You got white girl hair!

Trust me I know. People (white and black) act as if we can't have long hair or healthy hair. I get that quite often. You got white people hair or you must be mixed. People just don't realize that if you take care of your hair it will be long and healthy. And I can't stand when people touch my hair. My hair is off limits!:wallbash:
Oh and another thing. Why do people say is that your hair, then wait for a response then say I think your hair looks nice today.

LOL! One of the nurses just said to me "Wow, you have so much looks nice."

Me: "Thank you"

Her: "Now, is that all YOUR hair?"

I'm sorry, but I would be amazed by your hair too. I have NEVER seen an AA women with such beautiful, natural, long, lustrous, and on and on hair IRL. I think I would stare in amazement.
Here's what she's probably got to deal with at work. It's more than just a walk-by "Your hair looks great today". It's people circled around your desk (hands running through your hair) or standing at your office door with all or some of the following comments ALL DAY:

...but it's so SOFT!!!! and oh mah gahh, so LONG! How'd you GET it like that? How do you make it curl up like that??? You mean you just flat iron it with a NORMAL flat iron!!?? I didn't think your hair could get so STRAIGHT!!! I thought it would be like a brillo pad. Your hair's not like other AAs hair.
I feel you though, I wear my hair up so much that when its down it draws so much attention sometimes I feel uncomfortable

Same here. It can be sooo uncomfortable. I almost feel like I'm an animal in the zoo being stared at:"Oooh, look at the long haired creature!":ohwell:
Your hair is glorious and well maintained. I understand your embarrassment though. A few yrs ago I got all relaxed and 1 white woman refused to believe it was my hair, even after I parted it with my fingers and showed her my scalp:wallbash: Another kept staring at me all day, remarking how diffeent and "young" I looked.

Until the world see more of the LHCF type of hair, we'll be on display.
Your hair is so beautiful indeed.

Well I have began to experience some attention now that my hair is touching the top of my bra strap.

I wear my hair in a bun 98% of the time and when it is down the comments start to annoy me a bit so I end up putting my hair in a bun by the end of the day.
Your hair looks good, but you are better woman than I am, because someone would be getting a full on slap for putting their hands in my hair. I absolutely hate that crap:wallbash: I don't were your hands been and they ain't going in my clean hair:nono:
That's what one of the ladies in the office yelled out at me today when she saw my hair. I've only been on this new job for about 2 months and today's my first time wearing my hair down/straight. And I feel weird/embarassed because I don't like alot of attention...and my coworker has been telling people all morning about my hair. I was walking with her and she is stopping by various people's desks just to say "Look at her hair...turn around...can you BELIEVE how much hair she has? I mean look at it? Aren't you jealous?"

It is so weird that when *I* wear *my* hair straight to work it's such a big deal...:ohwell::perplexed And I SWEAR if this person rakes their hands through my hair ONE MORE TIME THIS MORNING!!!!!.....:wallbash:

Sorry this is such a random

I'd be wearing a tightly secured bun everyday if I were you. :lol: Hopefully none of your other colleagues are ultra jealous types, this person in particular doesn't seem to be. Great progress, by the way. :yep:
You have a "problem" that a lot of ladies on this baord would kill for.:yep:

Instead of taking the remarks as insults I usually take them as compliments, thank them, and keep it moving.:yep: Yes even the "good hair/white girl hair" comments because *to me* they are compliments. A lot of people aren't very savvy when it comes to complimenting. They shouldn't be punished for it (imo).
I'd be wearing a tightly secured bun everyday if I were you. :lol: Hopefully none of your other colleagues are ultra jealous types, this person in particular doesn't seem to be. Great progress, by the way. :yep:

I think it is more amazement/curiousity than anything else. Plus, I just moved from Atlanta to Columbia, SC...quite frankly I think it's even harder for people "round these parts" to believe that my hair is not a weave...:blush:

By the way, I wear my hair in a natural bun 90% of the time. People very rarely see my hair out or straight. It just so happens I went to a wedding on Saturday and decided to get it pressed, so this is the first time anyone here in this office has seen it.
You have a "problem" that a lot of ladies on this baord would kill for.:yep:

Instead of taking the remarks as insults I usually take them as compliments, thank them, and keep it moving.:yep: Yes even the "good hair/white girl hair" comments because *to me* they are compliments. A lot of people aren't very savvy when it comes to complimenting. They shouldn't be punished for it (imo).

You are right about the bolded; if someone is complementing I do graciously thank's just uncomfortable when your coworker says, "Come walk with me..." thinking you're going to be walking and talking business on your way back to her desk, but she ends up stopping by everyone's desk on the way as she says "Hey everybody! I want to introduce you to my NEW COWORKER! Didn't recognize zzirvingj today, did you? I mean, just look at her hair! Can you BELIEVE how LONG it is? Don't you just wanna touch it?!" (*rakes fingers through my hair*) :ohwell::lachen:

I appreciate complements, I really just felt like I was being paraded around the office like some sort of
You are right about the bolded; if someone is complementing I do graciously thank's just uncomfortable when your coworker says, "Come walk with me..." thinking you're going to be walking and talking business on your way back to her desk, but she ends up stopping by everyone's desk on the way as she says "Hey everybody! I want to introduce you to my NEW COWORKER! Didn't recognize zzirvingj today, did you? I mean, just look at her hair! Can you BELIEVE how LONG it is? Don't you just wanna touch it?!" (*rakes fingers through my hair*) :ohwell::lachen:

I appreciate complements, I really just felt like I was being paraded around the office like some sort of

This happens to me A LOT and it's usually about my clothes. And I don't even think I wear anything out of the ordinary. :lol:
Zz don't let it stop. I think we need to start a coalition against people touching my hair. I don't get that anymore. I know how to stop that crap. When they go to touch, you snap your head away and give them the look of hell,fire, and brimstone. That look of death stops them cold. Then when they ask how you got it so long tell them because you don't let folks play in it.
Zz don't let it stop. I think we need to start a coalition against people touching my hair. I don't get that anymore. I know how to stop that crap. When they go to touch, you snap your head away and give them the look of hell,fire, and brimstone. That look of death stops them cold. Then when they ask how you got it so long tell them because you don't let folks play in it.

Why does this have me ROTFL?? :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Oh God, please gimme this problem...please gimme this problem [crosses fingers and closes eyes suuuuper tight]

Me too!

Your hair looks good, but you are better woman than I am, because someone would be getting a full on slap for putting their hands in my hair. I absolutely hate that crap:wallbash: I don't were your hands been and they ain't going in my clean hair:nono:

Looking, oohing and awing they can do, but touching is a no, no. Where do people get off thinking they can put heir hands in your hair. I would have been hot!:blush:

You have a "problem" that a lot of ladies on this baord would kill for.:yep:

Instead of taking the remarks as insults I usually take them as compliments, thank them, and keep it moving.:yep: Yes even the "good hair/white girl hair" comments because *to me* they are compliments. A lot of people aren't very savvy when it comes to complimenting. They shouldn't be punished for it (imo).

I think they mean well for the most part and just take the "compliments".
I understand...I just had to vent a lil because I just wanna sit at my desk and do my work and have a totally normal day without people coming up to me and "ooohing and aahing"... like I'm some sort of a circus animal...ya feel me? And I guess I just got caught off guard by the white girl comment being the first thing out of her just sounded so loud and obnoxious :nono: Why not just politely say "your hair looks nice today" and keep it moving :rolleyes:

I definitely agree with you on this. I don't really like being center attention at all either. But I have to give it to you, just checked out your Fokti and you have beautiful hair. :yep: HOWEVER, the white girl comment was a little unnecessary. Like you say, just keep it simple with a nice compliment (even a bit of gushing). When you're at work, I can understand not wanting to be bothered. The fingers in my hair is definitely a no-no!
Why does this have me ROTFL?? :lachen::lachen::lachen:


Zz don't let it stop. I think we need to start a coalition against people touching my hair. I don't get that anymore. I know how to stop that crap. When they go to touch, you snap your head away and give them the look of hell,fire, and brimstone. That look of death stops them cold. Then when they ask how you got it so long tell them because you don't let folks play in it.

I'm :rofl: too about this comment, but I will be very glad when my hair gets to the point that I will constantly have to put this technique into action.
This happens to me A LOT and it's usually about my clothes. And I don't even think I wear anything out of the ordinary. :lol:

I can relate to that, too...but not so much because I usually dress kinda bummy :look:

But one time at my old job I dressed up and a coworker was like, "Guhhhh...look at you tuh-DAY! U bout to go to tha CLUB afta work or somethin??!"

:lachen: LOL...yeah there were 1 or 2 real hood chicks at my last job :lachen:
Uuu, uuh, uuuh, I follow one of my acquaintances action. Someone went to uninvitedly put their hands in her hair . . . . girl, she stopped 'the hand MID AIR I'll tell ya!!! :rofl:I would give $1,000,000 to have been there.

Oh, oh, and I want to do it with a slap. When my hand grabs their wrist, have it make the skin slapping skin sound. Yup, yup, uh huh.

:lol: Too funny.
That's what one of the ladies in the office yelled out at me today when she saw my hair. I've only been on this new job for about 2 months and today's my first time wearing my hair down/straight. And I feel weird/embarassed because I don't like alot of attention...and my coworker has been telling people all morning about my hair. I was walking with her and she is stopping by various people's desks just to say "Look at her hair...turn around...can you BELIEVE how much hair she has? I mean look at it? Aren't you jealous?"

It is so weird that when *I* wear *my* hair straight to work it's such a big deal...:ohwell::perplexed And I SWEAR if this person rakes their hands through my hair ONE MORE TIME THIS MORNING!!!!!.....:wallbash:

Sorry this is such a random

take it as a compliment...

did you take a pic of it? i wanna see "all that hair" your co-worker is talking about:look: :)
...I agree w/some of the other posters, I'd love your "problem". For everybody to be loving my thick beautiful healthy tresses!

but at the same time I can completely understand your issue w/the attention. It's like when you're pregnant, and people -sometimes even strangers, just come up and rub your belly! Everyday they are shouting out how much bigger or smaller or tired or good you look. It's annoying. Now to someone who has issues getting pregnant, they would love to have a "problem" like this.
Or take a celebrity that complains about the cameras invading their personal life...while there's a whole world out there begging for their 15 mins of fame.

I think it's the ultimate compliment the attention they are giving you. It's better than having your hair done and then nobody saying anything, can you imagine that. You'd feel horrible.
I don't see hair like yours very often, and when I do, I find it's something to be admired.

Do you have any updated pics of your hair from Saturday's wedding?