You know you have a KING when....

-When he doesn't judge your pregnancy cravings and caters to your "need" of cheesy puff balls at 9:42pm :look: 15 minutes before the store closes..

-When he makes you a huge pot of your favorite soup whenever you want even though there is no way you're going to finish it.

-When he has no problem taking care of lawn care for our house, MIL and GMIL without being asked.

-He considers himself the man of the house and protector for MIL and GMIL house since the other men have passed or are not present.

-Is an active father except when it comes to potty time and throw up :lachen:

-Would rather get a part time job than allow dd and I to miss out on a vacation.

-Loves me even during my moods. lol
Wow. This is a great thread. It leaves me with some hope that there are KINGS out there, and a little green because my ex was the President of the Republic of KANG. Lol.
~When he's out of town on business and calls you to sing an outrageously bad rendition of Stevie Wonder's "I Just Called (to say I love you)". Even with all the sour notes, it was music to my ears.

~When he texts you and asks what's on your mind, out of the clear blue, just because he cares.
When You and DD (13) get a date night.

He says he wants to show her that she's daddy's princess and that she is to expect nothing less when dating starts. :kiss: Imma keep him!
Such a gentleman. When we eat he won't take a bite until I eat something off my plate first. As many meals as we have shared he's never eaten before me. Makes me smile.
- When you come home from work and he has the bath drawn, candles lite and your favorite Celtic cd playing. Afterwards he gives a massage with lavender massage oil.

-When you're pregnant and he runs out at 2 am to buy and cook your favorite steak because you have a craving.

- When he knows your favorite drink at Starbucks and you don't. He orders it seamlessly. You can't lol

- When he supports EVERY venture you pursue. He'll ask what you need and busts his as* to get it for you because he believes in you.

I can brag about my hubby all day!!
When he believes in you and knows you can accomplish your dreams, even if you're reluctant and don't believe in yourself.

When you tell him you're pregnant and he buys you a car a few weeks later, even though you don't have a driver's license.

When he cooks dinner after work even though you've been home with the baby all day, because he realizes that taking care of the baby is work.
When he stops random people to tell them how fine he thinks you are!

When you hear him gushing to his friends about you.

When you come home and he has been slaving in the hot kitchen to make you the perfect tilapia dinner since you are pescetarian this week!

When he endures my "dusting" sessions and does not complain!

Sent from Mrs. Coleman's iPhone using LHCF
LMFAO!!!! Came in here thinking this was a KANG thread.... I was like, these are all good things. He's no kang...but then I reread the title pertaining to KING!
When he takes time to explain himself 3 more times, even though this is the 4th time you've had this same conversation about the same issues in the relationship. You can tell it irritates the begeezus out of him but he does it anyway because it's important to him that you know where he's coming from.
You meet his mother and his entire family and introduced as his girl
Takes you to places you could have ever imagined going to without him in your life
He makes you feel special
He not only tells you how much he cares, he shows you
you fall asleep fully clothed on the couch, but wake up in bed, in your fave fuzzy socks and T shirt, with pillows propped around your pregnant body just how u like em, and water and heartburn meds on your nightstand waiting for you.
you fall asleep fully clothed on the couch, but wake up in bed, in your fave fuzzy socks and T shirt, with pillows propped around your pregnant body just how u like em, and water and heartburn meds on your nightstand waiting for you.

How thoughtful and cute.

It's almost time, huh. I know you're excited to see your little one.
When I was going to visit him the first time in his state, it was the winter with lots of snow. I come from a warm weather state, but he assured me that if I would come for a visit, he promised I would never be cold. And he kept his promise. He greeted me at the airport with hat, gloves and a scarf and made every attempt to make sure my feet never touched the snow!

When I want to talk, my fiance stops what he is doing, looks me in the eye, and gives me his full attention.

I am a single mother, putting two sons through college by myself. When he proposed, among many other sweet, loving, romantic things, he said, "I want to take care of you and the boys."
bump bump I KNOW THERE ARE SOME MORE KINGS OUT THERE....if not Keep posting about yours!!!

**I enjoy these posts...sue me**
Okay, this is the latest thing my romantic KING did... When he picked me up at the airport this week, he met me with a big smile, heart balloons and a handmade sign that read: "Thank you for saying Yes!"
When he takes care of me if am sick.. Baths, meds, cloths and carries me 2 bed..

When he pops a champagne bottle or wine, runs a hot bath with bubbles after a hard and long day (without asking or telling him)..

When he kisses and holds me randomly during the day, just to show how much he appreciates and loves me
ree.denise said:
Cooks you breakfast and a packs you a healthy lunch!!

FH is away this week. This man made sure I had bottled water, and prepared and set out every meal for me for all 5 days he would be away. He couldn't find his socks if his life depended on it but he takes such good care of me.
when he rubs your feel with lotion then start to give a full body massage that lasted over half hour...sigh.

he polised my toe nails and combs my hair. lol
When he does what he says he is going to do

When he understands that your last relationship was NOT good, he keeps his patience and remains consistent while you work through your issues and fears about starting something new.

When he makes it clear that he is now the first phone call I make if I need something handled, instead of my father.

When he takes the time to learn about your food issues and proceeds to cook for you accordingly so you don't eat out so much. Then, when you tell him how much you appreciate him for it, his response "I know you appreciate me but you don't have to thank me for taking care of you, it's what I'm supposed to do"
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Keep em coming, I love this thread! It feels good to read positive stories and I have hope that I will find my king :)