You know your hair is gettin longer when....

1. I think this is number one of all the reasons. When people keep asking "Is that your real hair???"
2. When people start asking for your hair regime.
3. When it seems like your arms are gonna break when you have to comb all of you hair when it's wet.
4. When you sit in a chair, and your back is crushing your hair, and when you sit up or change positions, you can feel you hair being tugged.
5. When someone who is talking to you is trying to look you in the eye and hair (whoever said that previously hit it right on the nail.)
6. When strangers ask you who does your hair and it doesn't even look good.
7. When a hairdresser suddenly wants to cut it because of "split ends" (THAT is how I know it is getting long. Sad but true).
8. When men compliment the length of your hair.
9. When friends start getting jealous or they start mocking everything you do to your hair (sad, but sometimes true).
10. When your mother tells you it is getting long! Heheheheeee!

Okay, I'm done.

YES to the bolded!!!!!!
-when everybody makes a comment about it (men and women, black or white)
-when men make it a point to compliment you about it
-when women want to know your secret to long hair
-when people want to know what you are mixed with
-when people touch it to see if it's real
-when people ask if it's real
-when you yourself are amazed at the length and the fact that it keeps growing
-when a friend sees you after 3 months and says "how did your hair grow so much in 3 months?" and "was your hair always that long?"
-when it goes into your mouth or food at every meal
-when it starts to cover your boobs
I know my hair is getting longer when

My stylist says "Your hair has grown!!" for the entire salon to hear lol. My stylist is a guy so it's kinda funny LOL!

My mom or dad says something.

My youngest sister starts worrying my hair will be longer than hers even when I've got a ways to catch up with her lol!

I can wear my hair in a pony tail all day without having to do maintenance once. Since starting my new regimen I've worn my hair in a ponytail more than I have in years and it stays nice all day!!

Also, now that my hair is growing, it's getting caught in stuff a lot more.
You know your hair is gettin longer when....

1.People ask you "Is that a weave?" :blush:

2.Doing a rollerset becomes a workout :blush:

3.You have to use ALOT more of product :blush:

4.People gets jealous :blush:

5.You can reach behind your back and feel your hair :blush:

6. Salons close when they see you coming :lol: lol j/k
You start to give up on certain styles because installation is just too time consuming. This might be my last set of pixie braids because bsl + pixie braids = no bueno. I'm starting to empathize with the braid ladies/stylists that charge more for long hair.
you get your hair caught in the seat belt clasp, you know the thingy that holds the seat belt to the door frame (geeze that was long I wish I just knew the name of it!)

When you've got your hair in one braid and your white mother in law grabs it and asks if it is real?!?!? I lol-ed at that... I don't think she believed me
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When it begins to feel alil heavier while you're washing it in the shower :yep:
When your bun is getting alil fatter, and harder to put in ponytail holders
When ya grandma tries to sneak in your room and pin point the product that she THINKS is growing your hair...and slaps some on her scalp :lachen::lol:
People that normally brush you off when you talk about hair start listening reeeally hard and asking regimen/supplement questions when they see your hair out.
When you think you feel spider webs falling on your back (Upper mid-back length)

The wind blows it into your mouth and gets stuck on your lipgloss.

Blows into your food while eating(and you wonder what the heck did they put in my burger!!).

When people put their arm around you and your head jerks backwards.

When you put your un-straightened natural hair in a single braid and it still reaches past APL, I know my hair is getting longer. YAY! :bouncegre
when months ago, you couldn't imagine it getting caught up in your armpits when you shower.

when you pass your reflection in public and have to do a double take "is that all me?"

when you can make a full looking bun without fillers (socks, scrunchies, weaves)
I was at a birthday party last Saturday. I was talking with my sisters friend who I hadnt seen for some time. She wears weaves which is does herself, and shes really good at it. Anyway, since I have been exploring the idea of getting I weave, I said to her, " Your hair (weave) looks reallly good, by the way, have you heard of Bobby Boss indian remi hair?" She replied, " Oh, is that what your wearing?" If my mouth could hit the floor, It would have, I was sooo stunned that I was speechless. I quickly shared with her, that no, this is all my hair. It was at this moment I realized my hair was long, I hadnt put heat to it since I found this forum in April or May of this year, Im 11 months post, full APL, and for the party I decided to flat iron my hair...and it came out really nice.
These have been my experiences when my hair is getting long:

1)People straight up ask you "Is That A Weave?" or "Is That All Your Hair?" (only in New York City) :lol:,

2)People say "Gosh I didn't know your hair was that long" when you wear your hair down,

3) When all of your hair cannot fit under a hooded dryer,

4)When people (or your hairdresser) says "You've Got A Lot of Hair" or "Wow, Your Hair Is Really Thick!",

5)When your hairdresser doesn't want to clip your split ends in order to keep the length, :nono:

6)When a new hairdresser charges you more for a service because of your hair length,

7)When you ask your hairdresser for a full head weave (to give your real hair a break) and he/she says you don't need to buy any hair,

8)When your hair dresser takes out your full head weave and talks you into wearing your hair natural,

9)When guys want to play in your hair (I think someone else said this before),

10)When your cool girlfriends give you mad props by saying "Girl Your Hair Has Grown!" or "Girl Your Hair Is Pretty!",

11)When you can feel your hair on your neck or you can put your hand behind your back and pull your hair where it falls almost at the middle of your back,

12)When you start buying more product than before because you have more hair now,

13)When getting a roller set, you can get all your hair in those giant rollers. :lol:
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How I know:

a) My people ask me "is that all you?"
b) I think a mosquito is crawling on my shoulder or back.
c) I can tuck behind my ears
d) I no longer have a puneytail
e) Folks stop me to ask who does my hair
f) If its down, folks want to touch it
g) my arms are tired when tending to it
h) it gets caught in the neck of my pullover shirts

I'm working my way to APL! YAYYUH! And I'll be back
your little brother (20 years old) wants to go on a hair journey too!

you can put you head back while you're in the shower and make it hit your butt...and think hmmm maybe I can actually be here in a year!

you dont recognize your own shed hairs.
When you get weave checked *LOL*
When you wear your hair down and it gets stuck under the seat belt
When it feels like something is crawling on your back
When you get paranoid because it's rubbing against your shirt
When your man grips it *LOL*
When someone puts their hand around your shoulder and your head tilts back
When you're like "DAMN! whatever I'm doing it's working" :D
*you find yourself having to strategize to get ALL your hair to lay flat underneath your lacefronts......
*you feel it heavy on your back in the shower when its wet:grin:
*you think a bug is on your back and when you swat its just your own hair:lachen:
*when you lean forward to pick something off the floor and there is your lovely hair meeting you on both sides of your face:drunk:
*when you start talking about getting a weave with your friends and they look at you and wanna know why do YOU need a weave?:look:
when you look on facebook and find out that your hair is now longer than your best friend from 9th grade who you thought had the longest/nicest hair youve ever seen.. true story lol