Iron and Hairspray to create Freeze Curls and the hair is stuck to the barrel.

Salon - When you hear the Junior stylist cum "receptionist" cuss the caller after they put down the phone.

That is what happened to me...and let's not forget the scalp burns that itch really bad as they are healing..:wallbash:.Never again.
When the shampoo girl has completed 85% of the styling process b/c the actual stylist is LATE. By the time he/she shows up all she doing is the finishing touch and removing my cape and STILL looking to get paid plus a tip.

When your stylist is SO chronically late that u surely expect some sort of discount.....still waiting....

When he/she keeps pausing and talks to u with the curling iron in her had waving it around and in ur head u say PLEASE CURL AND TALK!!

When the neighborhood junkies are in there selling socks, batteries and sheets. A bunch of random stuff I don't want and wouldn't buy from them if I did.

When they stop and take dinner orders for everyone. Then u know it's gonna be a long night.

When there is a big tub of relaxer lying around and no one can identify a def expiration date.
OH YEAH and when u SEE ur stylist in Target and duck behind the swimsuits b/c u have a new install that he SURELY didn't do. Last time he did it it was horrible. Snatched it out.
When the shampoo girl has completed 85% of the styling process b/c the actual stylist is LATE. By the time he/she shows up all she doing is the finishing touch and removing my cape and STILL looking to get paid plus a tip.

When your stylist is SO chronically late that u surely expect some sort of discount.....still waiting....

When he/she keeps pausing and talks to u with the curling iron in her had waving it around and in ur head u say PLEASE CURL AND TALK!!

When the neighborhood junkies are in there selling socks, batteries and sheets. A bunch of random stuff I don't want and wouldn't buy from them if I did.

When they stop and take dinner orders for everyone. Then u know it's gonna be a long night.

When there is a big tub of relaxer lying around and no one can identify a def expiration date.


I am from southern Miami, and whenever I would go to a salon, if my mom was not there, they would skip me. They did this to all the young girls who's parents weren't there with them, they would let the older women go before us. Basically they were giving them preferential treatment because they knew that we would most likely not say anything. A lot has changed since then, but back then we didn't say anything or talk back to our elders. And they knew this....

Does it make sense now? :ohwell:

This happened to me so many times when I was a young girl. Being skipped, along with the stylist waiting until my mom LEFT to suggest that I need a trim. My mom would come to pick me up and ask me, "Why did you let that woman cut your hair again?" I used to think to myself, "Why did you leave me?"

Mine are for braid know you are seeing a bad stylist when

  • ...when you arrive for an afternoon braiding appt, they finish their lunch by eating some form of thick gumbo with their hands, lick their fingers clean and then walk towards your head to start braiding (true story in Fayetteville, NC on Skibo Road...and I jumped out of the chair and left!)
  • ...when they leave to walk down to the chicken place three hours into doing your hair and don't come back for an hour.
  • ...when three people are braiding your head, and you have four or five different sizes and textures of box braids in your head when you leave.
  • ...when they have to re-do your entire head over again with different hair because the braids have started slipping out - like seeing a braid on the floor while you are out at dinner!!! (Personal experience!)
  • ...when they ask, "Now, what is a box braid?"
  • ...when they stop braiding your hair to braid someone else's and then get back to you later.
  • ...when your 4 hour braid session takes 10 hours.
  • ...when you speak to your braider over the phone to make the appointment and then arrive to be braided by someone who doesn't understand your language. (Personal experience!!!) I left.

This is why I learned to do my own braids...


The last time I ever went to a braid stylists, I left with my head hurting so bad from 4 different people braiding (twisting) my hair at the same time. I gave up on braids, period. I took those out after only 2 weeks. They were way too tight and I didn't want to lose a patch of hair.

When you realise that the warm honey blond highlights you thought was your natural hair colour is actually relaxer damage.

LMAO. For years, I thought my hair was just getting lighter from the sun.

So sad that just about everything in this list has happened to me, including having a home hair braider ask me to give her a ride to go get some Chinese food before she got started on my cornrows.
When you're sitting in the styling chair getting your hair done at a salon for the first time, and all of a sudden a woman bursts through the door and hurls a brick at the stylist that's THIS close to hitting you in the head, all because the stylist did her braids wrong. :blush::perplexed:blush:
  • Your stylist gossips/talks trash about her other clients;

  • Your stylist is evasive when you ask about the products she uses;

  • Your stylist disregards or mocks your requests;

  • Your stylist attempts to shame you into cutting your hair; and

  • Your stylist's only suggestion regarding how you can improve the condition of your hair is, "Come see me every week."
1. When they ask for the payment upfront b4 she works on your head
2. When she braids one cornrow & needs a break to smoke a cig or weed or both b4 she can do another. Taking 3 hours to cornrow 8 braids. Wth!:wallbash:
3. Charges you again to do the install that she jacked up.
4. Braids too tight and says it cause your hair to grow but it does is give bald spots.:nono:
5. Talks to you about every single problem they got and you care about is getting your hair done.
6. When your mom ask you if the stylist was high when she was doing your hair:lachen:
7. Has to get high b4 doing your hair b/c it makes her more creative:nono:
When the hair dryer is set on HELL in u have to turn it with plyers.
When the stories come on they stop doing your hair.
When u go in they are selling clothes, perfume, pocketbooks, wingbags, n the hot sauce is beside the hair spray.
When the shampoo bowel is proped up with a 2/4.
When you getting your hair done they try to sell u a used dvd of Friday.
When you walk in n wait for a minute and ask them how much longer and They say just a second n 30min pass.
When they send you home with conditioner in your hair in a plastic cap on n tell u they will finish in the moring they are tired.
When they are teaching their kids to work in the shop n they have them trying to shampoo your hair in they are digging their nails in your head then they proceed to finish and the mama says scratch the scalp n rewash.
Relaxer base is baby vaseline.
When they start telling yo mama jokes.

  1. She doesnt fully neutralize the hair she just does 2 quick wash/rinses then sends you under the dryer for a DC:wallbash:

When I went to salons and got my hair relaxed, I never had a stylist properly neutralize my hair. They always did the quick 2 minute wash. Not just at one salon but basically every salon I went to. It was only after I came to LHCF that I realized how important the neutralizing process is, and it should take several minutes among several washes.
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When they are crackin, smackin and chewin that gum in your ear!

When they literally push your head down in order to get to the back instead of asking you to hold your head down.

When the shampoo girl and the stylist all have fried chicken breath and they want to hold conversations with you.

When they take you in the back (after a two hour wait) to get shampooed and leave the conditioner on for another hour so you can't walk out and leave.

When you leave the shop with hair stuck to your sandals cause they hadn't swept all day!
how nasty..aren't they supposed to have inspections?

Nope, I have never seen anyone inspect this salon ( In fact I dont think I have seen any salon get inspected in the UK). I remember when I went 3 months prior to the ceiling collapse I saw serious damp all along the walls and where we put our jackets, it should have been a sign:yep:
When they take ur weave out n ur hair. Now u havr bald spoke n she acts like u had to do something to have this happen.

When she shows up with pj on and tell u she has to take a shower give her a minute.

When the young child says my mama don't like you she told Mrs. Shelia that when u went to the bathroom!
I mean would you go see a dentist with awful teeth? An esthetician with bad skin? LOL....[/QUOTE]

ITA with the above.
1) When they look at your hair before retouching the new growth and say, "you whole head looks like it's reverted!" This is after you've told her you just took out some braids a day before.....:wallbash:
2) When they spend more time talking to their friend who just sits in the shop doing nothing the whole time their doing your hair.
3) When they say, " your hair is so need a trim" *with a gleam in their eyes!
RUN, RUN, RUN!!!!!!
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When your stylist leaves you sitting in the chair(hair half done) to run around the corner to a funeral parlor to do the hair of a recently deceased person she did not know.

It was my 1st and last time there. I mean come on. She had a chance to have a repeat customer that tips!!!!!!!

She said I'll be right back. I waited a good hour and she still had not returned. I kindly got up, put my wig back on and used the money she would have gotten to got to the casino.

That's just HAM!!!!

- She never remembers your name even though you've been going to her for months

-You're embarrassed because you were nice enough to refer someone to her and they call you complaining about her bad service

-you have to hear about her personal life whether you want to or not.

-She asks you to run errands for her

-She wants you to pay with cash after she specifically told you ahead of time that you could write a check, and you have to run to the ATM.

-Even her kid says that your hair looks bad when she's finished

-You leave her a message to schedule an appointment and she never returns your call.

I could go on for days...

Those bolded ones, I have personally experienced...And that's just a MESS!!!!

when you ask for a DC, and she ends up trying to leave you under there for an hour and a half while she eats and does her other clients

when you've been in there so long, that while you're there you need a lunch break (and don't forget to pick her up something, too)

Ugh...Been there too!:nono:

when you ask her what you should be doing at home between visits she tells you to only put IC hair polisher on your hair everyday, even though you only see her every TWO WEEKS (after about the 5th day, the hair polisher starts making your hair feel sticky/hard)

Had this happen, too...So, you mean to tell me that all I need for 2 weeks for moisture is some hair polisher?!:rolleyes:

Horrible thing that happened to me at a beauty school, but this is a sign of a horrible stylist. She washed my hair, conditioned, rinsed, and my head itched like crazy. I reached up only to feel a thick coating of conditioner or shampoo or both STILL on my scalp. She called the instructor over, and the instructor said it was dandruff. I told the girl to re-wash my hair with a clarifier, then I left.

Stylist reaches for a rattail comb to detangle your BSL texlax hair.:wallbash:
Try 100% Natural 3c/mostly 4a hair:nono::nono:

Stylist refuses to detangle your hair properly even after given instruction. (This is when I leave, I don't have time.)

Good for you...Someone was thinking clearly...

When she can't speak a word of English, goes over to talk to another stylist, then comes back to you and only says "Touch up?"

-When you go in the first time and she charges you £40, the next time £65 and the time after that £55. When you bring this to their attention you get told off for causing trouble. You ask for a definate price and its not the same as anything you've paid before!

-When you reluctantly get bullied into having a trim and she stars shaving the back of your head (tru story, the day before I was starting my new life at University, I was devastated)

-When you ask for a treatment and she washes ur hair but then wont do anything else unless you let het colour and cut it. (had to walk out with wet hair)

-When she decides she doesnt like the length of your hair and cuts far too much off then sees the disappointment/shock in your face then screams and shouts at you and tells you to get out of her salon because shes been cutting hair for years and is a great hairdresser

This stylist needs her license revoked...That's just crazy!!!

When you have been going to the salon every week and then a you experience breakage and she asks you "what have you been doing to your hair"

:wallbash::wallbash:OMGee, how many times have I heard this one...Seriously, you want to know what I've done in 7 days, to elicit 6 months worth of damage???:rolleyes:

When she has 3 8:00 appts and doesnt show up to work until 9:30 and she has an attitude.

Definitely have dealt with this one!

She charges clients 10.00 for a "deep treatment" that was QP elasta intense that she left on their head for all of 5 mins.

Mine are for braid know you are seeing a bad stylist when

  • ...when you arrive for an afternoon braiding appt, they finish their lunch by eating some form of thick gumbo with their hands, lick their fingers clean and then walk towards your head to start braiding (true story in Fayetteville, NC on Skibo Road...and I jumped out of the chair and left!)
  • ...when they leave to walk down to the chicken place three hours into doing your hair and don't come back for an hour.
    [*]...when three people are braiding your head, and you have four or five different sizes and textures of box braids in your head when you leave.
  • ...when they have to re-do your entire head over again with different hair because the braids have started slipping out - like seeing a braid on the floor while you are out at dinner!!! (Personal experience!)
  • ...when they ask, "Now, what is a box braid?"
  • ...when they stop braiding your hair to braid someone else's and then get back to you later.
    [*]...when your 4 hour braid session takes 10 hours.
    [*]...when you speak to your braider over the phone to make the appointment and then arrive to be braided by someone who doesn't understand your language. (Personal experience!!!) I left.

This is why I learned to do my own braids...


All the bolded have happened to me as well...I should have had the good sense to leave but didn't...hence braid-"gate" 98...:rolleyes:

[QUOTE=Pretty Brown Eyes;7512801]~ when you've been there so long that they have ordered lunch AND dinner....separately
~ when they run 'quick' errands to pick up their kids from school (who you know is gonna want to stop at the store for something to eat)
~when you arrive at the shop and call them at home only to find out they're still sleep[/QUOTE]

Yes ma'am--all of those were a regular for my stylist and I had gone to her for years before I just had to walk away...

*when she turns all of the bottles around backwards so customers cant see the labels but they are all recognizably from Sally's.

*When you ask her what type of relaxer she uses and she says "paul mitchell"

When the shampoo girl has completed 85% of the styling process b/c the actual stylist is LATE. By the time he/she shows up all she doing is the finishing touch and removing my cape and STILL looking to get paid plus a tip.

When your stylist is SO chronically late that u surely expect some sort of discount.....still waiting....

When he/she keeps pausing and talks to u with the curling iron in her had waving it around and in ur head u say PLEASE CURL AND TALK!!

When the neighborhood junkies are in there selling socks, batteries and sheets. A bunch of random stuff I don't want and wouldn't buy from them if I did.

When they stop and take dinner orders for everyone. Then u know it's gonna be a long night.
When there is a big tub of relaxer lying around and no one can identify a def expiration date.

All of the bolded remind me of my old salon in Atlanta off Memorial drive...don't forget about DVD's, fruit, oh, and even hair supplies:rolleyes:

When you're sitting in the styling chair getting your hair done at a salon for the first time, and all of a sudden a woman bursts through the door and hurls a brick at the stylist that's THIS close to hitting you in the head, all because the stylist did her braids wrong. :blush::perplexed:blush:

Now...:blush:this is just a dern shame:nono::nono:

  • Your stylist gossips/talks trash about her other clients;

    [*]Your stylist is evasive when you ask about the products she uses;
  • Your stylist disregards or mocks your requests;

  • Your stylist attempts to shame you into cutting your hair; and

    [*]Your stylist's only suggestion regarding how you can improve the condition of your hair is, "Come see me every week."

Yep, the bolded...:ohwell:

When the hair dryer is set on HELL in u have to turn it with plyers.
When the stories come on they stop doing your hair.
When u go in they are selling clothes, perfume, pocketbooks, wingbags, n the hot sauce is beside the hair spray.
When the shampoo bowel is proped up with a 2/4.
When you getting your hair done they try to sell u a used dvd of Friday.
When you walk in n wait for a minute and ask them how much longer and They say just a second n 30min pass.

All THE time!!!

When they send you home with conditioner in your hair in a plastic cap on n tell u they will finish in the moring they are tired.
When they are teaching their kids to work in the shop n they have them trying to shampoo your hair in they are digging their nails in your head then they proceed to finish and the mama says scratch the scalp n rewash.
Relaxer base is baby vaseline.
When they start telling yo mama jokes.
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These have happened to me....

1. You wait and wait for the stylist to finish your hair and nobody knows where she went... then she finally shows up after she's done with her laundry.
2. You stop seeing the stylist and she blows up your phone like an angry ex-boyfriend.
3. The stylist puts super strength relaxer (without your consent) on your hair only to have it all fall off a few days later.
4. When the stylist tells you not to bother going natural, but later find out her pretty long hair IS natural and she just said that cuz she wanted your money.
5. When this so called stylist charges you a different amount every week depending on her mood.
6. Since I used to frequent Dominican stylists - when they are more interested in dancing Merengue than they are doing your hair
This happened to me

1. When the stylist has her 9 year old shampooing your hair
2. When she tells YOU to sit yourself under the dryer and set your own time.
3. When your appointment is at 10:00 am and it's noon a your still sittin in the waiting area.
4. When you already set up your appointment the week before and when you arrive to the Salon, she isn't there the lights are off and when you call she won't answer her phone.

I am from southern Miami, and whenever I would go to a salon, if my mom was not there, they would skip me. They did this to all the young girls who's parents weren't there with them, they would let the older women go before us. Basically they were giving them preferential treatment because they knew that we would most likely not say anything. A lot has changed since then, but back then we didn't say anything or talk back to our elders. And they knew this....

Does it make sense now? :ohwell:

I used to go to miami to get my hair done! I went to the dominicans, I live in palm beach. I hated those saturday drives :ohwell: but i loved my hair :yep:
Oh man I can't stop laughing at all these posts!!!!

This one happened to me in November....

When the stylist has 4 inch fake nails and proceeds to scratch the ish out of your scalp after not one, not two, not three, but FOUR shampoos! Then gets mad when you tell her to STOP. I was like how does she wash her private parts with them long a** nails? LMAO!!!
1. Call, book the appointment and tell them exactly what you want and when you get there they ask you for a ride to the BSS to get the supplies WTF

2. Call yourself being the first appt to beat the rush in which you arrive at 6AM (as instructed) for them to show an hour later!!

3. when you book the first appt and on the way to the salon your phone rings, and its the stylist asking for a ride to the shop because his boyfriend broke out his windows.

4. last but not least ...when your hair was dyed a particular color and each time you go for a touch up it turns out a different color!
When you go to a hair braider and they tell you they ran out of hair glue to finish your braids and that you would have to go down the block to buy some more glue.

And when you get in your car (to leave and not come back...which you don't mention to them), you see said hairstylist in the back eating lunch and chattin it up with the other stylists. Hmph.

Now that I think about it I don't even think that person could be called a stylist...just wouldn't be fair.

True story.
When you go to a hair braider and they tell you they ran out of hair glue to finish your braids and that you would have to go down the block to buy some more glue.

And when you get in your car (to leave and not come back...which you don't mention to them), you see said hairstylist in the back eating lunch and chattin it up with the other stylists. Hmph.

Now that I think about it I don't even think that person could be called a stylist...just wouldn't be fair.

True story.

Hair glue for braids? :blush:
When they start telling you other people's business. Unprofessional in one area usually means unprofessional in others and I don't want that kind of person over my head.
When she sends her 10 year old son to buy w##% because she says it will make her braid faster.

When the baby with the s#^&&% diaper is crawling in your lap thinking you are going to do her hair.

When you leave her house with a contact high...and you have asthma.

When your entire weekend goes up in smoke becuase she decides that visiting the babydaddy in jail that broke her wrist is more important than doing hair and earning money.

When you have to bring snacks and toys for her kids to keep them out of your face.
These have happened to me....

1. You wait and wait for the stylist to finish your hair and nobody knows where she went... then she finally shows up after she's done with her laundry.
2. You stop seeing the stylist and she blows up your phone like an angry ex-boyfriend.
3. The stylist puts super strength relaxer (without your consent) on your hair only to have it all fall off a few days later.
4. When the stylist tells you not to bother going natural, but later find out her pretty long hair IS natural and she just said that cuz she wanted your money.
5. When this so called stylist charges you a different amount every week depending on her mood.
6. Since I used to frequent Dominican stylists - when they are more interested in dancing Merengue than they are doing your hair

:lachen::lachen:Just reading that...
Hair glue for braids? :blush:

Yep...I was getting the type of braids where they were loose on the ends. Instead of knotting where the braided part meets the loose part, this braider was using a tiny bit of "glue" to hold the braid at that point.

I'd had it done like that before with a different braider...
These have happened to me....

1. You wait and wait for the stylist to finish your hair and nobody knows where she went... then she finally shows up after she's done with her laundry.
2. You stop seeing the stylist and she blows up your phone like an angry ex-boyfriend.
3. The stylist puts super strength relaxer (without your consent) on your hair only to have it all fall off a few days later.
4. When the stylist tells you not to bother going natural, but later find out her pretty long hair IS natural and she just said that cuz she wanted your money.
5. When this so called stylist charges you a different amount every week depending on her mood.
6. Since I used to frequent Dominican stylists - when they are more interested in dancing Merengue than they are doing your hair

LMAO!!! YES so true... come here mami! :lachen::lachen:
Oh man I can't stop laughing at all these posts!!!!

This one happened to me in November....

When the stylist has 4 inch fake nails and proceeds to scratch the ish out of your scalp after not one, not two, not three, but FOUR shampoos! Then gets mad when you tell her to STOP. I was like how does she wash her private parts with them long a** nails? LMAO!!!

OMG I can't STAND when they shampoo my hair THREE and FOUR times. I am like WTF!!! U are stripping every oil I ever had in my life out of my hair.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: