You know you're a pj when...

you go into panick attack when u fiind out or even think a product is being discontinued

you stock up on products even tho YOU KNOW its NOT being discontinued

you can spend an entire lunch hour in the bss

you look harder for a misplaced product in your house, than u would for your wedding ring

u get an urge to buy conditoner just because of the beauty of the packaging

you bring 5 conditioners, 2 poos, & 3 dc's with u in the shower cuz u don't know which one u want to use until the last minute

^^^the fact that u have that many to bring in the shower with u at once

^^^you've mastered carrying around THAT many products at once....LOL
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This is hilarious! :lachen:

You know you're a pj when you change your entire driving route to stop by the BSS, Vitamin Shoppe, Sallys etc.

Last week, It took me an hour to get to my friend's house which is only 10 minutes away. :blush:
You have bottles and jars stacked precariously, and you and only you know how to take one container down in a way that everything won't come tumbling down like the walls of jericho.

In the event something does fall down, you are willing to turn your face yet use your body as a buffer so the jars don't hit the floor TOO hard, thus cracking a glass jar of your precious anita grant hair butter. :yep:Yup, that be me.

People on various boards are calling you the pusher (I don't understand WHY, but as it goes...). People do this:blush::perplexed.

Your bedroom is like a hair apothecary, you have a cure for every hair ailment someone can think of.:lachen:YUP!!!

You go through the swap boards salivating like pavlov's dog. And wanting it all free too:lachen:

You refuse to rest until you find that "one" product that someone mentioned:lachen:OMG NO!!!

In addition to the above, you are willing to spend an entire day driving all over town, your SO in tow, to find that "one" product. This just wrong! See de key deh! Lock me up now:lachen:!

You rationalize that one jar or bottle of product in your possession is not nearly enough, you need AT LEAST 2 or 3 in the stash to keep you from panicking. :blush::blush::blush:. Get outta my head girl:blush::blush::blush:.

You're on a first name basis with vendors. Oh crap, this is just pure embarrassing :blush::grin:.

Vendors know your VOICE when you call the shop, soon as you open your mouth. Yup dey sho nuff do:yep:

You try to rationalize to SO about why you need xyz product. My oh my:nono:. I need a lotta hep.

You do swaps and sales with old boxes from previous swaps and sales

feel free to add on!!! :lachen:eisani? boston maria? tiffers?

Empressri you're a mess:grin:. Why you gatta be callin' us PJs out like this?.

You also know you're a PJ too when you just have to tell errybody you hear talking about a hair issue and you have to make a recommendation for it no matter what it is coz you've got it, tried it and can offer samples for a fee to get some other hair stuff you have your eyes on:lachen:.
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lol!!!! i may buy multiples of something cause i KNOW it will work off of reading the ingredient list.

miss phyto buahahaaa!!!!:lachen:well, how DO you say phyto???
You know you're a PJ when. . . .

-You're able to post a reply on "What did you buy this month" on the first of that month.

-When you go to check out at a drugstore, the cashier goes "Wow, that's a lot of hair products!"

-You buy first, then look it up on LHCF later.

-When you see the words "No buy challenge" you experience feelings of anxiety, confusion, and break out in a cold sweat.

-You feel slightly envious when a poster on the board mentions using up a product.

-You know darn well a certain ingredient doesn't work for your hair, but you still have to use large amounts of self-control not to buy that new hair product with the cute packaging that has the ingredient. And sometimes self-control loses and you buy it anways.

-There are products on the floor of your bathroom because you don't have any room left in the cabinet. :blush:
You know you're a PJ when you don't tell how much something cost instead you use product speak. For example...I went to the club last night and it cost me one Honey Hemp Condish, one Honeystick. and one Burnt Sugar Pomade.

You're also a PJ if you just added that up in your head.

Okay, that one is relatable. :yep:
A relative and someone I'm close to at work said..."You do realize you translate the cost of something into a hair product, right?"

For example, some cashier tries to short me my change or I will get something that is cheaper at the cafeteria...

Mo: "You know I could buy a conditioner with that change..."


I think you may be a pj when you can take inventory...
and you buy ish by the gallon and pail...

You know you're a PJ when you look at some folks' stash and just say oh, that's not bad or think to your(my)self yea right, you ain't no PJ! The only ones that have truly left me speechless are Aggie :grin:, Empressri:grin: and Tee :grin:. There are a few others but these always stick out in my mind.

You know you're a PJ when you go to someone's Fotki and the first thing you check is whether or not they have an album dedicated to products, hair be damned :laugh:

You buy stuff and instantly forget what you purchased

You don't like to share :nono: or it's only with select people...

You really don't see what the big deal is and justify your tendencies by saying stuff like, "well at least I don't smoke crack or something else crazy!" -Or is that just me?

You sometimes forget what products you used to achieve a certain look.
You really don't see what the big deal is and justify your tendencies by saying stuff like, "well at least I don't smoke crack or something else crazy!" -Or is that just me?

I'm not a pj....but yes, I do relate to that justification..:look:

*must take a pic of my inventory closet one day for fotki..*
I'm not a pj....but yes, I do relate to that justification..:look:

*must take a pic of my inventory closet one day for fotki..*
I keep saying I'm going to update my Fotki product albums but just the thought makes me :spinning:

Hol' up... who's not a PJ? Surely you jest :jester:...try that line on a chump in the streets, I sees ya and know better :lachen:
From my blog:

Here we go.....

#10. Every time you go to the grocery store, your first and last stop is the hair product aisle.

#9. You researched all the non-traditional holidays to see if there are any more that involve buying of gifts. If necessary, you will convert and participate in whatever rituals just to have another opportunity of receiving new hair products as gifts.

#8. You have all of the email addresses of major hair product manufacturers in your contact list.

#7. When you receive a credit card offer for 0% intrest on purchases, your very first thought about is about placing your hair product wish list order.

#6. The guy who owns the beauty supply store knows you by first and last name.

The number five way to know that you are spending too much money on hair products...

#5. Your carpel tunnel starts acting up again when you post your long list of hits and misses on LHCF for the last month.

#4. You start to exhibit crack head like behaviors when purchasing new products.
First you ask the girl in the counter "you got dat new.... Then you proceed to clasp the product with both hands before sniffing it for potency. You quickly put the money on the counter and run out of the store without a bag or the receipt.

#3. You are now to the point where you have to hide your hair product purchases because at first everyone thought you were doing good things to your hair, but now everyone thinks you're crazy.

#2. Every time someone on the forum lists the new product you get all excited only to find out that you have it already.

The number one way to know that you are spending too much money on hair products.

#1. You spent all of your grocery money on hair products so you reason with yourself that you and your family can consume some of them because they contain natural ingredients.
I keep saying I'm going to update my Fotki product albums but just the thought makes me :spinning:

Hol' up... who's not a PJ? Surely you jest :jester:...try that line on a chump in the streets, I sees ya and know better :lachen:

Uh-uh.. no pj...

I consider myself a tps......a targeted product seeker ...:look:
You look at a product you're interested in buying and go to your cupboards and find all the ingredients so you can make it yourself

Buy a product just because it "looks good"

You're worried if any of your products have an expiry date...and you only bought them a day ago

Even with all your products, you don't use them interchangeably because you're afraid it will "ruin" your hair

You feel that if you don't have the rave product you're missing out

Have no space to put your necesary toiletries i.e toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper
1. You go to another borough at night to get a hair product that you could have gotten in your neighborhood the very next day
(i.e., I live in Brooklyn, but I went to the Whole Foods in Union Square to get Burt's Bees Avocado Butter Pre-Shampoo Hair Treatment)

2. You go into the supermarket thinking about what you can get for your hair instead of what you can get to eat.

P.S. The store in Brooklyn that I could've gotten the Burt's Bees from is The Shampoo Exchange, 2523 Avenue U. They're open 7 days a week. Call (718) 934-0016 for store hours. They have salon products (Aveda, etc.) and flat irons (Chi, etc.). They also charge less money than other stores for some of their products (i.e., they charge $6.17 for the Fantasia IC heat serum).

I know that it's wrong of me to tempt you guys by including the store's info, but I gotta help the PJs expand their obsession--just like empressri is helping me to expand mine. I'm going to KBB this week largely b/c of you (and b/c I really need a deep conditioner). I'm getting the Sweet Treat Sample Pack (hair nectar, bodacious shampoo bar, super silky & luscious locks hair mask) and the deep conditioner. Let's hope that's ALL that I walk out with:grin::grin::grin:.
You know you're a PJ when you look at some folks' stash and just say oh, that's not bad or think to your(my)self yea right, you ain't no PJ! The only ones that have truly left me speechless are Aggie :grin:, Empressri:grin: and Tee :grin:. There are a few others but these always stick out in my mind.

I know, I know, I have hair product flu, only thing is I don't wanna get rid of this kinda sickness:grin:

You know you're a PJ when you go to someone's Fotki and the first thing you check is whether or not they have an album dedicated to products, hair be damned :laugh:

You buy stuff and instantly forget what you purchased

You don't like to share :nono: or it's only with select people...

You really don't see what the big deal is and justify your tendencies by saying stuff like, "well at least I don't smoke crack or something else crazy!" -Or is that just me?

You sometimes forget what products you used to achieve a certain look.

OMG Eisani!!! I can relate to every single one of these. When I visit someone's fotki, I always look for a their product album FIRST, then I check out their hair:grin:. Oh and that sharing thing, what is that? I remember I almost went into palpitations the first time someone asked me for some of my beloved conditioners, I was like:shocked::eek2:, seem to me like you rootin' for a :fishslap: but let me just :think: for just a minute, hmm:huh:, I decided to:meditate: over it for a split second and got this really really :sick: feeling, so I said :nono2:, , :badidea:, :giggle:.
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You know you're a PJ when you look at some folks' stash and just say oh, that's not bad or think to your(my)self yea right, you ain't no PJ! The only ones that have truly left me speechless are Aggie :grin:, Empressri:grin: and Tee :grin:. There are a few others but these always stick out in my mind.

You know you're a PJ when you go to someone's Fotki and the first thing you check is whether or not they have an album dedicated to products, hair be damned :laugh:

You don't like to share :nono: or it's only with select people...

You really don't see what the big deal is and justify your tendencies by saying stuff like, "well at least I don't smoke crack or something else crazy!" -Or is that just me?

This is all so true, esp. the bolded, I haven't seen Tee's album, need to check it out asap.
OMG Eisani!!! I can relate to every single one of these. When I visit someone's fotki, I always look for a their product album FIRST, then I check out their hair:grin:. Oh and that sharing thing, what is that? I remember I almost went into palpitations the first time someone asked me for some of my beloved conditioners, I was like:shocked::eek2:, seem to me like you rootin' for a :fishslap: but let me just :think: for just a minute, hmm:huh:, I decided to:meditate: over it for a split second and got this really really :sick: feeling, so I said :nono2:, , :badidea:, :giggle:.
I just get this really distant look in my eye (I know cuz I can feel it) and cock my head to the side like :eh: you want what???
^^ troo, troo... you also know if you're able to calculate a price in your head and do mental price comparisons instantaneously. You know when something is or isn't a deal. Do ya homework, ladies! Do ya homework...
I know I am a pj when I see Fantasia IC Hair Polisher Styling Gel at a Target near my job for only $1.07 for the 16oz and there are 7 jars on the shelf and I buy all seven. Then about 3 weeks later I go again and the gel is still for $1.07 and I go and buy the seven jars they have on the shelf again!!!!!!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I knew I was a pj when i turned down a digital camera for xmas and instead made my roommate buy me over $150 in Karens body beautiful items, komaza care items, and quemet biologics items, and oyin handmade items. then I hugged her every time the ups man delivered them as if i was surprised they came, lol

p.s. the quemet biologics i bought for my mom as a gift, i couldnt hand it over to her so i went and bought her perfume, lol
lol!!!! i may buy multiples of something cause i KNOW it will work off of reading the ingredient list.

miss phyto buahahaaa!!!!:lachen:well, how DO you say phyto???

It's FEE-toe according to the company! :lachen: Didn't matter; Miss Sally 1973 wasn't gonna know either way!
^^ troo, troo... you also know if you're able to calculate a price in your head and do mental price comparisons instantaneously. You know when something is or isn't a deal. Do ya homework, ladies! Do ya homework...

My personal specialty is doing the per ounce comparisons in my head; I need to know if I get a better deal buying 2 16-oz containers or 4 8-oz containers :grin:
From my blog:

#4. You start to exhibit crack head like behaviors when purchasing new products.
First you ask the girl in the counter "you got dat new.... Then you proceed to clasp the product with both hands before sniffing it for potency. You quickly put the money on the counter and run out of the store without a bag or the receipt.

