You know you're a pj when...

You know you a PJ when you go to the local BSS or Sally's and feel the need to pull up a chair or sit in the middle of the aisle just so you can read labels.

Haha thats soo meeee, i just wanna sit down with a paper and pen write down all the products tht are good that i wanna get. and analyze the ingredients LOL
if this is only PART of your stash...

Ok, I'll just say it. I'm a PJ and an LHCF junkie (clearly from the timing of these last two posts). You know you're a PJ when midnight rolled around last night and your first thought was "Hey, I can now place my order with Qhemet Biologics (they were out of commission toooo long restocking). It's like X-mas all over again...or whatever holiday gets you excited.
I know I am a pj when I see Fantasia IC Hair Polisher Styling Gel at a Target near my job for only $1.07 for the 16oz and there are 7 jars on the shelf and I buy all seven. Then about 3 weeks later I go again and the gel is still for $1.07 and I go and buy the seven jars they have on the shelf again!!!!!!!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

if this is only PART of your stash...

You're a PJ when you look at this and get all dreamy eyed, exhale and go aahhhh...cuz I did it lmao! I just wanna reach out and touch 'em. Your presentation is priceless :lachen:I'm crackin up @ your face and hand, Vanna Black!

ETA: You're also a PJ when you can look @ a pic like this and recognize products, even if the label isn't showing :lachen:
Okay, I had to come back because I thought of some more:

1. You have a few bottles of the same product but get mad when someone uses some of it.
(i.e., I usually have three bottles of coconut oil at a time, one of which is a 16 oz. bottle. When I gave smelled some of my coconut oil on my husband, I told him to use some of the 99 cent store lotion.

2. You get mad when people use certain food products because you're worried that there won't be enough for your hair
(i.e., I get mad if my husband uses honey on his biscuits or uses too much ACV to season the chicken.)
You're a PJ when you look at this and get all dreamy eyed, exhale and go aahhhh...cuz I did it lmao! I just wanna reach out and touch 'em. Your presentation is priceless :lachen:I'm crackin up @ your face and hand, Vanna Black!

ETA: You're also a PJ when you can look @ a pic like this and recognize products, even if the label isn't showing :lachen:
Yes! She had her had outstretched like she was on The Price is Right and this was the Showcase Showdown. :lachen:

I don't recognize all the bottles yet...clearly I need to up my game. I love the storage shelves, also. I need to find some place to store my little bit of's a pain in an apartment.
You know your a pj when your on a no buy challenge and keep looking at threads with product reviews.:cry:

Girl that's why I wasn't crazy enough to join that challenge this time. I went crazy when that challenge was over and my product album grewwwww:lachen:. Never again:nono:. That was pure torture for me.
Girl that's why I wasn't crazy enough to join that challenge this time. I went crazy when that challenge was over and my product album grewwwww:lachen:. Never again:nono:. That was pure torture for me.

Im the one that started it and i have seen your stash I thought it was a myth.:lachen:
Im the one that started it and i have seen your stash I thought it was a myth.:lachen:

I'm looking at it right now and still can't believe it:blush: I'm ashamed to call myself a pj now:sekret: I'll have to step up my game in august lol

Aggie, how long did it take you to stack them up and take pics?
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Ok, I'll just say it. I'm a PJ and an LHCF junkie (clearly from the timing of these last two posts). You know you're a PJ when midnight rolled around last night and your first thought was "Hey, I can now place my order with Qhemet Biologics (they were out of commission toooo long restocking). It's like X-mas all over again...or whatever holiday gets you excited.

Ok...why was this me? :lachen: I refreshed the page about 3 times. I am def placing my order today, but then I kept thinking about more products I should get. I'm out doing yet another search as to which products would be best. I think I'm going to start with a sample pack.
I'm looking at it right now and still can't believe it:blush: I'm ashamed to call myself a pj now:sekret: I'll have to step up my game in august lol

Aggie, how long did it take you to stack them up and take pics?

Uhmmm, I think about 3 evenings:grin:.
I'm not even in the same league w/ you PJ's. So, I'm in here reading for tips... PJ in training....:rolleyes:

As you were.... carry on:lachen:
I think in comparison to a lot of the ladies on this thread I'm a mini pj but...

You know you a pj

When you are looking forward to paying off your car (April) bc that is more money for products

When you have a "special plan" for unexpected sales

When you get a package notice and you have to think is that from Jasmine's, Hairveda, Shescentit, something I bought off product exchange, Oyin, Amazon (or a million other places bc I am a pj in many parts of my life)

When you end a 3 month no buy challenge and you feel like Pookie from New Jack City needing a fix (never buy challenges are not safe if you are a pj or just straight up spoiled like I am)
You know you're a PJ when you say the things below to rationalize a purchase

It's ok for me to buy more hair products because I have decided that I am not going to eat out for a month.

It's ok for me to buy more hair products because gas prices went down.

It's ok for me to buy more hair products because I am only going to buy the available generic version of househould essentials.

It's ok for me to buy more hair products because Obama approved another stimulas check.
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you know you are a pj

when you sit on your bed and just stare at the products on your dresser like you are a proud parent(i actually like looking at my products lol)

when you read the ingredient list like a bed time story

when you have almost every product talked about on this bored and get sad because there's nothing else to buy.
When Walgreen's has an NTM sale and you clean out THREE Walgreens of all the NTM products, take them home and line them up in your dresser. THEN, every time you pass the dresser all weekend, you open it just to look at how nicely they are lined up!
I think today really proved it when I left the warmth of my school to walk in this snow blizzard to find the Karen's Body Beautiful store on Myrtle ave, I couldnt even see the street signs, lmao
You know you're a PJ when you have a list on your hard drive that you update on a regular basis of LHCF recommended products you'd look to try. It's a very long list. Some of the products are redundant in purpose. And I don't care. Er. . .I mean. .*ahem*. . and you don't care. :sekret:
You know you're a pj when you simply can't stay out away from this thread. I get so excited when I see another post:drunk:.

I come in here just to see what else was posted just so I can identify with all these hilarious posts - I am sitting in here laughing my butt off:lachen: at these posts because I see so much of the pj in me with almost every single one of them.
You know you're a PJ when your legs supercede your will to stay away from the hair products aisle in any store. My legs (can a sista blame it on her legs- they do have a mind of their own) always lead me to those hair products. I can't go to the store for a piece of bread or I will walk out with a loaf of bread and somebody's moisturizer. Sorry:perplexed
-you're on a personal six months no buy challenge but already have a list of the products you're gonna buy as soon as the challenge ends:grin:
-when you're thinking about starting a social group for all the proud PJ's;)
-when you're thinking about starting an official PJ thread where other members can post pics of products that they ordered and have arrived, products on their wish list, new products on the market,...etc
You know you're a PJ when:

-You look for excuses as to why you need 3 or 4 variations of the same product
-When you get excited that you've finished a bottle of conditioner so that you can by 3 more in its place
-When you HAVE to use 2 shampoos and 3 DCs in one wash setting so that you can use it up to make room for the additional stuff you just bought
-When people IRL who don't understand your addiction notice all of the hair products you have and look at you funny
-When your own momma says "do you really think you need all that stuff on your hair"
-You are giddy after still coasting on PJ purchasing binge from your favorite BSS or hair website. You just HAVE to re-wash your hair and try out your new products, but purposefully attempt to appear incognito w/ your purchase so that your mom and friends don't question you:look:
-When you advise the cashiers at the BSS on what products to order for your own convenience also advise them about what to do with their own hair......and their customers :drunk: