Women & Men TOTALLY DIFFERENT outcomes/reactions in Intimate Cases

2010 a Woman can have relations & Still be a Lady?

  • 2 Grown People Can Do What They Want / With WhomEver They Want.

    Votes: 24 70.6%
  • Men will be Men...A Lady should know better.

    Votes: 8 23.5%
  • Prefer not to say....

    Votes: 2 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
First of all, not sure if this has been posted already or not.

So, here goes...(Clean Version)

Why is it that a man can step in mud and wipe it off no spot or trace of mud remains? When a Woman step in mud and wipe it off all of it never comes off?

(Grown Folk) A man can go out and have relations with as many women they want and most people don't care. Soon as a Woman do it she's a *Garden Tool* & much much worse...

Please help me understand in 2010...

**Side Note: Even if the Woman is considerate enough to take all the safe relations precautionary measures.**
I would hope that the woman in question would also add to her *sidenote* discretion.

Men & women are different creatures in this regard, and never shall the twain meet...

Control... It's all about control...

Who sets these precedents of the "player" and the "garden tool"? Men do...

But I'll call a man a "garden tool" quicker than a woman...in protest or something...
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No offense, but how do others know how often a women is coloring?

There is a lot of middle ground between being a virgin....and a nymphomaniac.

A "garden tool" just like a term for a "dog" is reserved for women for NO reason!

Women carry a bigger burden of unplanned pregnancies, abortions, etc. even thou it takes TWO to tangle.

For example, if a man influenced/encouraged/talked five of his last girlfriends into having an abortion - a first for each woman - than who has the BIGGER problem? But the guy walks away clean with NO social stigma – who ever ask (or even keeps track of) a guy how many abortions that he fathered.

I've met men - who I've refused to date who "blame" their multiple baby mammas for get pregnant like he was helpless to prevent it.
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Maybe it is that the men sleeping with the women perhaps are using her like a common garden tool. imo, it likely has little to do with the choices that a woman is making, but rather that men see the men a woman has slept with as having used and discarded her. Regardless of the reasons a woman cites for having slept with how ever many men, if the perception is that the men she slept with were only using her, then she will be perceived as "used."

No matter how kindhearted and altruistic you may be in intent when you give that panhandler with the sob story money, if he runs off to the nearest liquor store with what you gave him, you still got scammed. Main point being that as much as we would like to, we cannot completely self-define ourselves or our situations. They have just as much to do with the people we are interacting with and their motives and intentions as they have to do with our own. Men think the way they think and define situations and behavior in their own way; we tend to try and redefine things for them. It's not working.
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It's called patriarchy and male privilege. :yep: That's the ONLY difference - supported by religion and law since man first created God in His image.
We are more emotional and hold on to it longer. We allow these things to become weakneses and garner no personal control over the situation. Deep down inside we feel judgemental about the act and judge ourselves off of "society's" standard. I use the term we meaning women... but really, I know men who feel this way and women who dont give a toot. IF people did what they felt and meant it.... it wouldnt be a problem... even if a mistake was made, you could own it and not do it again instead of label your self as the rake's cousin and keep acting as such, since you think that is what you are....
Is patriarchy the chicken or the egg?

The egg, I think. :giggle: The chicken is believing that man is superior to woman because God is a 'He' - the logical result is that all that is not male is inferior/lesser - which flows directly into patriarchy.

Though, it could be the other way around - patriarchy started from the 'bottom', so to speak, and it's crowning achievement was removing the Feminine from the Divine. :ohwell:

I dunno.
Because women are the "receptacles" that men "plug into". We carry the negative or bad energy of multiple unions, with multiple men including but not limited to the pain, heartache and disappointment of going against natural order.

When we keep it "on lock" and are intimately and sexually selective we generally yield positive results. At least we minimize the pains, heartaches and disappointments.
Some years ago I got into an argument with my ex....in the heat of the argument, I made the nasty comment I CAN GIVE AWAY MORE P***Y THAN YOU CAN BUY! His reply to that comment shut me right up. He said yeah but they'll talk about you.
Some years ago I got into an argument with my ex....in the heat of the argument, I made the nasty comment I CAN GIVE AWAY MORE P***Y THAN YOU CAN BUY! His reply to that comment shut me right up. He said yeah but they'll talk about you.

Wouldn't have shut me up...
It may be considered unfair but it is nothing new. I have seen way too many women continue a cycle of insanity. At some point women need to stop giving up the draws with every man they date because it just may not pan out to be more than another kneegrow they screwed. At some point they lose count of all the danglangs that go inside.
I am sure many of you may have encountered the female friend that says oh I'm dating or have a new boyfriend every other year. Ya'll also know that with that statement they have slept with yet another dude because they are insane and cannot keep their draws up. LOL hawttailhoes! These type may not have a baby but they are still just as trif as the so called OWW aka baby mommas.
It may be considered unfair but it is nothing new. I have seen way too many women continue a cycle of insanity. At some point women need to stop giving up the draws with every man they date because it just may not pan out to be more than another kneegrow they screwed. At some point they lose count of all the danglangs that go inside.
I am sure many of you may have encountered the female friend that says oh I'm dating or have a new boyfriend every other year. Ya'll also know that with that statement they have slept with yet another dude because they are insane and cannot keep their draws up. LOL hawttailhoes! These type may not have a baby but they are still just as trif as the so called OWW aka baby mommas.

your trif just for that statement. I've never been trife as a single parent.
your trif just for that statement. I've never been trife as a single parent.
A hit dog will holla. Chile puleese do some checking around this piece before you make some random bs statement. :lachen:I guess you do feel trif you responded to something you obviously know nothing about. These chicks around here has some silly ideologies about OWW even though they are screwing like wild banshee. They just don't have the kids as proof but back to your feeling trif:lachen:
A hit dog will holla. Chile puleese do some checking around this piece before you make some random bs statement. :lachen:I guess you do feel trif you responded to something you obviously know nothing about. These chicks around here has some silly ideologies about OWW even though they are screwing like wild banshee. They just don't have the kids as proof but back to your feeling trif:lachen:

But you see firecracker therein lies the conundrum. Why are women who screw who they want, when they want, how often they want, considered "trif" but they guys they are screwing are not?
But you see firecracker therein lies the conundrum. Why are women who screw who they want, when they want, how often they want, considered "trif" but they guys they are screwing are not?
I consider the men ten times worst but they can get away with their behavior because the next dumb woman will lay with him even though he has a trif past and will have the nerve to talk down about the women he was trif with. Its societies old bs combined with women and mommas aiding and abetting these sorry community dangalang men. Women as a whole should shun these type of men for their behavior. Black and white women that is. :lachen:
A hit dog will holla. Chile puleese do some checking around this piece before you make some random bs statement. :lachen:I guess you do feel trif you responded to something you obviously know nothing about. These chicks around here has some silly ideologies about OWW even though they are screwing like wild banshee. They just don't have the kids as proof but back to your feeling trif:lachen:

because i responded to your foolishness I now feel trif?:rolleyes: OOOk, but nope I can respond to anything I choose as can you.....sad that you feel like you have the authority on what makes a woman trif... have a good day, I'm out
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No offense, but how do others know how often a women is coloring?As I have had this discussion with other people that question actually come up more than a lot of people know. Now, if their telling the truth or not when they answer it is another thing but it could never be said "You didn't ask...So, I didn't tell":nono:
I think it has to do with social conditioning.

I've heard older adults in my family mention how men were told that scoring with a lot of women shows that you're a man. Women on the other hand were told to keep their legs closed or they'll be seen as a whore.
I think it has to do with social conditioning.

I've heard older adults in my family mention how men were told that scoring with a lot of women shows that you're a man. Women on the other hand were told to keep their legs closed or they'll be seen as a whore.

:lachen: That is the exact same thing I heard over and over growing up...
I don't see a selection for my opinion.

Both men and women should be selective. It's not about morals. It's about the real life consequences (emotional and physical) of irresponsible sexual exploits for both men and women.

We act like men are not emotionally affected by reckless sex when it is so far from the truth.