YALL Have 20 Mins To Convince Me Not To...


Ok Ladies...I'm bored. I live alone. I don't have any friends in this town. I don't meet people anywhere. I'm SO about to post for a date tonight on craigslist. I know there was a thread about this not too long ago, but this isn't a general "wondering if" scenario. This is me. Tonight. Out w/a craigslist guy.

Oh yea. Tampa sucks.

Any feedback/pro's/con's are apprecaited.
Shoot, why not??? Sounds like a good idea to me. If I was in your situation I would probably do it. Of course you would need to be safe.
Ok Ladies...I'm bored. I live alone. I don't have any friends in this town. I don't meet people anywhere. I'm SO about to post for a date tonight on craigslist. I know there was a thread about this not too long ago, but this isn't a general "wondering if" scenario. This is me. Tonight. Out w/a craigslist guy.

Oh yea. Tampa sucks.

Any feedback/pro's/con's are apprecaited.

Like the other ladies stated,BE CAREFUL.
You have:no friends,families,live alone,etc; in the area.
Have you some mace,a knife,a bat or something readily available. :look:
Im serious.You can never be too careful.

Have fun!
Thanks so much yall! I'm thinking I'll just meet up w/somebody someplace. Drive my own car. Go someplace public. I don't drink so there will be no slipping of any mickeys, lol.

All in all, I think it should be pretty safe. No?

I'm really excited. But also really scared for some reason. It just seems weird. But I'm going to do it. I've been thinking about it for over a month. I'm gonna do it!

Thanks for all the support ladies!
NOOOO. The guy that answers the ad is going to have very stinky breath. He is going to lean in everytime he talks to you. At one point tonite, he is going to accidentally drench your face in the said stinky spittle.

Just stay here and talk to us tonite. You will still respect yourself in the morning.:grin:
go head girl cuz i'm in the same boat with u...

i didn't like craigslist cuz they didn't break down ethnicity...so I'm up on here right now about to go to match.com.
Make sure you meet him in a VERY public place, take a friend with you too. Don't go anywhere alone with him for a very long time and don't let him know where you live.
Thanks so much yall! I'm thinking I'll just meet up w/somebody someplace. Drive my own car. Go someplace public. I don't drink so there will be no slipping of any mickeys, lol.

All in all, I think it should be pretty safe. No?

I'm really excited. But also really scared for some reason. It just seems weird. But I'm going to do it. I've been thinking about it for over a month. I'm gonna do it!

Thanks for all the support ladies!
That's what I did when I met up with a guy from craigslist. Last year I posted a picture and 4 sentences about myself on craigslist. I got lots of e-mails. I went out with one of the guys once. Most of the others gave me the heebie-jeebies or they were twice my age, way too young, strange, etc.
ok ok, I get it foxy! I'll post there too. Just to see what comes of it. And yes I DID include in my ad that he MUST have good hygiene! Tehehe!
If you do go out tonight make sure there are always other members of the public around and even if you have no friends or family nearby call someone and tell them where you will be and ask them to call you at a certain time to check that you are OK.
I'm gonna be the mama and say, I don't think you should. I see the craigslist guy being crazy and/or just wanting sex. You're better off just going to a club/bar and you have the best excuse and conversation starter: "Oh, I'm new in town". And get in good w/ the bartenders and they'll watch out for you a bit. :up:
I'd try something like match.com before craigslist...yea its free but you know what free attracts..... :borgsmile :Clown: :afropick::afro2: i.e.freaks
Thanks for all the love ladies! I ended up not finding anyone :perplexed. Maybe for tomorrow. The one guy who seemed like a decent prospect lost interest when I told him that I'm celibate so there would be no funny business. I almost didnt mention it, but I didnt want any problems.

The rest were too old, very unattractiv, or clearly just wanting sex. Anyhow, I'm really proud of myself for taking the step to even post because that's a REALLY big deal for me. I'm already on every match site in the world but...clearly no luck.

Maybe tomorrow. I think I may go to the bookstore in the soho part of town w/my laptop and "look busy". We'll see what crops up. This will be comedy since I have 0% game. 100% Mack free. That's me!

Anyways, thanks again for the inspiration! Its good to have a place where you know people will be real with you. I really appreciate it.
Oooowee Yall!

I posted a new ad on Saturday and I think I found myself a "friend" :lick:. He's a cute white guy and we've only been emailing today but so far so good. He's totally my type! I'm excited and we may be going out next weekend!

Hope for the best!

Yea, at first I was NOT impressed with the replies. It was like "dang, now I know why your arse is looking on here!" . But something told me to repost last night and the pickins got a lil better in terms of looks and being more what I would go for. The guy who replied is PERFECT.

When I posted, I didnt put up a pic but I gave enough info that they would know I was a real person. I'll copy/paste my ad but yall can't be judgin' a sista! LOL!

I mean, for religious reasons I haven't dated since I was 16 and the mariage thing is NOT working out. I've never had sex, but don't consider myself "pure" in the fullest since. That said, I made it clear that I'm not looking for sex, but some "randy adventures".

I only got one reply from a Black guy- and even that I'm not 100% because he didn't include a pic. One guy Friday night was cool (a Swede) but he was turned off when I told him no sex (that's why I was really clear in the next ad).

I'll go find it and post the actual ad.
um kamilah... about ur post :nono: ...understand im not JUDGING now.. i just think with what you put up there no wonder most the guys that are contacting you only want sex :perplexed i mean.. :ohwell:

I think it's pretty clear. I'm trying to walk a pretty fine line w/this "FWB" thing. Granted, I know I have no businesss doing this but... I just want somebody to hang out with. But a little more. But not too much more. And guys always need a clear illustration of these things. I don't know.

I told my really good friend about it, and she was dying of laughter bc shes 100% convinced that Im not going to go thru w/it. I don't know.

We'll see.

You really think it's THAT bad :blush:? I didn't really think so. But despite my lifestyle, I've never been the inhibited type

I think it's pretty clear. I'm trying to walk a pretty fine line w/this "FWB" thing. Granted, I know I have no businesss doing this but... I just want somebody to hang out with. But a little more. But not too much more. And guys always need a clear illustration of these things. I don't know.

I told my really good friend about it, and she was dying of laughter bc shes 100% convinced that Im not going to go thru w/it. I don't know.

We'll see.

You really think it's THAT bad :blush:? I didn't really think so. But despite my lifestyle, I've never been the inhibited type

Do you want my honest opinion? YES. I think you should revise it. You don't need to go into that much detail about what you're looking for ie a freind with benefits. If that's what you want, that's not had to have. But obviously with that kind of post, you're going to attract some guys who will fill in the blanks and get another idea. JMHO. :ohwell: