You know your hair is gettin longer when....

Heeey gv. Hey i get that too. LOL. Since i been doing some twists and bantu knots i notice that when i would comb or brush infact when i do my knots again i can feel the lil tangled hair at the end. I'm thinkin bout making a hairstyle like that.Course i dont wanna look like some alien though. hehe.
When you don't have to bend your arm that much to straighten and pull your hair (natural in my case)down so you can take a pic from behind.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
ThursdayGirl said:

how long is your hair?

[/ QUOTE ]

my hair is just above shoulders, but i have been 3.5 months without a touch up so it could have hit below, i gotta wait to find out.
Well I've never had hair past my shoulders, and its sneaking its way on down my back, so for the first time I can feel my hair on my back...and it feeels grr8888888
, I've never been able to feel it on my back before, maybe as it gets longer it'll become annoying, but right now I'm loving it!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Pandora said:
all the ends can fall on ONE shoulder.

[/ QUOTE ]
<font color="blue">I can't wait until my hair does that
1. your stylists says "don't you want me to cut your into a "style" when they do a retouch
2. your stylist says" i'm gonna have to get a larger sink for you and other clients with long hair
3 . your baby can grab 2 fists full of hair and won't let go.
4 your relatives say " is that Your Real Hair?
5. my aunt states: "You look like an Indian when you wear your hair down"
I'm feelin my hair on my back also! aint it great!! I can't wait to add "when it gets caught in the snaps of your bra strap and you have to swing it out of the way to fasten your bra!"
I feel that when i show off my growing hair that when people ask me(esp. ones that know me) if its all my hair and i say YEEESSS!!! w/a big smile on my face. hehe. I think for awhile i would take that as a compliment. BUT bet not be some girls running they hand in my head. Or else imma have to hide a rat trap in my fro for them fingers folx wanna be puttin n my head. hmf. LOL
When random people make comments about it.
The other day I was at a concert and these girls was saying that my hair was too big and they could not see and they asked me to put it away. I have relaxed hair but it is still very thick but I am not walking around with a huge bush or anything. However,my friend has a fro but they did not ask her to put her hair away! Plus people on the street make comments about it. One guy told me I have bushy hair. But, it is really not that bushy. Well, at least to me.
When people touch it.
This dirty guy off the street touched it the other day.
When people ask if it is real.
Your hair is getting compliments from your friends and family. When you see another texture at the root of your hair.
brittanynic16 said:
When random people make comments about it.
The other day I was at a concert and these girls was saying that my hair was too big and they could not see and they asked me to put it away. I have relaxed hair but it is still very thick but I am not walking around with a huge bush or anything. However,my friend has a fro but they did not ask her to put her hair away!

Hateration !!
Friends &amp; family say to you, "When are you going to get a perm?"
When you see an errant hair laying on your pillow or clothes and immediately think, "WHO'S HAIR IS THIS!" then on further inspection, you
look at it and say, "Oh, it's MINE!!"
When you get lazy and don't want to deal with it anymore. You simply throw in a weave. Yeah, I know that's terrible...
When there's probably not a day that goes by that someone has not complimented you on your hair. Elderly people always tell me that they will spank me if I cut my hair. They get a kick out of seeing it grow. Also when you're in line at the Beauty Supply store you can hear people whispering about your hair.
*When you have a high ponytail and youre sitting down then turn your head or look down you feel your ponytail yanking from between your back and the chair
*I can definitely attest to the all the time bun thing and then when you wear it down, people are amazed. But I noticed that buns make you look like your hair is really short when it's not, something about the way its all wrapped up I guess. Then people who have never seen your hair out just assume that you have short hair. Then when you let it out, theyre in shock thinking you went from a bun to a weave. I hate that
This may be gross, but you know it's long when you are brushing your teeth and as you lean over to spit out the toothpaste, you ALMOST spit on your hair!
When your hair starts getting in the way and you have to constantly pull it back (or up)to do these things... eating, washing your face, or bending down a little to pick something up.

When your husband always has to pat it down, or move it out of his face somehow when you lay your head on his chest.
You know you're hair is getting longer when...

You're known to the lowerclassmen as the "girl who cut her hair short and it grew back"

Lol...only the people who came in w/ me to college had seen my hair straight or longer than my TWA. So I'm like a new person to two years worth of lowerclassman who now see my hair growing out. It's kinda cute. Everyone was so busy being amazed/shocked at how short my hair was that they must have forgotten how cute I really
when you see something in your lower periphreal vision on you shirt and look down and realize its your hair!
or when your hair starts blocking the writting on your logo T-shirts.
When you hair begins to start covering your breasts
(when you part it down the middle and bring it all foward infront of your shoulders),and for so long, you are used to it just sitting on top.