Yay Or Nay: Woman Falls In Love With A Man Who Lived In A Bush

When the book deal dies and dude gets on his feet- he will leave her. At some point he will determine that he is too good for a lady that would date a homeless bum.
And this is how a lot of men think. Women think if they put their heart and soul into their mate, the relationship will be rewarding and the man will ever be grateful. Nope ! They will see you as insecure and needy.
I hope for all she has invested things turn out well.

But I cannot help but feel some day he will leave her for a “better woman.” And on some level look down on her for being in love with a fool like him. :lachen:

And why on Steve Harvey? To show BW to give broke brothas a chance?

That was thought. Is this to encourage more hobosexual relationships? Lol.

This could be a reality TV show. Lol.
I was watching my 600 pound life last night and it reminded me of this thread. I think the lady's name is Alicia, 600+ lbs, and her boyfriend was at least half way decent, had a full time job AND an apartment :giggle: He fully takes care of her financially (He also seemed very loving, gentle and supportive). So, if a morbidly obese woman with no job or money can pull a decent guy that lives in an actual apartment, what's her excuse?

I can't deal with the low standards.
I was watching my 600 pound life last night and it reminded me of this thread. I think the lady's name is Alicia, 600+ lbs, and her boyfriend was at least half way decent, had a full time job AND an apartment :giggle: He fully takes care of her financially (He also seemed very loving, gentle and supportive). So, if a morbidly obese woman with no job or money can pull a decent guy that lives in an actual apartment, what's her excuse?

I can't deal with the low standards.


My best friend and I used to talk about a show called strange addictions or something like that....

Anyway there was a sister on there that liked to chew on dirty diapers who had a sane employed boyfriend who seemed to love her to pieces.

There was another woman who liked to chew brick pieces or something like that who also had an employed bf with actual housing. Lol.

This woman was just crazy. Just like the women who write to and fall in love with serial killers or just regular inmates. smh. Its nuts to me.

My best friend and I used to talk about a show called strange addictions or something like that....

Anyway there was a sister on there that liked to chew on dirty diapers who had a sane employed boyfriend who seemed to love her to pieces.

There was another woman who liked to chew brick pieces or something like that who also had an employed bf with actual housing. Lol.

This woman was just crazy. Just like the women who write to and fall in love with serial killers or just regular inmates. smh. Its nuts to me.
Yeah but the men?!?? There is a piece for every puzzle.
I'd watch this show.

Me too. :spinning:

Like 90 day fiance meets a makeover show. You get their stories. See them as a homeless person and transition back to society, cleaning them up in the process. They're paired up. These women and men live with and try to make a life with formally homeless people.

Sadly, its exploitative and plus so many of them have mental issues. I dont even know you screen to ensure you end up with a guy like in the OP who at least seems mentally stable.

My best friend and I used to talk about a show called strange addictions or something like that....

Anyway there was a sister on there that liked to chew on dirty diapers who had a sane employed boyfriend who seemed to love her to pieces.

There was another woman who liked to chew brick pieces or something like that who also had an employed bf with actual housing. Lol.

This woman was just crazy. Just like the women who write to and fall in love with serial killers or just regular inmates. smh. Its nuts to me.

My brain just short circuited when I read that. Like what in the entire :locked:? :abducted:

Yeah but the men?!?? There is a piece for every puzzle.

For serious. If they decided you're the one you pretty much gotta chase them off with a gun and that might not even work.
I knew this was DM before I clicked the link.

Daily Mail stay writing these Tyler Perry-esque articles for white women. The amount of article of women feeling depressed because they didn't settle for some random bloke, the consequences of putting career before love, etc.

If this ain't a 'work with a bloke' article I don't know what is.
Me too. :spinning:

Like 90 day fiance meets a makeover show. You get their stories. See them as a homeless person and transition back to society, cleaning them up in the process. They're paired up. These women and men live with and try to make a life with formally homeless people.

Sadly, its exploitative and plus so many of them have mental issues. I dont even know you screen to ensure you end up with a guy like in the OP who at least seems mentally stable.
What in the world?!?!
When the book deal dies and dude gets on his feet- he will leave her. At some point he will determine that he is too good for a lady that would date a homeless bum.

Exactly. He probably consciously or subconsciously looks down on her already. Men usually want the woman who is "too good" for them, not one who lowers herself to fix his life. He wasn't dumb enough to turn the offer down :look: But he might find his dream girl in the future and move on...after she built him up.
She did this to have fodder for her book. Obviously she wasn't all that much of a catch either. AND he abused other substances in addition to the alcohol???? SMH.
I hope for all she has invested things turn out well.

But I cannot help but feel some day he will leave her for a “better woman.” And on some level look down on her for being in love with a fool like him. :lachen:

And why on Steve Harvey? To show BW to give broke brothas a chance?
I just caught this. Steve Harvey is serving up this mess now? Nooooo! We do not need more encouragement in the black community from Steve, the love guru, on giving homeless love a chance: stop being so selective, who do we think we are?, Are we homeless shaming? :lachen:

When really it should be simply that being homeless is sad, and though they deserve love and support, it is not an ideal hunting ground for eligible mates. It's sad that I even have to spell that out but people are losing their minds and hustling seriously backwards.
If they are happy I really can't judge. They might be soulmates. It just couldn't be me. I know that if it doesn't work out she will feel taken advantage of. I wonder if he feels trapped because of that? And he still looks homeless to me :look:.

Wait... what?!!!
He still looks like an active alcoholic. Some women are born, groomed, then seek to be fixer/co-dependents to people who need help/opportunist types of men.