Grown Man Yet Lives with Roommates

Make a determination on an individual bases. Do not automatically rule out a potential so or dh! My dh was living with a coworker (military) when we met. We have been together for almost 9 years.
I'm not sure of the age demographics of this board. But just wondering how many 25-30 year olds can afford .....say $2000.00 mortgage payment plus utilities, maybe a car payment AND still eat.

Ladies, I think some of you are just too hard. There are 50 year old men that are pressed to pay a mortgage not just men in your age range. I think Bunny is right, unless they are over the age of 35, no eyebrows should be raised. I've also met PLENTY of divorcees(over 35)--the type that do PAY CHILD SUPPORT, that can only make the mortgage payment if they have a roommate.

What I'm hearing in a composite of threads are women expecting young men to have their own place, debt free, able to afford at least a $10,000 engagement ring, pay for a dream wedding, vacations twice a year, save 20 percent of his income, and enable the lifestyle of a SAHW. And this expected of someone that has probably only been in his job/career on average 3 years.
Ebonybee you betta preach!

I hope that everyone on this thread who said that he needs to have his own place has their own place as well :rolleyes:
When DH and I met he was living at home in the process of moving out. He moved in with a room-mate. His room-mate was an upper level finance guy with an MBA saving money. I had a room-mate too (a guy!). I was in the middle of getting my MBA when I met DH. He and I were married about 2.5 years later.

My guy room-mate got married about 9 months before I did.

Ladies - don't have blanket rules about little things like these. Get to know the man (you can know relatively quickly whether or not something um . . . not right is going on). There are plenty of men out there who don't have room-mates that are not married minded. The guy I met before DH was a lawyer with his own place near Dupont. He said he was marriage minded and was "interested" in marrying me - but listening to the other things he had to say I would not touch him with a ten foot pole. This guy is still not married.

DH and I have been married for 3 years.

BTW - yes there are men out there with room-mates that you should skip over.

Lol I have a guy roommate now. So much better than having a female one. I am about to get my associates and then on to my bachelors. Since I have a roommate to help save me money I'm not gonna look over a man that does.

There are soooo many other important things to look over (multiple children/mommas, drug abuse, domestic abuse, etc.) than to worry about a man having a roommate.
=ThickHair;11054844]OK, so he doesn't need a roommate? Cool, but some folks NEED a roommate, that is when my comment is applicable

:lachen::lachen: ur funny...

but'r oh...nahhhh..i can't do it. just like i can't dat a guy who drives a PT Cruiser....I JUST CAN'T DO IT!!!!!

Lol. Would you rather him take the bus? :look:
:lachen::lachen: ur funny...

but'r oh...nahhhh..i can't do it. just like i can't dat a guy who drives a PT Cruiser....I JUST CAN'T DO IT!!!!!
I don't do PT Cruisers nor Cooper Mini's.

I hope that everyone on this thread who said that he needs to have his own place has their own place as well :rolleyes:
I do, and that is why it is one of my standards. Not necessarily homeownership, but I expect him to have his own place sans roomate. I don't ask for more than what I have. If they have more, then it is all gravy. Also I am 38 yo, so I expect more from men my age.
I don't do PT Cruisers nor Cooper Mini's.
I do, and that is why it is one of my standards. Not necessarily homeownership, but I expect him to have his own place sans roomate. I don't ask for more than what I have. If they have more, then it is all gravy. Also I am 38 yo, so I expect more from men my age.

Age should change your requirements. I certainly wouldn't date a 50 year old that didn't meet "certain" standards. But I want to meet these 25 year old males that can afford "everything." I might change my mind and become a cougar.

It's just that I hear some stuff that around here that appears posted by delusional people....that are still single. I think maybe the demographics is only young women from privileged households and they are looking for someone that can keep them in the lifestyle their parents provided for them--great if you can get it. But with so many Black young men coming from single income households, there aren't that many trust fund babies.

So you can have a good job, educated, spiritual, family oriented, but if you have a roommate it's a deal breaker.
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I don't see a huge problem with it. Men don't place as much weight on living alone and decorating a house etc as we do.

On the other hand it says something about his financial situation that I might not like...depending on the situation, of course.

Time will naturally move a man along towards living on his own or with a woman. When all his friends have married etc, he will probably make a move too.
no hyundias or civics for me when i was dating..imtoo tall for a civic anyway lmaoo--im Mrs. such and such now so im good..lolol..sorry had to participate in the car choices:lachen:

OP not sure what age range we are dealing my views r from someone knocking on the doors of 30 yrs old...but when i as 21 or 25...i expected dude to have what i have at bare minimum...if he had more the end do what works for you...

i just get the visual of you two having a romantic night in his room and his roomies goin hard on the PS3 in the living room...smdh..i cant

ditto on the bolded

I don't do PT Cruisers nor Cooper Mini's.
I do, and that is why it is one of my standards. Not necessarily homeownership, but I expect him to have his own place sans roomate. I don't ask for more than what I have. If they have more, then it is all gravy. Also I am 38 yo, so I expect more from men my age.
My ex had a roommate. He's such a hustler. lol I met him when he was 34. I think his rent was about $500 (he had a hookup with the leasing manager). He let his friend stay with him, and the guy paid $650 a month.

He was able to save a good amount of money, and finally decided to purchase a home.

So, in reference to your question, I think it would really depend on the guy's situation.
Nope, I don't do roommates. Unless you are living in a penthouse in Manhattan and the rent is through the roof, there is no excuse for being that old and having roommates IMO.

I can't even remember the last time I heard of someone over 25 having a roommate.
I wouldn't do it again. The current BF is 37 and lives with 3 sometimes 4 male roomies in one big house. They call it the animal house. I cant stand the place because it's dirty and all sorts of folks are in and out of there and it seems like a lame excuse not to grow up. None of them save and all of them have GF's. I stopped going over there 2 years ago and needless to say that's the biggest problem with our relationship is his commitment to that place. He moved in last year after he helped me purchase a place and spent the first 3 nights literally still there. So he moved back a month later. So no. The next guy I date needs to have his own. I hated having room mates but I did it to save. I did what I needed to do in a year and bounced.
Nope, I don't do roommates. Unless you are living in a penthouse in Manhattan and the rent is through the roof, there is no excuse for being that old and having roommates IMO.

I can't even remember the last time I heard of someone over 25 having a roommate.

I am over 25 and I have a roomate. I own a 3 br condo and rent out one of the bedrooms. I would hope no one would think that I am un dateable because I have found a way to make some supplemental income. My SO has done the same thing w/ his condo. He is 26 and his mortgage is just about paid off. Anyone who wouldn't date a guy in his 20's because he has a roomie is nutso IMO.
A roommate situation doesn't always mean he can't afford to live alone. For instance, living at home helped me pay off 90% of my debts in a year. As everyone has said, it depends on the situation but I'm not going to rule him out just b/c he doesn't have a house or his own place. Esp. in this economy.