Would you date a grown man with roommates?

Would you date a grown man with roommates?

  • Sure - doesn't matter to me at all.

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • Yes - but only if he's living low budget now to save for the future.

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • Uhm, no . . .

    Votes: 26 44.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Times are tough and real estate is expensive. But I just realized that a person I have a crush on is a grown man who has a roommate. The crush has officially worn off :lachen:

Ionw know . . . maybe I'm being too judgmental . . . but really now. He's not a spring chicken and he has a good job . . . man up and get your own place!

What do you think about this?
If he has a good job, and grown (over 21) then he should have his own place. You really can't scream and get loud :grin: in a house that he shares with! :nono:
Maybe if I was younger...that would not be a problem. At this point of my life, I need someone who is where I am in life.....at least:perplexed
I'm grown and I have roommates. I see nothing wrong with having roommates, it sure saves money. No way in hell could I get my own place where I live now. So what if he has roommates as long as he is a good person and treats me right the it doesn't matter to me. I don't plan on having roommates forever and neither should he.
No can do. I just have a thing about shacking up in someones house, other than my SO. Especially if I have my own.
Depends on how old he is.
If he has aspirations of having his own place.
Does he have his own room and bathroom?

Pretty much though the freakiness level would be down.
Girl you have to learn how not to think about what others think or say and go by your heart... For me, I would say yea why not but he has to have own space in living arrangement.....
Nope, excluding the newly graduated or under 30's...something about a seriously grown man with room mates is strange to me.
I'm grown and I have roommates. I see nothing wrong with having roommates, it sure saves money. No way in hell could I get my own place where I live now. So what if he has roommates as long as he is a good person and treats me right the it doesn't matter to me. I don't plan on having roommates forever and neither should he.

My thoughts excatly .
I wouldn't mind.
I know females in their 230's-30's with roommates, especially if the person is graduate student.
I plan on having roomates for a while.
Absolutely not........I'm in my late 30's so if the guy is at this maturity level, he should be holding his own, like I am !! Its not to say he need to go out and get a 4 bd home and be shelling out the dollars. He can rent a reasonable 1 bedroom apt and make it work. I think its all about how you budget your money to make it work for you.
You can't automatically rule someone out just because they have a roommate. What if he "followed his heart" to a profession which didn't yield a high salary off the bat (teaching, for example), but had to live in an expensive part of the country because that's where he could find the most job opportunities? I wouldn't view that man the same as I did someone who couldn't abandon the college life and, for that reason, couldn't imagine living away from his buddies and having his own life.
Sure, I've done it before and within a year he got his own place. Then again he was mid 20s so I don't know if that constitutes as grown man. Anyway, as long as he is striving for better and actually making moves to do better then it's cool with me. Now if he's comfortable and making excuses as to why he's not in a rush to have his own place, then there lies a problem.
Sure, I've done it before and within a year he got his own place. Then again he was mid 20s so I don't know if that constitutes as grown man. Anyway, as long as he is striving for better and actually making moves to do better then it's cool with me. Now if he's comfortable and making excuses as to why he's not in a rush to have his own place, then there lies a problem.

what she said!
I'm going to go with NO on this one.

A 35-40 year old man with a roomate(s) is probably not the type of man I would want to date.
Okay, if he's not saving money to buy a house or waiting for the right one to buy a house with, then I'd say no, but if he is doing one of those things, I'd say yes. Just to clarify.
Depends on his age, my SO is 26 and shares his apartment with his brother (18). I don't mind because I have my own place, so when we want privacy, he can come see me...If he was 30 and older, I would kinda mind...:look:
Depends on how old he is. If he's in his 20's I would prefer he have his own place. If I had my own place alone I probably wouldn't mind as much though. He does need to be working toward the goal of having his own place/home. If he's over 30 YES. And since I only date men 27 and up he should have his own place by then.
Lol, I'm relatively young (23), but I still consider myself "grown" (even though I'm not really :p) The guys that are in my age range are normally in grad school- so having roommates ain't nothing but a thing :lol: It comes with our current lifestyle.

HowEVER. I can definitely understand why women would be a lil leary of men post 30 and/or completely out of school, has a job, settled down- having a roommate. That sitch would smell a little janky to me :perplexed.
It depends on why he had a room-mate and what kind of place it was. If he was trying to save money that is good, but does he have his own privacy outside of his bedroom. I'm not feeling the common bathroom/living room arrangement.