You know you have a KING when....

When he buys you pretty nail polish because he knows you are a nail fanatic, but he has only known you a week.

He calls you beautiful everyday. And called you that before he ever saw you.

Gave you the "key to his heart" in the form of jewelry. :grin:

All he wants to do is keep a smile on my face...and he does.
-When your wants comes before his

-When he listens to you talk about hair constantly and never appears to be bored

-When he helps you take braids out of your hair (he did this when I used to get individuals)

-When he rubs your stomach during “that time of the month.”

-When he shamelessly buys your feminine products
When your So is dead sleep and you call him because there is a frog or something staring at you from under the sofa that you see while laying on the kitchen floor pointing a flash light.

ME: Whispering into the telephone "OMG dear there is rat or something and Pierce (Mini Schnauzer Dog) is acting crazy"

SO: What? Baby stop whispering.

Me: OMG dear there is rat or something and Pierce (Mini Schnauzer Dog) is acting crazy and I don't want him to die!

SO: I'm on my way!

He drives over to your house gets a broom and sweeps the baby frog out the door and says OK Baby Go To Sleep.

All the time I am jumping up and down and sitting on the counter trying to coach my dog to come back because he is going to get bit or something!

Yeah... I know, but still.. It was a baby frog. :lachen:
When he told me on Saturday night that I was the most beautiful woman at the party we went to. He is not a man that is generous with compliments so when he does compliment me I know he means it.

Though I think his opinion was skewed due to his love, his compliment made me feel like I was the most precious flower.......
When he tells you he loves you and shows it everyday...
He said to me " I would give up my own happiness just make you happy....I will love you till the day I die.
I knew I had a KING when I was on study abroad and DH spent a grip on phone cards to make sure he could call me (I only met him two weeks before I left). We were on opposite time zones and he would get up at 3 and 4am his time just to talk to me every single day. He emailed me a personal love poem almost every other day (reading them still makes me melt to this day.) Also he sent me a big care package with all kinds of goodies to help me get over being homesick. And to top it off one of my friends back home in college called me and said he kept overhearing some guy in class talk about he was feeling lovesick and yep it was DH :-)
When your confidence is at an all time low, he stands you naked in front of the mirror and ask you what you don't like about yourself, as you name them one by one he kisses and caresses them one by one and tells you why he loves the things you hate and why you should love them too. You cry because he sees your beauty as he strokes the tears away. A King keeps his queen on a pedestal, flaws and all.

This made me teary at work!! Im patiently wait for my KING LOL
I demanded him to point out all my flaws and I promised I wouldn't get offended. At the time I was breaking out really bad on my cheeks, and I was feeling really self-conscious and bad about myself. He kept denying that I had any flaws, and I got really annoyed with him for not being honest. Later that day, I was still being a little distant, so he pulled me over and said "I know you're mad at me, but I would never make you feel like you're anything less than perfect for me, so get over it"

I got over it. :grin:
When he makes every Mother's Day an event. Flowers, cards, dinner, and anything else you want or ask for without hesitation.
You know he's a King when he moves in with you and suddenly your income stops being on the operational side of the budget and gets moved to the "whatever-the-hell-you-want-it-to-be" side of the budget!

...when you can't remember the last time YOU had to gas up your car, take out the trash, or empty the polaris, or pay the landscaper.

...when the washer goes out and you come home to a brand new set of LGs...this one still has me grinning :grin:
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So many on the guy I'm dating. Just in the last few days:
1. Bought my mom a card for Mothers Day and he's only been around her twice.

2. Bought a Mothers Day card for my son to give to me.

3. On a day I had to work late last week, he picked my son up from school for me. Bought him a suit for his honors Day program since I didn't have time. Hemmed the suit. Ironed and steamed the suit. Gave my son a much needed haircut AND had dinner ready for me by the time I arrived at his house to pick up my son.
I want more stories. This restores my faith in love and reaffirms my decision to not get back with my ex fiancee. Where are you women meeting these one in a million men? I'm sad that i'm at the end of the thread.
When he goes shopping with you and waits Outside the fitting room with clothes and goes to find different sizes for you :)

When he helps you take your weave out at 3 am because it was itching too much :)
Same guy
-2 weeks after you start dating and you get in a car accident, he comes to pick you up to go to work during his lunch break. You live 45 mins away from his job. He did this for about 2 months till i bought another car
-He tried to teach you to drive a stick with his expensive car(i was too scared i was going to *** up his car so i never learned)

Same guy
-He hands over his winnings when he gambles :grin:
-He takes my dogs for walks, runs and to the groomers and doesnt mind using her baby pink leash.
-He willingly cooks dinner and cleans up for no reason at all.
-He said he wanted to take care of me a few days after we met and he is.
Last but not least,
-He loves me more than i love myself
My guy is not my sons father but he got my son a card and gift to give to me and talked to him about the importance of mothers day. He put the gift in my sons closet (my son was away) so he can sign the card & give it to me on his own when he gets home. I'm pretty sure it's the MK watch I wanted too ;).
~When he comes to your job to visit and sees on several occasions that you've been buying bottled waters from the vending machine, 7-eleven, Royal Farm, McDonalds, etc. and he shows up at your cubicle with a case of water a few days later...

~When he contacts a car dealership to work on a deal for a nicer car for you, even though you already have a 2011 model with less than 7,000 miles on it...he wants you to have what he has. Only the best for his BFF...even if he has to roll pennies. :lol: (I'm keeping what I have though...:look:)

~When he grabs your hand at each meal and HE says grace. (Even though some of the things he says to God makes me giggle a lil bit). :yep:

~When he calls you at midnight on Mothers Day, and says...."shhh, don't say anything"....and proceeds to go on and on for at least 5 minutes about how great a mom you are...

~When he makes you the most slammin' french toast :lick: after coloring :blush::lick:...then won't let you lift a finger while he waits on you hand and foot...

~When he won't let you help with anything in his house. I'm a single mom who is used to being in control of everything. He always says, "Do you wanna wear the pants forever? Can you let me wear the pants while you sit and look pretty in your skirt and stilettos?" :lol:

Sorry about the edits...I keep thinking of things to add.
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