You know you have a KING when....

when you're a yarn fanatic and want to go to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival :look: and he flies from Chicago with you to attend this event he clearly has no interest in with you :lol:

I think I've been lucky, since I've had 3 different guys attend yarn or african violet :dork: conventions with me.

(different guy) when you are leaving the country for the summer and need someone to take care of your rabbit, and he flies from NYC to Chicago, picks the rabbit up, and drives him (because it's not totally safe for rabbits to fly) back to NYC and watches him for the summer. that rabbit was probably living better than me that summer. :lol:
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When he loves to see me smile and does things that he knows will always get a smile out of me (rub my feet, open my doors, tell a silly joke, go out of his way to pick up food for me). -- my friend

When he flies half way across the country to come work on my house, cook my meals, clean my house, and take care of my yard. -- that's my Daddy!!!
When you meet a man for the first time, exchange numbers, and then he texts you an hour later to say "Nice to meet you Queen". Did I mention this man was FINE as frog's hair and 6'6, too?! Cant wait til our first date! :)
When he rubs my tummy, when I'm cramping bad and buys a card saying that he hopes I feel better soon.

When he takes off of work when I'm sick to watch after me, and buys me soup with meat in it and prepares it, even though he's a vegetarian.

Walks my 10lb Pomeranian, Khloe for me often, even though he's 6'3 and she's such a prissy dog.

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When his whole world is turned upside down, because of some MINOR flaw in yours. **like tonight, when my laptop broke, he ran out and bought me another one**

When he is on a mission to do something for you, he will NOT give up, because, as he says, "what baby wants, baby gets".

When he is willing and ready to disown his very own family for even looking at you sideways....and dares someone to question his disowning.

When you are soooo ready to tell him "how you really feel" as soon as he walks through that door, but, when he walks through the door, all you can do is matter how hard you try to be "mad"--*i really do hate this LOL*

And no matter how mad he is at you, you are still is number 1 priority.

When no matter how busy he is at work, he always take time out his day to meet with you for lunch, because seeing you makes his day so much better.

and, he can't sleep when you're away(out of town). I tell him he is a tiddy baby, but I do love his need lol.

When he not only says, "all I want to do is protect you", but SHOWS you in every way that he is your protector, and lubs doing it.

When you can tell a woman has NEVER had a KING in her life because everything about you, you're "spoiled" in her eyes. You, however, do not care what she think or says because you pity her and all she is missing.
When his only wish is to please you, no matter what it takes. When he not only works but does 90% of the household chores, including cooking. When he does all of the above not because you asked him. But, because its what he wants to do.

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When a guy at work says something incredibly disrespectful to you and makes you so upset that you take the next day off because you don't want to be bothered. Then on that day off, you get a phone call from your man saying "hey babe - I'm standing right in front of this dude, so tell me again what he said to you"...

:love: :love: :love:
When he's so excited for your first time together that he walks a half mile through a blizzard and 5 feet of snow to get to you... at 4 am.

When he drives a single cup of your favorite Starbucks from NYC to NH, and y'all ain't even 'official' yet.

When he prays for you and everyone you love, even though you ain't no where near Christian.

When he'll listen to you talk hair, debate weaves vs wigs, discuss conditioner, and bemoan your progress... and he actually makes suggestions based of what you taught him.

When he stays with you (and takes care of you) for almost 8 years of a harrowing, libido-killing disability and is still ready to marry you whenever you're ready.

Same guy, all true stories. I love that man!
When he says he's proud of what you do and how you do it
When he pays for your first date at a group event and only gets to sit with you for 5 minutes and is gracious about it
When he drives 1 1/2 hours every weekend just to see you
He understands the little things count

Tells you you're beautiful first thing in the morning (with no hidden agenda)

Sees to it that you're taken care of (regardless of your "independent woman" stance)

Can hold an intellectually engaging conversation/debate one moment, and kid around with you the next

Can take constructive criticism/ looks to be a better man, while still being himself

Comes to surprise you when you're feeling your lowest towards the end of your finals

When everything you do is so cute or adorable, when u get kisses and tight hugs all the time, when ur constantly called beautiful....and when he feels ur a blessing & is grateful to have you.

When the first time you he hold you and you feel every thing is okay.

When he is contantly late for everything but on time when it really matters.

when he shows you that he listens and suprises you with you favorite flowers..

Yes I now know for certain that I have a King
When he lives by the motto: Happy wife, happy life.

^^^ I like this one. :yep:

When he lends you his car because yours has issues, and he takes his motorcycle to work.

When you scratch his rim accidently, he laughs and tells you it's okay and really means it.

He finds out about a neighbor issue and rectifies it for you.

He always wants to make sure you're good.

*These are recent with my new guy.

Lucie I thought you got back with Hubbie?
When his momma tried to complain about me and he told her that he would not have her talk about his wife like that. She never went there again.

When he used to put up with my monthly PMT crazy, mad, she devil, suicidal mood swings.

When he pays the bills.

When he posts on facebook that he is happy to have me in his life.

When he realised how much of a strong and ambitious woman I am and he was not threatened.
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When he flew all the way to China to see me. I was doing a study abroad program and he came to spend the one week I had off from classes with me.

When he taught me how to drive and even paid for driving classes because I was nervous for the test and thought I needed more practice.
When you've had a hard day at work and decide to engage in some retail therapy. It starts to rain upon your arrival. He beats you there and parks at your favorite mall entrance and greets you with a golf umbrella to chauffeur you inside and proceeds to purchase and carry all your wants then shields you from the rain to your vehicle after your shop-a-thon. He then takes you to a relaxing dinner at your favorite restaurant before following you home and drawing a bath for you with your favorite Lush Avo Bath Bath Bomb. Yup, true story. I have a KING!
When he damn near destroys your kitchen making homemade chicken soup and fresh OJ because you are stuck sick in bed. Well, not gonna lie, I do feel some kind of way about him burning the handle of my favorite wooden spoon and cracking the citrus juicer, but, well, you know :)
Friday after work I came home to tilapia, shrimp and salmon on the grill and he had washed and folded 4 loads of clothes, cut the grass, and put together a shelf (even though I bugged him about it for months) I was ecstatic because ain't no way I would have done all of that on my vacation day
Awww...I'm all smiles here.
My most geneuine one was back in H.S. I was leaving the country and my bf at the time, paid the security guards to let him come through the security check point after I walked in with my mother. It was like a romantic slow moving movie scene watching him running down the walkway to say one more goodbye...I think I just stared at him...I remember I was embarrassed actually LOLOL that was like 20 something year's ago. I wish I knew what I had then.
He sees you in pain on the floor since your "monthly visitor" came early, so he goes to the store, buys you tampons (Gentle Glide!!), maxi pads, advil, and chocolate.
He even asked the Wal-Mart employee of the best tampons to get.
Lovin' this thread.

When he shows up at your door on Valentine's Day with a bouquet of roses for you and your mama.

Always pulls the car around so you don't have to walk such a long distance.

True Stories:yep:
He knows what u want and need more than you and provides it...

He is spiritually grounded...

He gets your junky a** car detailed while u are out of town and u had no clue :grin:

He's a Genuine Kang when...

While courting he made sure that he didn't overstep his bounds...

When he finally got me he worked to keep me...

I NEVER paid for dinner or and meal...

He loves that I have "grooming standards" And will give me money for upkeep:yep:

That my trusty LV Speedy 30 was my "just my mothers day gift:rolleyes:"

That I'm the best that ever is and will be as far as he's concerned, and his enthusiastic approach makes me:cloud9:
when you finally meet his mom and he could not be there, his mom tells you of all the great things he said about you and asks if we are engaged yet... (completely giving away his plans lol)

- fixing up a picnic before you have a very important test to make sure that you eat, then buys you groceries on top of that :yep:
-getting stuff that you have only mentioned once sent to you as a surprise... and its not your birthday , valentines day or even ground hogs day :lol:
-when almost everything gets customized w/ both your names
-knows your boundaries and respects them
- he makes big changes in his life or in what he planned to do in his life (career, etc.) because he knows it will make you happy
- he sets your phone bill so it is automatically charged to his debit card :look:
-even when he is 6,000 miles away, he manages to get you all the things and services you need
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