You know your hair is gettin longer when....

when you cut off all your hair and someone is happy that they have more hair then you and a year later there hair is in the same place and your hair is longer then theres and when they see you they ask when did you get your weave put in.

OMG this thread started in 2002
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When you put on your coat/jacket and then you have to reach in behind your hair in the back of your neck and flip the hair out because it's all caught underneath your coat/jacket. (just like the white girls!) lol.

When you realize that there are a LOT more no-heat styles that look good because you now have more length!
Stormy said:
When your husband always has to pat it down, or move it out of his face somehow when you lay your head on his chest.

YES! Or, when he moves it out of your face or he has to move it off of your neck just so he can kiss your neck but it takes more than just one sweep because there's so much hair! :p Also, my hair was in the way while SO and I were kissing.....he went ahead and kept a lock of it in his mouth and even when I pulled away from him, I didn't immediately notice because the length of it....I didn't feel it tugging at the root for a long time!
when your own mother and a close friend and your own daughter make regular comments about not believing how long your hair has grown and they see you all the time. (they don't have the same hair anorexia I have about my own hair so they see what I don't see anymore)
1) When people (especially men) start telling you that their glad that you stopped cutting your hair - it looks nice.

2.) When your hair gets caught in your mouth.

3.) When you pass a glass and see your shadow with hair down the back.

4.) When people are talking to you (especially women) and they're not looking you in the eye and they're looking at your hair instead. :lol:
Last night after a 11 week stretch, my man was so on point I was thrashing my head side to side and slapping myself in the face with my hair. It was a doubly good feeling if you know what I mean... :lick: He liked it to. he he he :grin:
When youn take an appointment with hairdresser for a flat iron style and when you asked her the price, she replies "around 57 euro for short hair and 67 euro for long hair" and then she asks :" what's your hair lenght??? "
me:i'm natural, so I don't really know....
her "....we will see (thinking.... another woman who think that she has long hair)"
me: I think it's arpmit ( it was longer than that)
her: oooh (impressed)........that's long hair, 67euro"

IMHO armpit is medium lenght! KNOW your hair is long when someone runs across the parking lot as you walk into Sally's and says, "MY sister wants to know who does your quick weave?"...:lol:
A total stranger at work approaches you to ask if you're wearing a weave.

Women at work (many of whom, in my opinion, have nice heads of hair) constantly ask you what you do to your hair and what is your regime.

You discover that people (again, at work), in trying to figure out the above, have been discussing your hair and your regime.

In the wind, your hair gets blown across your face and sticks to your lipstick. And temporary blinds you when crossing the street.

You're walking down the street and you see something dark off to the side, thinking someone is approaching you from the side. Then you realize that it's your hair.

Your family is in amazement at how long your hair has gotten.
You can push your puff further back...

you reach bra strap AND your natural.....

people start asking for your routine....

You don't have a
Valerie said:
Because my hair is very coily in texture, it was always difficult to see the length, but I have noticed that now it is getting longer, I can feel my hair at the base of my neck when I comb it the length last for about 5 mins, then it coils up again. I have my hair in single plaits and they swing when I shake my head, before it would just stick out. Plus my head is itching me like mad, despite my rinsing daily.

So when you hair itches like crazy even though it is clean, does it mean it's growing? I've always wondered that. Mine itches like that too.
When your wet hair looks sexy!:eek: (before my wet hair used to make me look like a wet puppy since it was thin and scraggly-I would have never taken wet pics)

When you SO who loves long hair goes "Okay, you can stop growing it, it's the perfect length!" (hahaha, never!)

When you comb your hair and you actually forget the length you are and you rip the comb out of your hair too soon-ouch!
When you're walking down the street and your hair slaps you in the face and you have to move it out the way. Thats about the only SLAP that I'll accept! LOL! :D
nikkipoo said:
Caribeandiva, I think that you can add to this thread now:grin:

thanks Nikkipoo, I will.

you know... when:

-you find a strand of hair and it's so long you wonder who's it is until you look closely and realize it's yours.

-it gets stuck under your collar and you have to pull it out

-people keep telling you it's getting longer

-same people lose complete control over their hands cause their hands don't seem capable of leaving your hair alone. BACK OFF DANG IT!!:whip:

-even you can't leave your hair alone. hand in hair disease anyone?

-you can feel people's stares at the back of your head when you're wearing it down. Hello, i know you're staring. why look away when i turn around?

-people pay close attention when you mention ANYTHING about haircare (products, stylists, flatirons, etc...)
1. It takes longer for me to twist my hiar
2. My ponytial/puff gets larger
3 I start needing more hair product than usual
4. When everyone starts saying "wow, i bet if you got a perm your hair would be soooo long"
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When the sistas at work just stare and only the caucasians have the nerve to ask have you done something different to your hair.
when the people at church form an inpromtu protest rally because you cut your hair......:|

this just happenned to me today....:perplexed