Women, Body Fat And Hair

Ya'll. Are. A. TRIP!

Really though...No one is angry with OP....Her observations were fine....Its just....GET THE FACTS RIGHT FOLKS!

Its just when you know better, you look at the speculators with these co called "this and that are connected: like....:lachen:
OP shhh. I made this observation also but knowing how sensitive the topic would be I never mentioned it. You have got cojones girl.
This is absolutely true. That's why I moisturize my hair with the sweat of chubby people. The chubby essence in their sweat makes my hair grow longer.
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Interesting theory, OP, but I don't think there's any truth behind it. There are plenty of ladies here who are fit and have very long hair. Flowerhair and Chicoro come to mind.

Not to mention, I don't think the more weight=more nutrients=more hair theory holds up well because chances are if you are very overweight the food you're eating probably isn't all that nutritious.:perplexed
Interesting theory, OP, but I don't think there's any truth behind it. There are plenty of ladies here who are fit and have very long hair. Flowerhair and Chicoro come to mind.

Not to mention, I don't think the more weight=more nutrients=more hair theory holds up well because chances are if you are very overweight the food you're eating probably isn't all that nutritious.:perplexed

Sylver2, PinkSkates, Irrestiable, Cinchelle, Ballerina Bun, MariaofMagdal, Ivey14, and the list could go on and on...
It depends on the what foods you eat. If you're a pudge ,like me, or skinny and eat a well balanced vitamin rich diet; your nails, skin and hair are going to scream health. If you're an empty calorie consumer, Doritos, soda and over cooked veggies, lots of bad fats, the last in line in your body system to get nourished are the non-essentials, ie; your hair and nails.
Mama was right...eat your vegetables and take your vitamins.:yep:
I was speaking in regards to the facial hair, which is why I wanted to enlighten the OP about certain medical conditions that can cause excessive hair growth. The original observation didn't bother me, but the OP mentioned that she also sees many overweight women with not only long hair but also with facial hair (which is usually a symptom of PCOS). Just wanted to clarify :)

If that was the case then a lot of the overweight long haired women would not be mommies......And ummmmm....NO....its not the case.

I know an overweight women with PCOS and her hair is um........we'll just say SHORT.
Just cause PCOS causes a lot of hair growth, doesn't mean it causes you to RETAIN length.

The lengths in question is primarily hair care and maintenance, while some genetics (genes for longer hair or longer hair cycles, etc).....play a role.
Honestly, it's not even about weight being a sensitive topic. Weight gets talked about on here all the time. That's really not the point. It's about 2 totally different things being lumped together as having something to do with one another that has people giving the OP the side-eye. OP probably didn't mean anything by it, but that doesn't mean we still can't side-eye it.

So you mean to tell me that I can stop washing, deep conditioning, protective styling my hair...start back relaxing every 4 weeks, using heat every day, and coloring my hair within an inch of its life...and I'll still have healthy hair? Sorry, I can't follow this one.

Fat doesn't keep the hair on my head, *I* do. And after all of the work that we women (of all sizes) put into our hair, it seems kinda like a slap in the face for someone to tell us that our hair is only a certain way cause we're (fat, skinny, mixed, etc).

OK...I can't believe you guys are going on and on about this and "side-eying" and what not. My original posts stressed that this was MY observation in real life. I asked if anyone else noticed the same. I didn't claim to be a biology or physiology guru....just and observer. I also DID NOT say that all "overweight" "heavy" "fat" or whatever you call it women have or should have long hair. I hypothesized (perhaps too flippantly) some possible connections. For the record, I think you have beautiful hair and it has grown pretty quickly, but I'm not going around this board judging or saying she only has long hair because she's thick. :lachen: Like I said, it was just an observation about what I see in real life!

Hey.....:hiya:Nutritionist here chiming in....

My theories:

1. Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:
(Nope....Not necessarily...just cause you may not be working out, doesn't mean you have more time for hair, or less)

2. Body fat level are connected to hormones that regulate hair growth/texture. (Okay, but if anything, body fat affects hormones in a NEGATIVE way...per research I've seen and the 4 semesters of Metabolism, and 2 semesters of Biochem I've taken)

3. There's a connection between metabolism and hair. (Yes....but how can we connect metabolism (slower) with hair? No cause and effect....you can always ASSOCIATE X with Y)

4. Caloric intake is connected to hair growth. (Connected, but is it CAUSAL?) I know plenty of people who eat 5000 calories, but of what? Junk? Healthy food? Is it the correct balance of nutrients? Too many questions, no cause and effect....)

But your observation is interesting:)

Thank you for this post and for noting this is my OBSERVATION. :yep:

Maybe it's because fat women cant get dates on the weekend...so they have the extra time to DC their hair?:rolleyes:

Let's be honest...weight is a sensitive topic...BUT I think that for ME the big deal was when ppl started pushing around symptoms of a medical condition PCOS- which causes FACIAL hair, acne, weight gain, male-pattern BALDING, and even infertility. Think about this... some of these women can't ever have kids, and are at a super-high risk for diabetes. Blinging hair is the least of the worries:sad:

Many women who suffer from this condition do not have all of the symptoms... shoot... some lose their hair and can't have babies, but are slim. It's a GENETIC condition...not a FAT condition. Although...oftentimes the weight gain caused by it can lead to intensified symptoms (facial hair growth, etc.)

When it became a joke "fat women have hair on their face:grin::grin:" is when it crossed the line to me. Not only are they dealing with a medical disorder (that may or MAY NOT have caused them to be overweight) but they are also stereotyped and joked about.:nono:

See...the problem I have here is that I NEVER joked about PCOS. I made a comment that I also noticed more heavy women with significant facial hair than thin women....I don't know if they have PCOS or not. Another poster mentioned PCOS as a possible explanation for THAT observation and I thanked her for the information....nobody JOKED about. Hell, I actually have more facial hair than I'd like and I seem to get more as I age...Am I wrong for observing that about myself and thinking that my hairy face might be connected to aging? :perplexed

Have you all forgotten?? Exercise, ie sweat, will mess up your hairstyle!!! If you wanna look hot, don't exercise!! LOL

This is true for me! Braid outs help a lot, though. :grin:

So, I still think there is some explanation for what I observed. I thank you ladies for chiming in. I have one more theory on why I see more heavy women everyday in real life with pretty hair:

Skinny women with pretty hair don't get out much because they are too busy posting on Fotki and hair forums! :lachen: :lachen:
I think it has to do with body temperature. Overweight individuals have more fat on them and their body has to work harder to maintain a normal body temperate. So there is more heat/circulation going to the scalp. Same thing with runners. Ever notice how a lot of runners have longer/nice hair (and prob don't do much to it). My theory is that they are getting more blood circulation than the average individual.
I think it has to do with body temperature. Overweight individuals have more fat on them and their body has to work harder to maintain a normal body temperate. So there is more heat/circulation going to the scalp. Same thing with runners. Ever notice how a lot of runners have longer/nice hair (and prob don't do much to it). My theory is that they are getting more blood circulation than the average individual.

Can you provide a link to this information? That more heat/circulation to the scalp caused by body fat makes you have longer hair? And in particular, the way that an overweight person's body acts exactly like a fat person's body in this case?

I tried to find the link myself and could not.

But you seem to be saying here that the more fit person (runner) has equal chance of growing hair as the overweight person?

I don't quite understand and would love a link to your source of information.

Thanks! :grin:
I have noticed that too. The majority of overweith women have beautiful health hair. I thin it has to do with getting enough nutrients.
I think it has to do with body temperature. Overweight individuals have more fat on them and their body has to work harder to maintain a normal body temperate. So there is more heat/circulation going to the scalp. Same thing with runners. Ever notice how a lot of runners have longer/nice hair (and prob don't do much to it). My theory is that they are getting more blood circulation than the average individual.

I doubt it. Anemics have to work harder to maintain a normal body temp as well (my body is constantly fighting and I'm always cold) but I don't see anemics as having longer hair than others. Along with that same logic, people in colder climates or hot climates (unless they stay inside all day in heat or AC) work hard to maintain that temp as well. Being from Michigan, that means my body is fighting super hard against the temperature and because I'm naturally cold and vice versa for people in extremely hot weather.
I have noticed that too. The majority of overweith women have beautiful health hair. I thin it has to do with getting enough nutrients.

Here is a source that contradicts your statement. It says that overweight people actually eat more foods with little to no nutritional value. Have you heard the term, empty calories?


Can you provide a source for your information? That overweith (sic) women get "enough nutrients" as compared to people at more average weights?

I doubt it. Anemics have to work harder to maintain a normal body temp as well (my body is constantly fighting and I'm always cold) but I don't see anemics as having longer hair than others. Along with that same logic, people in colder climates or hot climates (unless they stay inside all day in heat or AC) work hard to maintain that temp as well. Being from Michigan, that means my body is fighting super hard against the temperature and because I'm naturally cold and vice versa for people in extremely hot weather.

In my google research I saw this as well. Men have higher BMRs. Have we noticed that men's hair grows faster than ours? And likewise, do people from the northern states have longer hair?

I hope she comes up with a link to support her statement. I would really like to know more about this magical advantage that overweight people have to growing long hair.
I don't think you're going to see any citations around here lol. The thread just came from an observation and people decided to throw in the random thoughts and ideas they have about why things happen. People aren't drawing conclusions from things they've actually read.....I don't think....I can still tell you are frustrated and full of sarcasm maybe this thread should be closed because I'm sure you aren't the only one feeling this way!
Okay....I'm just going to ask because I've been wondering about something for a long time. I've concluded that most of the prettiest heads of hair that I see are on "overweight" women.

Now, I'm not saying thin/fit women don't have beautiful hair...this forum is testament to that. What I am saying is that I see a greater proportion of overweight women (black women, more specifically) with nice hair (not just online but in real life). I don't know why. :spinning:

My theories:

1. Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:
2. Body fat level are connected to hormones that regulate hair growth/texture.
3. There's a connection between metabolism and hair.
4. Caloric intake is connected to hair growth.

Ladies, what are your thoughts? Have you noticed this too? Please tell me I'm not crazy.

Without having read the other responses, I think that the reason that you see so many overweight women with beautiful hair is because they have the sentiment that, "Well, my body is jacked. I might as well keep my hair on point." As a big gurl myself, I know that is part of the reason that I always go out of my way to make sure my clothes, hair, and makeup are on point . . . when I don't . . . I feel like I'm conceding to the world what my fat says - that I don't care about what I look like. That's the assumption people make when a person is overweight, unfortunately.
I just want things to be factual. I am not being sarcastic. If someone writes a point like, fat people have greater whatever body temperature and that makes them have longer hair... etc. etc., then that's not just an opinion. That's someone stating a fact.

Only I can't find that fact on the internet.

Now at least the OP came up with ideas that were obviously not fact, "Fat people don't exercise so they don't manipulate their hair."

I didn't ask for a link for that. What would be the point?

But if people are going to put out notions that seem to be based in fact, I think they ought to be able to back it up.

I said from the beginning, I WISH this were true. Heh. If this is true, why wasn't my hair blinging before I learned to wash more/condition more/use protein/lay off heat/etc. etc.

So no it's not sarcasm. I'm sitting here looking up every "fact" that is stated here and I can't find it. Help a sister out.

If I came here and said that light skinned girls have longer hair because of (insert some opinion or unsubstantiated "fact") I think we'd be having the same conversation.
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I think it has to do with body temperature. Overweight individuals have more fat on them and their body has to work harder to maintain a normal body temperate. So there is more heat/circulation going to the scalp. Same thing with runners. Ever notice how a lot of runners have longer/nice hair (and prob don't do much to it). My theory is that they are getting more blood circulation than the average individual.

Now THAT is a very interesting theory. :yep: Thanks for sharing.
Without having read the other responses, I think that the reason that you see so many overweight women with beautiful hair is because they have the sentiment that, "Well, my body is jacked. I might as well keep my hair on point." As a big gurl myself, I know that is part of the reason that I always go out of my way to make sure my clothes, hair, and makeup are on point . . . when I don't . . . I feel like I'm conceding to the world what my fat says - that I don't care about what I look like. That's the assumption people make when a person is overweight, unfortunately.

This is true. I think you will find just as many overweight women who say, "my body is jacked, so what the hey... I'm wearing my curlers to Walmart." That is more my attitude, personally,

I would imagine that you would find equal numbers of thinner girls who say, "my body is banging, I'm going to keep my hair banging too."

Also, note that you are saying you are putting more effort into your hair because you are overweight. That is not what the OP said. Her theories were based on genetic advantages and "laziness."
They're all opinions and ideas. None of them are theories lol you cannot theorize without tested hypotheses or facts which is why I said I think people are just coming up with things that they THINK. They THINK what they're saying and their logic sounds good lol I think it's a waste of time and energy to keep asking for sources because there aint none lol
This is true. I think you will find just as many overweight women who say, "my body is jacked, so what the hey... I'm wearing my curlers to Walmart." That is more my attitude, personally,

I would imagine that you would find equal numbers of thinner girls who say, "my body is banging, I'm going to keep my hair banging too."

Also, note that you are saying you are putting more effort into your hair because you are overweight. That is not what the OP said. Her theories were based on genetic advantages and "laziness."

LadyRaider, I graciously apologized for possibly offending you, but why are you riding me?! If you don't like my observations and questions, fine. If you need "facts" you can Google them (you obviously know how, since you "googled for me". Theories are meant to be proven or disproved but it doesn't change the "fact" that in my experience I see what I see. Again, I don't know the reason why. Jeez! :nono::nono:

Anyway, my question has been answered in this thread and in the several PMs I received. Thanks again ladies...this thread can now be closed.
I see. So basically this was just a thread where people can unload their stereotypes about overweight people? Truth optional?


I'm not talking about the people who talked intelligently about self-esteem and hair. That's a worthy topic. I could even rationalize the reason I have a Ph.D. is because I chose to focus on books and not body (or hair, for that matter.) But it IS about focus, and effort and work.

Now THAT is a very interesting theory. :yep: Thanks for sharing.

They're all opinions and ideas. None of them are theories lol you cannot theorize without tested hypotheses or facts which is why I said I think people are just coming up with things that they THINK. I think it's a waste of time and energy to keep asking for sources.
"In your experience."

Okay. But you do understand how narrow that is? You understand that your experience might be colored by several factors. The fat people around you may indeed be too lazy to "manipulate" their hair.

But you do understand that doesn't mean it applies to anyone else or has any real meaning. Right?