You got white girl hair!


New Member
That's what one of the ladies in the office yelled out at me today when she saw my hair. I've only been on this new job for about 2 months and today's my first time wearing my hair down/straight. And I feel weird/embarassed because I don't like alot of attention...and my coworker has been telling people all morning about my hair. I was walking with her and she is stopping by various people's desks just to say "Look at her hair...turn around...can you BELIEVE how much hair she has? I mean look at it? Aren't you jealous?"

It is so weird that when *I* wear *my* hair straight to work it's such a big deal...:ohwell::perplexed And I SWEAR if this person rakes their hands through my hair ONE MORE TIME THIS MORNING!!!!!.....:wallbash:

Sorry this is such a random
Listen love, don't sweat it.
It's part amazement and maybe jealousy.
I have a very close friend who goes on about my roots, saying that I'm not really black because of how curly and soft my roots are.
She has very coarse hair, and I do not. Apparently because my hair isn't coarse as well I'm not black enough, well so be it.
It allows me the opportunity to stretch my relaxers longer and not have to worry about when I comb etc.

Enjoy your beautiful hair day, and be proud of your 'white girl' hair.
Tell your coworker that you don't have white girl hair, you have Hair that is versitile. Then tell them to stop raking their grubby fingers through your hair - secretly (or not so secretly) doing the track check.

Your hair is beautiful though zz - be proud of it.
i am thinking about getting a shirt that says "do not touch the hair". lol

but you do have beautiful hair. i'd probably be all up in your grill. not yelling...but staring a hole in your head at least.
That's what one of the ladies in the office yelled out at me today when she saw my hair. I've only been on this new job for about 2 months and today's my first time wearing my hair down/straight. And I feel weird/embarassed because I don't like alot of attention...and my coworker has been telling people all morning about my hair. I was walking with her and she is stopping by various people's desks just to say "Look at her hair...turn around...can you BELIEVE how much hair she has? I mean look at it? Aren't you jealous?"

It is so weird that when *I* wear *my* hair straight to work it's such a big deal...:ohwell::perplexed And I SWEAR if this person rakes their hands through my hair ONE MORE TIME THIS MORNING!!!!!.....:wallbash:

Sorry this is such a random
I feel you though, I wear my hair up so much that when its down it draws so much attention sometimes I feel uncomfortable
Whenever I wear my hair straight its always a big deal and somone has to comment. I almost dread it sometimes and I dont have half the hair you do since I cut mine.
Listen love, don't sweat it.
It's part amazement and maybe jealousy.
I have a very close friend who goes on about my roots, saying that I'm not really black because of how curly and soft my roots are.
She has very coarse hair, and I do not. Apparently because my hair isn't coarse as well I'm not black enough, well so be it.
It allows me the opportunity to stretch my relaxers longer and not have to worry about when I comb etc.

Enjoy your beautiful hair day, and be proud of your 'white girl' hair.

I understand...I just had to vent a lil because I just wanna sit at my desk and do my work and have a totally normal day without people coming up to me and "ooohing and aahing"... like I'm some sort of a circus animal...ya feel me? And I guess I just got caught off guard by the white girl comment being the first thing out of her just sounded so loud and obnoxious :nono: Why not just politely say "your hair looks nice today" and keep it moving :rolleyes:
ON TOP OF hair is straight but it ALWAYS loses it's curl and starts to poof up in this hot weather. So if someone dare come near it again and try to rake their fingers through it, it will take everything in me not to be rude about it :nono: I mean, it's already gonna probably gonna be a poofball by the end of the day WITHOUT people touching it, ya know? :ohwell:
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I understand...I just had to vent a lil because I just wanna sit at my desk and do my work and have a totally normal day without people coming up to me and "ooohing and aahing"... like I'm some sort of a circus animal...ya feel me? And I guess I just got caught off guard by the white girl comment being the first thing out of her just sounded so loud and obnoxious :nono: Why not just politely say "your hair looks nice today" and keep it moving :rolleyes:

I hear ya and I've had the same quote said to me. It makes me feel uncomfortable as well. You do have beautiful hair, btw. Don't let nobody touch your hair, I'm very superstitious about stuff like that LOL
Well... first of all, your hair IS gorgeous! So I understand all the hype... but take the attention girl. Just :grin: and keep it moving!

But as far as anyone putting their fingers through your hair???? :nono:
that's why my hair is in a bun 98% of the time at work. I do not see these people outside of the office, they are coworkers not friends, and I don't feel like spending my day answering questions about black people's hair or how i got my hair like that, etc. I might pull another shocker and wear my hair straight at the end of the year when the humidity's gone, but to do that it takes a lot of mental prepping.
that's why my hair is in a bun 98% of the time at work. I do not see these people outside of the office, they are coworkers not friends, and I don't feel like spending my day answering questions about black people's hair or how i got my hair like that, etc. I might pull another shocker and wear my hair straight at the end of the year when the humidity's gone, but to do that it takes a lot of mental prepping.

The bolded is EXACTLY how I feel! I have already spent "plenty a time" :lachen:answering questions to my coworker about it (why don't you wear it down more? what is it like to wash it? you mean, it doesn't get oily like mine does? what does a relaxer do? )
Well... first of all, your hair IS gorgeous! So I understand all the hype... but take the attention girl. Just :grin: and keep it moving!

But as far as anyone putting their fingers through your hair???? :nono:

I know, right? It ALWAYS catches me off guard when someone does this...partly because its soooo NOT something I would ever do to someone else. PLUS, it's not like she just "touched" my hair...NO...uh uh :nono: She was running her HAND through it in sections...Can you say "overboard?" :blush:
im sure its annoying. i secretly cant wait til that happens to me. lol. But folks will go gaga over long hair regardless. Esp. hose who find it hard to achieve themselves. Id rather hear nice comments made than the 'u think u hot stuff cuz u got long hair'
Honey, you're beautiful (and so is your hair); soak it up, chile. Look at 'em, wink, smile, and keep it moving. LOL. I know I do.
Uuu, uuh, uuuh, I follow one of my acquaintances action. Someone went to uninvitedly put their hands in her hair . . . . girl, she stopped 'the hand MID AIR I'll tell ya!!! :rofl:I would give $1,000,000 to have been there.

Oh, oh, and I want to do it with a slap. When my hand grabs their wrist, have it make the skin slapping skin sound. Yup, yup, uh huh.
I know, right? It ALWAYS catches me off guard when someone does this...partly because its soooo NOT something I would ever do to someone else. PLUS, it's not like she just "touched" my hair...NO...uh uh :nono: She was running her HAND through it in sections...Can you say "overboard?" :blush:

Sounds like she was checking for tracks.
That's what one of the ladies in the office yelled out at me today when she saw my hair. I've only been on this new job for about 2 months and today's my first time wearing my hair down/straight. And I feel weird/embarassed because I don't like alot of attention...and my coworker has been telling people all morning about my hair. I was walking with her and she is stopping by various people's desks just to say "Look at her hair...turn around...can you BELIEVE how much hair she has? I mean look at it? Aren't you jealous?"

It is so weird that when *I* wear *my* hair straight to work it's such a big deal...:ohwell::perplexed And I SWEAR if this person rakes their hands through my hair ONE MORE TIME THIS MORNING!!!!!.....:wallbash:

Sorry this is such a random

:lachen::lachen:I know the feeling. I wore my hair down all last week after I relaxed. No one, not even my daughter has seen my hair in about a year. Errywhere I go, I get stares. It's like I'm celeb status:rolleyes::grin: One girl told me, I had hair like an Indian. A guy said is that all you, I told him no and he was like, yes it is and then he started trying to get his pimping on:rolleyes: The next store I went to some girls was looking and said "ooohhhh, your hair is sooo long. I mean literally everywhere I go. It's kewl. This is so new to me. I'm trying to keep a normal face expression, don't want em to know this is all new to me also:lachen:They would go bzerk if they seen MB or WL hair. I will admit, I'm having major fun with my hair but it's time to put it back up so I can get to MB.
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is saying you got white girls hair an insult to us or a compliment?


why cant our hair just be 'our' hair

It could be either...DEPENDING on:

1. WHO is saying it, and
2. HOW they say it

Whether any statement is a complement or an insult to me depends upon the intention of the person making the statement.

As far as the person who said it to me this morning, I didn't take it as either...:perplexed It was just a statement that didn't have any meaning to me. The person who said it...I believe she is Hispanic. She is one of those people who can be very loud/COUNTRY though...LOL

I agree with you though...why can't our hair just be our hair? Why compare it to others? You can't even compare it because our hair is indeed very versatile and different.
The white was probably in reference to the length. Yall know black people cant grow no long hair.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I think you are right...:rolleyes:

It's crazy cuz it just makes me think how part of me sometimes wants to correct people in their false assumption that Black women can't grow their hair long....yet at other times I just don't feel like being the "authority" on black people's hair in having to answer a bunch of questions about it LOL white people know to do this? There's only one black person in the whole office LOL

lol ur funny girl yes, they do! they think any long hair on us must be a weave , Ive been asked directly is a friggin grocery store, for shame! They just gotta know if it is or not, cant let somebody do their grocery shoppin in peace geesh
I understand...I just had to vent a lil because I just wanna sit at my desk and do my work and have a totally normal day without people coming up to me and "ooohing and aahing"... like I'm some sort of a circus animal...ya feel me? And I guess I just got caught off guard by the white girl comment being the first thing out of her just sounded so loud and obnoxious :nono: Why not just politely say "your hair looks nice today" and keep it moving :rolleyes:

You better be like Effie in Dreamgirls "I don't do Ooh's and Ahh's" :lachen:I get the white comment too and I'm like are ya kidding me?!:ohwell: Hardly.Some people don't know how to give a compliment and keep it moving. Just politely let her and whomever else walks over to "pet the nice lady" that you appreciate the compliments, but the attention is kind of embarrassing and it makes you uncomfortable. Your hair is beautiful and unfortunately to some, an anomaly, but don't let those monkies stop your show!
You ain't got white girl hair. You have black girl hair that's been well cared for. Do one of those "girl, stop! no really, please stop"s.
Trust me I know. People (white and black) act as if we can't have long hair or healthy hair. I get that quite often. You got white people hair or you must be mixed. People just don't realize that if you take care of your hair it will be long and healthy. And I can't stand when people touch my hair. My hair is off limits!:wallbash:
Oh and another thing. Why do people say is that your hair, then wait for a response then say I think your hair looks nice today.
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