You know you're a pj when...

You know you are a pj when you-
-run out of places to put your stash
-you know how to revamp bad products that do not work (eg use useless conditioners as co-washers or add oils/SAA/honeyquat/ayervedic powders etc to improve quality).
-can easily use one whole bottle of conditioner on hair
-know exactly what to look for in the ingredents list when buying conditioners
-Knows the postman/UPS man by name and is recognised by staff when you collect your packages at your local PO/UPS depot
-You can tell the Sally's salesperson is wondering why you buy so much stuff and do not have a sally's discount card-you wish you could but you are not a cosmetologist.
-Your postman/UPS man thinks you are running a business from home.
-Your SO/DH says he thinks you have a problem/asks if you are planning to open a shop
-Whenever your SO/DH runs out of condish you find the cheapest most worthless condish for him to use.
-whenever you have visitors you put away your expensive stash so that no one uses it up and put the cheap stuff in the bathroom for them to use.
-You repeatedly explain the dire cosequences to your SO/DH if he uses your expensive products, but cannot bring yourself to tell him that the conditioner you forbid him to use cost the same price as one of your shoes!
-You make a note of when you use a product so that you rotate regularly
-you feel a sense of accomplishment when you use a product until the bottle is empty
You know you are a pj when you-
-run out of places to put your stash
-you know how to revamp bad products that do not work (eg use useless conditioners as co-washers or add oils/SAA/honeyquat/ayervedic powders etc to improve quality).
-can easily use one whole bottle of conditioner on hair
-know exactly what to look for in the ingredents list when buying conditioners
-Knows the postman/UPS man by name and is recognised by staff when you collect your packages at your local PO/UPS depot
-You can tell the Sally's salesperson is wondering why you buy so much stuff and do not have a sally's discount card-you wish you could but you are not a cosmetologist.
-Your postman/UPS man thinks you are running a business from home.
-Your SO/DH says he thinks you have a problem/asks if you are planning to open a shop
-Whenever your SO/DH runs out of condish you find the cheapest most worthless condish for him to use.
-whenever you have visitors you put away your expensive stash so that no one uses it up and put the cheap stuff in the bathroom for them to use.
-You repeatedly explain the dire cosequences to your SO/DH if he uses your expensive products, but cannot bring yourself to tell him that the conditioner you forbid him to use cost the same price as one of your shoes!
-You make a note of when you use a product so that you rotate regularly
-you feel a sense of accomplishment when you use a product until the bottle is empty

Lmbo one day my post man was like be careful. Im like for what, he was like i know your dealing:eek:. All these boxes coming to the house you gotta be slick with it:lachen:. Im like naw its hair stuff but in the back of my mind thinking i guess you do see everything:look:.
when you forgot what you have. you start leaveing your stuff at your DD HOUSE.
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When you forgot you already have the stuff you want to try. and you leave your stuff at your DD HOUSE.CANT PASS A BSS WITH OUT BUYING SOME LOL
You know you're a PJ when you think you bought the BSS out, only to wake up the next morning looking for products that you don't have. *In a frenzy* "Where is that biosilk?! Damn I didn't get it! *rushes back to BSS*

When you're on LHCF at 2:00 am (without realizing it) with a pad and pen, taking notes for new combinations and products.

When you have so many of the same type of products that you're combining condishes and poos.

When google shopping is right under on your browsing history.
yall like my picture? hehee!!

so i got another one, you go across country to bust your friend away from her ex fiance's crazy family, and before going to pack up a truck with all of her stuff to drive BACK across country, you see a sally's and practically run over to buy some lustrasilk that you heard worked OH so well as a leave in. and no tax! i was in heaven!
When your SO has to run to the bss for clipper blades and oil, sees how excited u are and says "Oh hell no sit yo' az$ right mf'in here in this car, I'll be right back!"

At least that's what mine told me today :(

:lachen: :ohwell:
When you spend 15 minutes (even went to the site and had the stuff in your cart) talking yourself out of buying something you don't need and never heard of until that day. You only want to get it bc it's $4.50 when it's normally $45.

When you go to pick up a package from the condo office and they say dang you get packages everyday. Then you get home, check your e-mail to see you have 4 packages on the way and that doesn't include the packages that you had already received e-mails for the day before.
When your SO has to run to the bss for clipper blades and oil, sees how excited u are and says "Oh hell no sit yo' az$ right mf'in here in this car, I'll be right back!"

At least that's what mine told me today :(

:lachen: :ohwell:
I almost spit out my oatmeal!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
When you spend 15 minutes (even went to the site and had the stuff in your cart) talking yourself out of buying something you don't need and never heard of until that day. You only want to get it bc it's $4.50 when it's normally $45.

When you go to pick up a package from the condo office and they say dang you get packages everyday. Then you get home, check your e-mail to see you have 4 packages on the way and that doesn't include the packages that you had already received e-mails for the day before.
I know they probably say that about me at the apartment complex office. I'on care! They don't even see the Hairveda...if I'm not home I have to go to the post office to pick it up. :grin:

I almost spit out my oatmeal!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

He kinda hurt my feelin's :laugh:

When you spend 15 minutes (even went to the site and had the stuff in your cart) talking yourself out of buying something you don't need and never heard of until that day. You only want to get it bc it's $4.50 when it's normally $45.

We are so ------->here<------- on this one. I was like well dang, 90% off, what's a girl to do???
when you SO asks you on a daily basis "so what did you do to your hair today" instead of "so how was your day".
We are so ------->here<------- on this one. I was like well dang, 90% off, what's a girl to do???
When that happened I was like oh lawd I need help.

You know you're a pj when you're getting bored with products that have helped your hair tremendously and you're itching to buy some new stuff :lick:.
Bumping this for good measure.

When you have a product that you've used, wasn't wowed by it, but by some immeasurable force you've decided you want to try it again and are content to read a 106 page long thread on here devoted to this product (wen if you want to know)

THEN your SO asks why do you want to try it again and you can't come up with a better reason than just because you want to! :lachen: