You know you're seeing a bad stylist when....

Something I wrote a while ago, based on what I observed in a lot of Black operated salons:

I showed this to my stylist at the time, and she showed it to the salon owner. The owner posted it on the employees' bulletin board with a note to say if she found out any of them did these things, that person would be dismissed.

Black Hair Salon Rules:

1. Always wet client's hair immediately upon arrival -- then they can't leave no matter how long it takes you to get to them.

2. Always schedule appointments 15 minutes apart, especially when scheduling services that take 2 hours or more; hell YOU gotta be there all day, why shouldn't they stay with you?

3. When somebody's sister comes in to get lunch orders, stop what you're doing to discuss menu options. Don't worry about that woman in your chair -- if her relaxer stays in longer, her hair will be straighter right? After all, that's what she wants.

4. Never ever ask if your starving client wants to order lunch. If she buys food, that might take the money that she could have spent on your tip.

5. When someone delivers your lunch put it on your station and eat it while working. If possible, make sure your client (who has had nothing to eat since arriving 3 hours prior) can smell it.

6. If your client who has been sitting in your chair has to go to the restroom, be sure and start someone else in your chair while she's gone. That'll teach her to get up!

7. After conditioning, be sure to let your client sit long enough that hair is completely dry, so that you have to wet it again before blowdrying it. That way you'll guarantee she's sat long enough.

8. If your client's head dips while you are styling it, jerk really, really hard on the hair to raise the head. The pain will remind her to sit up STRAIGHT.

9. After styling, if client asks you to comb/curl a little differently, get the "look" on your face, move very slowly and say 'well... if that's what you REALLY want...."

10. Whenever a client is finished in another stylist's chair, stop all work to loudly admire the client's style -- no matter HOW jacked up it is. Actually, the worse it looks, the louder you should praise it.

11. Eighty percent of your attention should be focused on listening to the conversation at the next stylist's station... 10% should be on thinking about what you want for lunch, and 10% should be on the head sitting in front of you.

12. When your client pays you, look at the tip and say loudly, "DIDN'T WORK NO OVERTIME THIS WEEK, DID YOU?"

13. Do not have any window coverings, and have your half-done clients sit in the lobby. This lets passersby know that your salon is doing good business and makes them want to come to you because you must be a good stylist.

14. If you work at home, be sure to not ever put any deodorizer in your garbage disposal; when you wash clients' hair in the kitchen sink they will remember they are at your house and will tip bigger so you can get a real salon.

15. Pretend to listen to your client's styling requests. Then style it as you want. After all, you're the one standing up all day, so you should get to choose the style!

16. Learn the art of not working while you talk. Practice until it is a reflex to stop washing, blow drying, rolling, flatironing, curling, etc the second you open your mouth. Be sure to talk frequently -- this contributes to keeping your salon full.
when you ask for a DC, and she ends up trying to leave you under there for an hour and a half while she eats and does her other clients

when you've been in there so long, that while you're there you need a lunch break (and don't forget to pick her up something, too)

when you ask her what you should be doing at home between visits she tells you to only put IC hair polisher on your hair everyday, even though you only see her every TWO WEEKS (after about the 5th day, the hair polisher starts making your hair feel sticky/hard)
I've had this happen several times and they would always say that they forgot that I was under the dryer. I'd fall asleep from being under for so long.
-When you go in the first time and she charges you £40, the next time £65 and the time after that £55. When you bring this to their attention you get told off for causing trouble. You ask for a definate price and its not the same as anything you've paid before!

-When you reluctantly get bullied into having a trim and she stars shaving the back of your head (tru story, the day before I was starting my new life at University, I was devastated)

-When you ask for a treatment and she washes ur hair but then wont do anything else unless you let het colour and cut it. (had to walk out with wet hair)

-When she decides she doesnt like the length of your hair and cuts far too much off then sees the disappointment/shock in your face then screams and shouts at you and tells you to get out of her salon because shes been cutting hair for years and is a great hairdresser
personal experiences with various stylists:

1. their 3 year old tries to fight you
2. they take lunch breaks while doing your hair
3. they send you home for an hour so they can pick up their kids from somewhere
4. they take breaks to fight with their baby daddy
5. they give you a lopsided hairstyle
6. they take your hair out
7. they chop off your hair without asking and then they charge you for it
8. they claim to do natural hair, yet they have an argument with you about whether or not your hair is permed when even stevie wonder can see you have a perm
9. they try to put a texturizer on your relaxed hair

...I'll come back with more later

eta: their child walks around in sh!tty diapers and then proceeds to throw their diaper at you (that child was lucky i didn't catch a case b/c i was too young to be charged as an adult at the time)

SAY WHATTT!!!??? I woulda had to beat that child's a$$ with a marcel iron....did his mother not say ANYTHING to him/her? :nono::nono::nono:
Something I wrote a while ago, based on what I observed in a lot of Black operated salons:

I showed this to my stylist at the time, and she showed it to the salon owner. The owner posted it on the employees' bulletin board with a note to say if she found out any of them did these things, that person would be dismissed.

Black Hair Salon Rules:

1. Always wet client's hair immediately upon arrival -- then they can't leave no matter how long it takes you to get to them.

2. Always schedule appointments 15 minutes apart, especially when scheduling services that take 2 hours or more; hell YOU gotta be there all day, why shouldn't they stay with you?

3. When somebody's sister comes in to get lunch orders, stop what you're doing to discuss menu options. Don't worry about that woman in your chair -- if her relaxer stays in longer, her hair will be straighter right? After all, that's what she wants.

4. Never ever ask if your starving client wants to order lunch. If she buys food, that might take the money that she could have spent on your tip.

5. When someone delivers your lunch put it on your station and eat it while working. If possible, make sure your client (who has had nothing to eat since arriving 3 hours prior) can smell it.

6. If your client who has been sitting in your chair has to go to the restroom, be sure and start someone else in your chair while she's gone. That'll teach her to get up!

7. After conditioning, be sure to let your client sit long enough that hair is completely dry, so that you have to wet it again before blowdrying it. That way you'll guarantee she's sat long enough.

8. If your client's head dips while you are styling it, jerk really, really hard on the hair to raise the head. The pain will remind her to sit up STRAIGHT.

9. After styling, if client asks you to comb/curl a little differently, get the "look" on your face, move very slowly and say 'well... if that's what you REALLY want...."

10. Whenever a client is finished in another stylist's chair, stop all work to loudly admire the client's style -- no matter HOW jacked up it is. Actually, the worse it looks, the louder you should praise it.

11. Eighty percent of your attention should be focused on listening to the conversation at the next stylist's station... 10% should be on thinking about what you want for lunch, and 10% should be on the head sitting in front of you.

12. When your client pays you, look at the tip and say loudly, "DIDN'T WORK NO OVERTIME THIS WEEK, DID YOU?"

13. Do not have any window coverings, and have your half-done clients sit in the lobby. This lets passersby know that your salon is doing good business and makes them want to come to you because you must be a good stylist.

14. If you work at home, be sure to not ever put any deodorizer in your garbage disposal; when you wash clients' hair in the kitchen sink they will remember they are at your house and will tip bigger so you can get a real salon.

15. Pretend to listen to your client's styling requests. Then style it as you want. After all, you're the one standing up all day, so you should get to choose the style!

16. Learn the art of not working while you talk. Practice until it is a reflex to stop washing, blow drying, rolling, flatironing, curling, etc the second you open your mouth. Be sure to talk frequently -- this contributes to keeping your salon full.

Wow - just wow! Words fail me!
6. If your client who has been sitting in your chair has to go to the restroom, be sure and start someone else in your chair while she's gone. That'll teach her to get up!

8. If your client's head dips while you are styling it, jerk really, really hard on the hair to raise the head. The pain will remind her to sit up STRAIGHT.

13. Do not have any window coverings, and have your half-done clients sit in the lobby. This lets passersby know that your salon is doing good business and makes them want to come to you because you must be a good stylist.

Those are sooo good!

#6 I remember that I would be in that chair about to die, because I had to pee, but would not get up LOL.

#8 would piss me off. This is very prevalent in the 'ghetto' salons.

#13 I remember being so embarrassed when the white people would walk by, spefically if I had took out my braids and came in to get a touch up, and had tons of new growth. a small Fro with straight hair hanging out of it is not cute...
~ when you've been there so long that they have ordered lunch AND dinner....separately
~ when they run 'quick' errands to pick up their kids from school (who you know is gonna want to stop at the store for something to eat)
~when you arrive at the shop and call them at home only to find out they're still sleep
*when she turns all of the bottles around backwards so customers cant see the labels but they are all recognizably from Sally's.
*When you ask her what type of relaxer she uses and she says "paul mitchell"
All true stories

- when your told you need a touchup and your hair is 3 weeks post relaxer
- when your told you need a trim and you had one last week
- when your told your bangs which she cut are not straight two weeks after she cut them and charged again for her to fix the mess she created
- when the male owner of the salon asks if he could call you and maybe take you out sometime
- when the stylist tries to make up a ridiculous price for a service you've had before in that same salon and upon realising your on to her asks you how much you usually pay
- insists on using spritz before flat ironing because you have that thin fly away hair
- beats her 12 year old daughter in front of all the customers for coming back from school late

I definately don't miss going to the salon
--you sit in the waiting area and before you know it, you've watched an ENTIRE movie. You get up to leave and SHE gets mad at YOU for wanting to leave. I left anyway.

--your hair is wet and she asks you to please go home and fax something for her because she really needs to have it done right now.

--your hair never grows past SL because "your ends are SO damaged and uneven" so she has to trim with every relaxer.

--most of the other stuff that's already been said; talking, eating, dealing with their kids/husbands/boyfriends on the phone or in person.

Luckily I've found a great stylist. I only go to her for my relaxer touch ups and she never keeps me waiting more than 5 minutes. I'm usually in and out in an hour because I really don't care about styling, I just want my relaxer done right with no overlapping. In fact, my new stylist is in the same salon as my old one! :look:
8. If your client's head dips while you are styling it, jerk really, really hard on the hair to raise the head. The pain will remind her to sit up STRAIGHT.

If a stylist ever did that to me I'd go to jail for the beatdown she'd get.:wallbash:
Wow where do I start...

1. When a "stylist" applies a relaxer on top of your jeri curl (that she put in) and lets it sit in for so long that there was hardly a spot on your head that did not have a scab (even though she could see you withering in pain)

Different stylist

2. When you come in for a consultation the weekend before your prom for a sew in. She tells you what to get and you make your appointment for 9am...That day come to find out she has madddd appointments, and she's the ONLY stylist. Her niece comes in and gets her hair washed, conditioned, and styled for her jr. prom while your still in the chair waiting for her to fiinish your sew in for your SR. prom. You don't end up leaving until 4pm and the style (roller set) fails on the way home :nono:

I had a third one but I just can't remember it right now...

but thank God I have two great stylists now. One that specializes in natural hair (who has gorgeous natural healthy hair) and another who I go to because I trust her entirely with my trims...they both have definitely proven themselves worthy lol
...when your stylist has her nine year old son rake thru your hair..for practice!

....when you get up EXTRA early in the morning to pump milk for your newborn, run out of the house to get to your appt on time, only to have the heifer not show up! Then when you call her later for an explanation she avoids your calls...aaarrrgh!

...when your stylist can't get w/the times and install a debit/credit card machine.. but of course never has change!
personal experiences with various stylists:

1. their 3 year old tries to fight you
2. they take lunch breaks while doing your hair
3. they send you home for an hour so they can pick up their kids from somewhere
4. they take breaks to fight with their baby daddy
5. they give you a lopsided hairstyle
6. they take your hair out
7. they chop off your hair without asking and then they charge you for it
8. they claim to do natural hair, yet they have an argument with you about whether or not your hair is permed when even stevie wonder can see you have a perm
9. they try to put a texturizer on your relaxed hair

...I'll come back with more later

eta: their child walks around in sh!tty diapers and then proceeds to throw their diaper at you (that child was lucky i didn't catch a case b/c i was too young to be charged as an adult at the time)
When you realise that the warm honey blond highlights you thought was your natural hair colour is actually relaxer damage.
I believe I am the poster child for this thread:

1. She doesn't want to listen to what you want done to your hair :blush:
2. She uses a rat tail comb to detangle, then detangles from root to tip :blush:
3. Add products in a piling motion which is guaranteed to cause tangles :blush:
4. She ridicules your hair regimen :blush:
5. You tell her what style you want and she tells you it cannot be done :blush:
6. She works so hard for a tip with all of her customers that she spends too much time away from your head while working on your hair :blush:

ETA: This all happened in one visit

Needless to say, I am a DIYer but no longer go to stylists for length checks. :nono:
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This thread gets a
When she insists on piling all of your hair on top of your head when washing it and then while detangling it talks about how much your hair is shedding. SMH.

When she uses grease as a moisturizer.
Apart from the KFC eating, muffin munching, police/home office check, arrival at 9am sharp - leaving at 6pm for a 1hour hairstyle, overcharging, cheap products, I really have seen everything....

what I will never forget was sitting in the salon chair and half the ceiling falling in, the salon was in a massive state of disrepair from the damp to the rot. NEVER again!!!
When you have to sit on a couch pillow on the floor...and the floor is cleaner than the pillow.

When you end up cooking for her kids while she goes outside to get into a verbal disagreement with one of her babydaddys other babymamas.

When you show up at 10am and when you leave it is dark outside.
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When the Stylist curls your hair and you see a good chunk of your hair fall into your lap because it is too hot.

When they use cheap products and charge West End/up market prices.

When you use a Marcel Iron and Hairspray to create Freeze Curls and the hair is stuck to the barrel.

Salon - When you hear the Junior stylist cum "receptionist" cuss the caller after they put down the phone.
Apart from the KFC eating, muffin munching, police/home office check, arrival at 9am sharp - leaving at 6pm for a 1hour hairstyle, overcharging, cheap products, I really have seen everything....

what I will never forget was sitting in the salon chair and half the ceiling falling in, the salon was in a massive state of disrepair from the damp to the rot. NEVER again!!!

how nasty..aren't they supposed to have inspections?