You know you have a KING when....

When he knows you are a borderline perfectionist, but makes you feel okay when you fall short.

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All true stories...same man :yep:

- When he always sets the table, and fixes your plate (even when you cook).
- When everytime you sit on the couch together, he massages your feet.
- When he always holds your hand when you go out in public.
- When he always holds your hand when you're in the car together.
- When EVERY time you cook for him, he refuses to let you clean up anything because he says that's "his job"
- When you mention that you have to go to the car dealership to get your headlight fixed and he goes (out in the cold) to fix it himself.
- When he surprises you with a (rare) Stevie Wonder concert ... in the "good" seats. :drunk:
- When he refuses to let you pay - even on his birthday (you have to sneak and pay behind his back)
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He's out of town for job training for almost 3 weeks. When he returns he's at your house first thing the next morning and kisses you for five straight minutes in the doorway before the two of you can even close it. I love him!
When your car literally breaks down on you beyond repair and he goes behind your back and buys you another car the next day :)

Love me some him!

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When the economy is the worst it's ever been and you aren't worried about a thing because you know that no matter what your king will handle his business and make sure his family is good. Kings always have a plan b, c, & d :yep:.
The list can go on and on about how my husband sacrifices for his family but what first comes to mind when I know I have a king is when you both work full-time (and he does manual labor) and are so exhausted at the end of the day but he's the one who bathes the baby every single night and puts him to bed :grin:

Him being an excellent caregiver and hands on dad makes him KING status!
When he knows that you have a work deadline and will probably not leave until 11p, so he drops by with dinner for you without you even having to ask. AND even though he doesn't even know how to use flash, he still offers to help. lol

When he looks at you looking a mess with big plaits all over your head, pimple cream all over your face, his baggy sweats, and he says, 'you're so beautiful to me'. :-(

When he knows that you're going through another one of your depressive phases, so he leaves a huge bouquet on your doorstep with a note to cheer you up. :-(

When you both come home to find the security alarm blazing, and you're scared that someone has broken into your house. He tells you to stay in the car he'll take care of it. You don't listen of course. lol When I followed him in, there was a cloud of smoke coming from my kitchen. He took action. The next day, he went and bought a fire extinguisher and put it up in my kitchen.

When you absentmindedly lock your key in your house, and before calling a locksmith, decided to break the backdoor window to get in. lol He went to home depot and bought the supplies to fix it, and was out there for a long time, looking clueless and sweating, but he did fix it. :lol:

When he does stuff just because he knows that it will make you happy.

When he has you come over after work for a 'surprise', and it's a nice hot bath with wine, candles, soft music, and a long, sensual massage. :-(

When he takes you to the park after dinner, and has a beautiful picnic set up by the lake with dessert.

When he's a man of his words, and makes sure that those words align with his actions.

All true stories.
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He will take you to the ER in the middle of the night without complaint and then pick up your prescription for you the next day at the pharmacy.

When he holds you the entire night everynight while your sleeping and when he wakes up he kisses your forbear to say goodmorning
When you had a bad night and he holds you and says" i like to show you how much I care about you and i'll pray for them" without even asking.
when all of your friends flake on you for your birthday and then next day he plans a surprise dinner after your birthday with the friends who didn't flake on you. he gave me 25 red and white roses for my 25th birthday.
after only knowing you for about 2 months - he stays in the hospital with you for the entire night and then takes you home. then checks on you throughout the week. this is the same guys... we have been dating for about 2 years. there are more stories.
When your confidence is at an all time low, he stands you naked in front of the mirror and ask you what you don't like about yourself, as you name them one by one he kisses and caresses them one by one and tells you why he loves the things you hate and why you should love them too. You cry because he sees your beauty as he strokes the tears away. A King keeps his queen on a pedestal, flaws and all.
When you wake up to breakfast in bed just about evey morning for the last 14yrs.... When you can leave town for a few days and not have to worry about the kids because he is the best dad ever!! When you get in your car and your tank is full. I havent pumped gas since we have been married. (except for those rare occasions when I travel long distance alone). I love that man....
when you can cover an enitre wall with framed poetry that he has written for you...but you have to keep it in the bedroom because some of the poems are way too steamy to have in public view.
When you wake up to breakfast in bed just about evey morning for the last 14yrs.... When you can leave town for a few days and not have to worry about the kids because he is the best dad ever!! When you get in your car and your tank is full. I havent pumped gas since we have been married. (except for those rare occasions when I travel long distance alone). I love that man....

when you can cover an enitre wall with framed poetry that he has written for you...but you have to keep it in the bedroom because some of the poems are way too steamy to have in public view.

I'm lightweight jealous. How wonderful for you.:yep: Sounds like you know you have a good man...King!
When you don't wake up early he automatically cooks breakfast for the kids and you.

When you don't feel like cooking at all, he grills 3 days worth of chicken and it's soooo good.

When his reply is always, "whatever you want", when it comes to shoping and eating out, etc.

Always opens doors

Tells you daily how beautiful you are with a stiffy attached :look: tmi?

Enjoys providing for his wife.

When you aren't happy, he does everything in his power to change that.

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Mine did that while I was pregnant. Well, with candy lol. I wanted jolly ranchers one night. He went to 3 different stores to find my jolly ranchers before he came home lol.

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When everything you do is so cute or adorable, when u get kisses and tight hugs all the time, when ur constantly called beautiful....and when he feels ur a blessing & is grateful to have you.
When you don't wake up early he automatically cooks breakfast for the kids and you.

When you don't feel like cooking at all, he grills 3 days worth of chicken and it's soooo good.

When his reply is always, "whatever you want", when it comes to shoping and eating out, etc.

Always opens doors

Tells you daily how beautiful you are with a stiffy attached :look: tmi?

Enjoys providing for his wife.

When you aren't happy, he does everything in his power to change that.

Sent from my Sprint EVO using LHCF app

Yup, the bolded is nice lol
When he opens the car door every-single-time I need to get out/get in the car, like clock work.

When he prepares breakfast me while I'm still snoozing, and serves me in bed.
When he lends you his car because yours has issues, and he takes his motorcycle to work.

When you scratch his rim accidently, he laughs and tells you it's okay and really means it.

He finds out about a neighbor issue and rectifies it for you.

He always wants to make sure you're good.

*These are recent with my new guy.
*He drives 40 mins out of his way to meet you for date, so that he can help you save on gas.

*He cooks, cleans, and mows the lawn every weekend without fussing without anyone having to ask him. (My daddy)

*He can't sleep well when you are away at night.