Would you date a grown man with roommates?

Would you date a grown man with roommates?

  • Sure - doesn't matter to me at all.

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • Yes - but only if he's living low budget now to save for the future.

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • Uhm, no . . .

    Votes: 26 44.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Depends on the cirucmstances.

Same here.

As if times ain't hard enough, I live in friggin Boston, which is expensive as hell. A 1 bedroom in the hood will run you $1000+ easily. There are very few people my age and even a few years older that have their own place.
Same here.

As if times ain't hard enough, I live in friggin Boston, which is expensive as hell. A 1 bedroom in the hood will run you $1000+ easily. There are very few people my age and even a few years older that have their own place.

Isn't that the truth!

It's a shame. That's why my behind is moving to the suburbs.
Girl some women don't care who is in the house. They gon' get theirs.

Well this woman does and Im younger but if I can get my own place he should be on my level. I dont do guys literally and figuratively. :ohwell: Plus roommates dont sit well with me. I cant come over when I want, walk around how I want :sekret: just uh uh
im actually letting my girlfriend move in with me at the beg of next month.
Its hard out here for everybody. For now, he would get a pass.

In my prior days over 30+plus if you out of school you should be living on your own..
Unless you living in NYC or some high place like that..
I know living in DC can be kinda expensive but errah no! :look: You don't have to date him with intent to marry him though. You can still enjoy his company and get to the bottom of this mystery. Get to know him so you can be nosey as to what the helz is he doing with his money, how much money does he make,does he have huge cc & student loan debt, does he have a 401k/IRA/Company retirement he is contributing too, is he a good money manager, does he have cds, money markets, saving for a house, how does he treat his family, friends etc. Chile I'd be his friend to get all up in his business. :lachen: He could keep you busy til you find the one thats on your same page. Don't judge a book by the cover but you should investigate.
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Times are tough and real estate is expensive. But I just realized that a person I have a crush on is a grown man who has a roommate. The crush has officially worn off :lachen:

Ionw know . . . maybe I'm being too judgmental . . . but really now. He's not a spring chicken and he has a good job . . . man up and get your own place!

What do you think about this?

What's "grown" and what are "roommates"?


A brother who OWNS and has roommates to supplement his mortgage? :lick:
A brother who's saving by renting and shacking up but is keeping his eyes open and getting his credit right? :lick:

I mean come on - even an Investment Banking brother in NYC couldn't afford to purchase in this market.

I need to know some circumstances. And the choice of roommates has to be taken into consideration.

A rowdy frat-house environment? :nono2:
A low key "grown and sexy" environment? :lick:
Times are tough and real estate is expensive. But I just realized that a person I have a crush on is a grown man who has a roommate. The crush has officially worn off :lachen:

Ionw know . . . maybe I'm being too judgmental . . . but really now. He's not a spring chicken and he has a good job . . . man up and get your own place!

What do you think about this?

Well Glib - dating a man with a roomate certainly beats feeling lonely all by yourself and posting about it on LHCF all day. I'm just sayin...

I'm in California and the cost of living is through the roof. The average 2-bedroom apartment is about 2500 per month give or take. There are many grown men here who have roommates. It's actually a smart thing to do, especially in this market and if you want to live in a nicer place, or save to get something you really want in the future. There are many other qualities in a guy that should rank higher on the list of red flags IMO.
Depends on the situation- I met a guy who is a few years older than me and has roommates, I was initially like :ohwell:, but then I realized he owns the home and the roommates are his tenants. I was like, okay, that's better.

So, you can't have a hard and fast rule, but in general- if a man is in his 30s he should not have roommates. (But I'm in the DC area and I can see how it would be a wise choice for the guy to have roomies if he's building for the future)
i dont see what the problem is... im not gonna question a man in his early 30s and younger why he has roommates. i dont own my own place yet so i would have A LOT of nerve judging someone over something silly as roommates. im used to men and roommates from college so it aint really big of a deal to me.
I have my own spot with no roommates, he should have his own spot with no roommates. yes, his brother would be a roommate and Ms. ThickHair can't deal.
Depends on how old he is and what he is doing with his life. if he's 25 or under and in college I would date him. but if he's not in college he needs to be working full time and have his own place.
that isnt gonna work out too long.after a while you will get tired of seeing that room mate.i know...trust and believe
I have a friend who was dating a girl for a few weeks. She broke it off with him. He found out from a blog on the internet that it was because he had roommates. She felt he should at least have what she had, his own place, she was basically dogging him in the blog. Grown man with roommates...da hell....blah blah blah. I just laughed. Little little little did she know he had several pieces of real estate in the US residential and commercial as well as international property. The house he lived in was owned by him and the roommates, they bought it as an investment. Had she taken the time to ask or even get to know him, she would have found this out. This was years ago, he has since sold all the property and is sitting on millions. Now he's buying up all the foreclosures...rich bastid. Never judge a book by its cover. I could tell he really liked her tooo......shame..