Y'all know y'all wrong when....


Magical Mythical Princess
1. You grew your hair from BC TO waistlength In one year and don't post a REGIMEN!!!!

2. You come in blushing about your hair's progress and post one dern picture.

3. You don't list products in a regi. Shampoo. Condition and retwist is NOT A REGI! List products!!!!

4. You post your progress pictures WITHOUT A REGI and then disappear from the board for a month and a half while every congrats poster is asking "op, what's your regi?"

5. You dis someone becuase their journey isn't your journey.
I abide by the rule "do you...all day. Every day"

Ladies, anyone want to add to the "you know your *** is wrong list" for 2012? Lol!

(No fighting please. This was meant in fun.)

Whew.....glad I got that of my chest. :)

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!
You know you wrong when you say you can't admire someone's length because they have 1a hair. Long hair is long hair. Just drool and be happy.
you know you wrong when you claiming lengths that you are clearly a couple inches away from but quick to call someone else out for doing to same ish :rolleyes:
you know you are wrong when you post in countless threads about things that have worked for your hair, but you never show a progress pic...smh
You know you're wrong when you create a thread talkin about how awesome your hair is, but we have to go to your Fotki (which is somewhere in your profile) and we gotta PM you for your Fotki password. Umm no LOL

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I sooooo needed this "vent" session tonight. Good ones ladies!;)

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!
LMBO at this thread

You know you wrong when you post a thread talking bout I don't know what happen to hair when you just got a perm, permanently dyed it, then bleached it and redyed it to fix the 1st dye job. Uuuhh duh you did way too much.
You know you wrong when you claim that you skipped clean pass 2 milestones and when you take progress pics, you take fuzzy far away pics and we can see the top of your head. Why you leanin so hard??? Plus...show ya scalp! If you went from SL to MBL in 6 months, I wanna see a part. Hell how do I know that's not a wig???
You know you wrong when you state how "unimpressed" you are with other people hair (including celebrities or a natural hair guru) but your hair looking a hot mess.

You know you wrong when you start "look at my beautiful hair" threads and your hair is either damanged, burnt, or have horrible split ends... getting everybody hopes up for nothing!

-this thread makes me feel messy :lol:
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You wrong as all hell when you come up in here after being on this board for YEARS and start a thread with all your hair history and how you BC'ed from WL or relaxed after 10 years natural or finally got the BEST FLEXIROD SET EVER :love: and had pantene-status hair that lasted for three whole days and end with "omgggg guys i'm sooooo excited... ... .................................I'LL POST PICS LATER"

I swear you ladies sometimes are like those friggin news tidbits... "You might be having this for dinner, and it could kill you! Full story tonight at 11." YEAH THANKS FOR NOTHING.
1. Posting tiny Azs pics of your progress...I know its a thumbnail but damn!

2. You come in to a thread with a one-liner only for "thanks" not to help the OP.

3. Your regimen is "simple" but with 90435346 steps...really?!
You know you're wrong when you always ask what the ingredients are in a product cause you're too lazy to look them up yourself!!
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You know you dead a** wrong for having a fotki in your siggy and all the dam albums are empty.

When you take big a** pitchas and we can see your pores. Damn! Resize!

When someone starts a thread on a redundant topic, then posts I did a search and didn't see anything, Well dammit I did a search too and 36 threads popped up. What you type in?

When people talk about their hair and how long it is, but got a pic of *random celeb* on their avi. Can we see your hair? "No, I'm super anonymous" Damn! So I know your name is Wanda from looking at the back of your head? We ain't gon know who you are!

Clean your roon before you take pics! I don't wanna see ray-ray in his diaper in the background!
When you take big a** pitchas and we can see your pores. Damn! Resize!

YES!!!! Big arse picture mess up the whole page. have to stroll alllllllllllllllllllllll the way over just to look at 1/3 of the pic. then alllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way back over to the other side for the rest.
When someone post a pic of thier hair and another say wow your hair looks great what products did you use and the person says I'll send you a PM. da heck????? Its a secret??
When someone post a pic of thier hair and another say wow your hair looks great what products did you use and the person says I'll send you a PM. da heck????? Its a secret??


Some members are vendors and don't want to get in trouble for advertising without paying up.. As for the rest, I dunno.
Yall know yall wrong when yall hold on to thin, split, damaged ends just to have length. I thought health is more important. I guess not for some folks.

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