Yay Or Nay: Woman Falls In Love With A Man Who Lived In A Bush

I don’t have men in bushes to fall in love with. Maybe the meth clinic by Penn. station will suffice.
My face was screwed up the whole time waiting for a punch line. I don't even have the words. And to top it off he just went and tracked her down in Vienna? What if it didn't go as planned? I could see something bad happening and him living nicely in her flat until it was time to move along. Just so happened he found a willing sucker so he didn't have to go that route.
decided to travel around Europe. When his money ran out he saw no other option than to live on the streets while hitchhiking from country to country.
So trying to get a job never crossed his mind. If this ain't some white people privilege.

She said he spent all of high school skipping and getting high, but now he has the acumen to complete school to become a mechanical engineer? He couldn't even get a piece of job to stay off the streets.

Lastly, I'm mad he bought a ticket without ol girl knowing and just brought his happy $@! to her front door like hey boo I'm home.
This is the white version of build a brother. One in a million that this will work. More than likely you will go broke, get abused, and/or end up homeless yourself, wishing you were still single and successful. I would NEVER encourage a friend or even an enemy to do this — smh.
And he was an alcoholic. This could've gone all the WAY wrong. Now this is that story of hope. No need to pass it among the melanin people, because we already hear enough work with a brother stories. We need an exodus from these types of mates :look: not encouragement from the unicorn stories of how she won the lottery juggling a homeless man.
If they are happy I really can't judge. They might be soulmates. It just couldn't be me. I know that if it doesn't work out she will feel taken advantage of. I wonder if he feels trapped because of that? And he still looks homeless to me :look:.

:dead: So she said she was single and dating and guys were like "maybe I'll call you maybe I won't" so what intrigued her is the homeless guy wanted to see her again :rofl: Is this life?
I don't recommend this to any woman. She's lucky that he worked hard and got his life together and is able to support her and the kids. I hope she's not encouraging women to go this route because 99% of the time, the outcome is dire.

I'm not even sure who is going to buy her book. Women like stories with happy endings-- like if he discovered he had royal blood and now he's a prince, or if he came up with a million-dollar idea and now they're rich. There is no fairytale, true love conquers all ending to this that warrants a whole book imo. In the video she seems way more into him than he is into her. And he's ugly. Shoot, he could at least be handsome and doting.
listening to the conversation, it all centers around her. she's super immasculating. imma guess SHE is the narcissist here and her build-a-man project is her supply. what better prey than a despondent man.

And you know his past will come up when she’s upset! “You better get my slippers Vic!!! I will drop you off right at the park bench where I found you!!”.

Bless his heart.
He could probably smell the desperation that she was giving off. Some stinky, unkempt homeless guy chats you up, and then barks "Saturday, 3 o'clock!" :barf: Then he was late? I don't know if he's some type of cunning con artist, or if she is the cunning one for building a man so that she could have :babyb::babyg: and then writing a book about it.
I'm not even sure who is going to buy her book. Women like stories with happy endings-- like if he discovered he had royal blood and now he's a prince, or if he came up with a million-dollar idea and now they're rich. There is no fairytale, true love conquers all ending to this that warrants a whole book imo. In the video she seems way more into him than he is into her. And he's ugly. Shoot, he could at least be handsome and doting.
Right. Where is the happy ending? And to make this worse this man did all the things we wouldn't even tolerate from a normal, non-vagrant of a man. He already had 3 strikes against him. He was jobless, homeless and he was late for their 1st "date" with probably only half intent on showing up talking about he wasn't sure if she would come. Dude didn't have anywhere else to be and still he couldn't be bothered to sit on a park bench for a few minutes just in case.:lol: Imagine being stood up by a homeless man. I would have wanted to kick my own ass thinking I just let myself get stood up by a bum. I think she might be selling this as a people find love in the strangest places story but I don't see anyone buying other than for a good laugh.
Right. Where is the happy ending? And to make this worse this man did all the things we wouldn't even tolerate from a normal, non-vagrant of a man. He already had 3 strikes against him. He was jobless, homeless and he was late for their 1st "date" with probably only half intent on showing up talking about he wasn't sure if she would come. Dude didn't have anywhere else to be and still he couldn't be bothered to sit on a park bench for a few minutes just in case.:lol: Imagine being stood up by a homeless man. I would have wanted to kick my own ass thinking I just let myself get stood up by a bum. I think she might be selling this as a people find love in the strangest places story but I don't see anyone buying other than for a good laugh.

This whole post :lachen:

This fool rode up on a children’s bike to their first date. Likely still barefoot. I just. I don’t understand.
Right. Where is the happy ending? And to make this worse this man did all the things we wouldn't even tolerate from a normal, non-vagrant of a man. He already had 3 strikes against him. He was jobless, homeless and he was late for their 1st "date" with probably only half intent on showing up talking about he wasn't sure if she would come. Dude didn't have anywhere else to be and still he couldn't be bothered to sit on a park bench for a few4minutes just in case.:lol: Imagine being stood up by a homeless man. I would have wanted to kick my own ass thinking I just let myself get stood up by a bum. I think she might be selling this as a people find love in the strangest places story but I don't see anyone buying other than for a good laugh.
6 strikes against him not three
As you mentioned 1) Jobless, 2) Homeless 3) Late for the first date 4) Uneducated (some may not see that as a strike)

but don't forget...
  • 5) Alcoholic :alcoholic::beer::beer2::beer5:
  • 6) Jail record : Dude was arrested :badcop:for stealing chickens and spent time in jail. I can't remember if that was before or after meeting her, just going off of what I remembered in the interview several days ago :lol:
As for your happy ending question...she has a man honey a man! YAAAAY!:2inlove::couple::kiss2::dance7:

Don't be jelly.:hand:
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And you know his past will come up when she’s upset! “You better get my slippers Vic!!! I will drop you off right at the park bench where I found you!!”.

Bless his heart.
Nah. He's an engineer now c/o her. He can skip off after she cleaned him up and dusted him off, and move right on to the next woman. Then she'll be left going back to the park to search for a new mate.
Nah. He's an engineer now c/o her. He can skip off after she cleaned him up and dusted him off, and move right on to the next woman. Then she'll be left going back to the park to search for a new mate.

I would never date again. If I spruce up and marry a bum and his dusty arse leaves me, I’m quitting the dating scene and becoming a nun cuz it doesn’t get any lower than being discarded by an alcoholic vagabond living in a city owned shrub
I know of a very similar situation and we're still friends and they're still married. I won't give details, but let's just say, she's still waiting on his come up.

Yes, she's Black; yes, they have kids; no, I'd never have guessed in a million+ years she'd end up with this type of dude.