Women, Body Fat And Hair


I, too, have noticed this IRL as well :look: If I compared all of the smaller gals I know and all of the larger gals I know, most of the smaller ones have short hair that they keep weave glued in to. MOST, not all, but most of the larger gals (that I know) have gorgeous flowing locks. And by larger, I don't mean super morbidly obese, but just noticably overweight.

I definetly used to wonder about this but never had the balls to ask anyone anything so blatantly ignorant (oh goodness, I'm not saying you're ignorant for asking this lol).

I used to think.....to think...that is was because they consumed more....nutrients....you know, from all the food they ate? :blush::look::lachen::perplexed But I knew this was true for just SOME overweight people, not all. So my guess was that you just had to be one of the lucky fat girls :lachen::drunk::blush::ohwell:

But I know better now everybody! I must say, I'm very proud of myself :lol:

ETA: oh, and I was just talking about the black girls I know :D
I have to agree with NikStar- it's the odds...I've always been small and always had at least SL but at my longest HL hair...All of MY friends with long hair have been small as well...This theory is a slippery slope- similar to the no dark skinned women have long hair or all mixed people have type [insert type] hair...You may have noticed these but to go as far as hypothesizing might be a bit much...
Except you are just as likely to find a person who has issues as you said, who blow off their looks. Fat women are just as likely to blow off their looks because they figure no one is looking their way anyway. Those women are just as frequent as the divas. Go to the grocery store and look at black women and tell me I'm wrong.

However, a woman who is into make-up and cute clothes and cute styles, and working on their body is going to be just as likely to pay attention to their hair. I don't think it makes any sense to think that a woman who would go to the trouble to make their bodies beautiful would just skip their hair. And it doesn't make sense that it should be remarkable that an overweight woman wouldn't still care about hair and make up and cute clothes.

It depends on the woman and her personality, not weight.

Culturally, black women tend to be stylish. And like someone else said, a high majority of black women are overweight.

It's also a CRITICISM from the larger culture of our people. There is a "researcher" named Ruby Payne that talks about black women who go and get their nails done and don't pay for their children's field trip. It's a culturally stereotype that the OP is slidng up to.

That might be why I found the logic so :wallbash: I despise the illogical stereotypes of Ruby Payne. Ruby Payne would keep insisting her theories are valid as well, and you'd find people who agreed with her, as well.

What did the OP say? That overweight women have nice hair because they don't exercise and therefore don't manipulate their hair?


If you don't find that frustrating, then I don't know what to tell you. If you can forgive the OP her logic, you can certainly find it in your heart to forgive my frustration.

Yes, the theories by the OP are well... but your responses to the topic were off putting. I have a white friend with partial paralyzation. Because of this she's fixated on her looks. She hair a nice figure and long red hair. She insist on being dressy all the time and practically hyperventilates at the idea of leaving home with no make up or nice clothes. All this to distract people from her cane.

My cousins (w/ no kids) are fixated on their hair, clothes, make-up and what not too. I'm one of the thinest in my family , and I get lots of attention even when my hair and clothes are crap. But black men are less concerned about the weight of a woman. But he does notice how she keeps herself. Long hair is just another way to make yourself attractive.
@LadyRaider -- double thanks!

I wish I read the whole thread before I commented -- I wouldn't have. The things I'm reading are just WOW...... :huh:

I'm outta here! :bye:
Okay....I'm just going to ask because I've been wondering about something for a long time. I've concluded that most of the prettiest heads of hair that I see are on "overweight" women.

Now, I'm not saying thin/fit women don't have beautiful hair...this forum is testament to that. What I am saying is that I see a greater proportion of overweight women (black women, more specifically) with nice hair (not just online but in real life). I don't know why. :spinning:

My theories:

1. Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:
2. Body fat level are connected to hormones that regulate hair growth/texture.
3. There's a connection between metabolism and hair.
4. Caloric intake is connected to hair growth.

Ladies, what are your thoughts? Have you noticed this too? Please tell me I'm not crazy.

Girl I have noticed this too..so has my husband. It's so..odd.
This thread wouldn't be complete without a gif! :lachen: All y'all skinnies step aside, fat ladies gotz that real blinging hurr!! LOL

someone was told that counseling married women on matters in the bedroom would set loose the fornicating spirit in their church and was removed from their counseling duties. i loved the way it sounded and claimed it for my location. lol.

my siggy, lol... it's from true blood. here's a lank to it:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGpGxkAdaIc

chile u about to get me fired LOLOLOLOLOLOL

as for the clip .... Lafayette dun gone mad :lachen::lachen::lachen:... was this from last sundays episode?
we are 1 episode behind on HBO in the caribbean
This thread wouldn't be complete without a gif! :lachen: All y'all skinnies step aside, fat ladies gotz that real blinging hurr!! LOL




Bigger women just tend to eat more hence they receive more nutrients for proper hair building. Maybe if skinny b***** ate more they would have long shiny flowy hair as well

But seriously that makes no sense! I see women of all sizesm shapes and colors with long healthy hair.

:lachen: wooow.... Why do they have to be Skinny B*****s? This makes me think about Monique yelling Skinny B****** are Evil lol
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Okay....I'm just going to ask because I've been wondering about something for a long time. I've concluded that most of the prettiest heads of hair that I see are on "overweight" women.

Now, I'm not saying thin/fit women don't have beautiful hair...this forum is testament to that. What I am saying is that I see a greater proportion of overweight women (black women, more specifically) with nice hair (not just online but in real life). I don't know why. :spinning:

My theories:

1. Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:
2. Body fat level are connected to hormones that regulate hair growth/texture.
3. There's a connection between metabolism and hair.
4. Caloric intake is connected to hair growth.

Ladies, what are your thoughts? Have you noticed this too? Please tell me I'm not crazy.

Hey.....:hiya:Nutritionist here chiming in....

My theories:

1. Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:
(Nope....Not necessarily...just cause you may not be working out, doesn't mean you have more time for hair, or less)

2. Body fat level are connected to hormones that regulate hair growth/texture. (Okay, but if anything, body fat affects hormones in a NEGATIVE way...per research I've seen and the 4 semesters of Metabolism, and 2 semesters of Biochem I've taken)

3. There's a connection between metabolism and hair. (Yes....but how can we connect metabolism (slower) with hair? No cause and effect....you can always ASSOCIATE X with Y)

4. Caloric intake is connected to hair growth. (Connected, but is it CAUSAL?) I know plenty of people who eat 5000 calories, but of what? Junk? Healthy food? Is it the correct balance of nutrients? Too many questions, no cause and effect....)

But your observation is interesting:)
Perhaps some of these women suffer from PCOS which causes hirsutism and excessive weight gain (and can make it extremely difficult to lose)...which is not something to take lightly or ridicule :ohwell:

If that was the case then a lot of the overweight long haired women would not be mommies......And ummmmm....NO....its not the case.

I know an overweight women with PCOS and her hair is um........we'll just say SHORT.
Just cause PCOS causes a lot of hair growth, doesn't mean it causes you to RETAIN length.

The lengths in question is primarily hair care and maintenance, while some genetics (genes for longer hair or longer hair cycles, etc).....play a role.
I am so confused. What difference does it make that bigger women have nice hair? Has this board not proven that ANYONE can have nice(healthy) hair if they put the effort into it? This board wouldn't even exist if all women had to do was not exercise and eat unhealthily to get WL hair.
Listen, Bible study is still on. For those that want to bulk up to get that EXTRA extra long, shiny hair, I have a 5 pound bag of sugar to add to your sweet tea. I might have some lard around too if you want to add that to your sammich.

For those whom are scared of gaining weight and becoming hairy, I got a 5 pound bag of splenda. Or hell, you can drink water with lemon slices. And you can have cucumber sammiches while us other ones that don't care gorge on turkey and cheese.
It has nothing to do with weight. I have been slim and overweight. I have always had SL or longer hair. The women in my family range from slim to larger and they have long hair BSL or longer. Hell, I've seen a lot of bald-headed overweight, broke, rich, skinny, white, black, and stanky ppl. It's not about weight it is about how the person cares for their hair and genetics.
It has nothing to do with weight. I have been slim and overweight. I have always had SL or longer hair. The women in my family range from slim to larger and they have long hair BSL or longer. Hell, I've seen a lot of bald-headed overweight, broke, rich, skinny, white, black, and stanky ppl. It's not about weight it is about how the person cares for their hair and genetics.

HOLLA that is me and my fam. i weighed less than 120 and way more than that now but always long hair. it didn't get EXTRA long until i learned how to properly care for it!
Weight is not a determining factor in hair length, IMO. However, I do believe proper nutrition is. I have always been thin- no one in my close family (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, first cousins) could be classified as overweight. I have female relatives with long hair and short hair. I believe aside from their hair care practices- their nutrition is the determining factor.

I don't eat a balanced diet and my hair suffers because of it and I'm anemic also. When I eat better and take my supplements and iron, after a few months I can tell a difference in my overall health and my hair.

A woman does need a certain amount of body fat to have normal body functions/processes, including healthy skin and hair, but too much or too little is not good.
Maybe it's because fat women cant get dates on the weekend...so they have the extra time to DC their hair?:rolleyes:

Let's be honest...weight is a sensitive topic...BUT I think that for ME the big deal was when ppl started pushing around symptoms of a medical condition PCOS- which causes FACIAL hair, acne, weight gain, male-pattern BALDING, and even infertility. Think about this... some of these women can't ever have kids, and are at a super-high risk for diabetes. Blinging hair is the least of the worries:sad:

Many women who suffer from this condition do not have all of the symptoms... shoot... some lose their hair and can't have babies, but are slim. It's a GENETIC condition...not a FAT condition. Although...oftentimes the weight gain caused by it can lead to intensified symptoms (facial hair growth, etc.)

When it became a joke "fat women have hair on their face:grin::grin:" is when it crossed the line to me. Not only are they dealing with a medical disorder (that may or MAY NOT have caused them to be overweight) but they are also stereotyped and joked about.:nono:
thank u so much for this thread ... its been tears and laughter like a lifetime movie ... only its LHCF ....

now for the sammiches
My theories:

1. Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:
2. Body fat level are connected to hormones that regulate hair growth/texture.
3. There's a connection between metabolism and hair.
4. Caloric intake is connected to hair growth.

Ladies, what are your thoughts? Have you noticed this too? Please tell me I'm not crazy.

The OP makes good points about the connections bolded above. Body fat levels definitely have a connection to hormones -> Hormones have a connection to hair growth.

Anorexic women who do not consume enough nutrients/calories tend to lose their hair and it becomes brittle. They also can stop having menstrual cycles. And both are hormonally related. Even women who are not anorexic but are training hard for certain sports, etc can stop menstruating because of low body fat. That's your body telling you that you're not capable of nurturing a child at that time. The same goes for obesity where (I believe) PCOS comes up and interferes with the menstrual cycle.

I think it's nice to debate these points but not take it to a point of criticizing the OP for asking the question. I love a good debate and I know we all think of stuff like this all the time but we might be too afraid to ask. I love to think and try to make connections to things. It's just good debating.

Of course there's never a fact where you can say "all" women do this or "all" women don't do that. We all know there are many bald bigger women and many long haired slim women. All people who smoke won't get lung cancer but you might be able to say the majority of lung cancer patients smoke. It's just things to think about.
Listen, Bible study is still on. For those that want to bulk up to get that EXTRA extra long, shiny hair, I have a 5 pound bag of sugar to add to your sweet tea. I might have some lard around too if you want to add that to your sammich.

For those whom are scared of gaining weight and becoming hairy, I got a 5 pound bag of splenda. Or hell, you can drink water with lemon slices. And you can have cucumber sammiches while us other ones that don't care gorge on turkey and cheese.

I am diggin' dis lard sammich idea!! :yep: I have gots to git me some o' dat!!

Wonder if it'll be good for my skin too... :scratchch
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The OP makes good points about the connections bolded above. Body fat levels definitely have a connection to hormones -> Hormones have a connection to hair growth.

Anorexic women who do not consume enough nutrients/calories tend to lose their hair and it becomes brittle. They also can stop having menstrual cycles. And both are hormonally related. Even women who are not anorexic but are training hard for certain sports, etc can stop menstruating because of low body fat. That's your body telling you that you're not capable of nurturing a child at that time. The same goes for obesity where (I believe) PCOS comes up and interferes with the menstrual cycle.

I think it's nice to debate these points but not take it to a point of criticizing the OP for asking the question. I love a good debate and I know we all think of stuff like this all the time but we might be too afraid to ask. I love to think and try to make connections to things. It's just good debating.

Of course there's never a fact where you can say "all" women do this or "all" women don't do that. We all know there are many bald bigger women and many long haired slim women. All people who smoke won't get lung cancer but you might be able to say the majority of lung cancer patients smoke. It's just things to think about.

@the bolded- PCOS is a genetic condition...not a weight related condition. It doesn't just "come up" when someone gets fat. Although...symptoms may OR may not be aggravated by weight fluctuations. It is classified as a syndrome rather than a disease because symptoms vary from person to person. There are plenty of skinny, average, and overweight women who suffer from pcos and they symptoms that accompany it.
Listen, Bible study is still on. For those that want to bulk up to get that EXTRA extra long, shiny hair, I have a 5 pound bag of sugar to add to your sweet tea. I might have some lard around too if you want to add that to your sammich.

For those whom are scared of gaining weight and becoming hairy, I got a 5 pound bag of splenda. Or hell, you can drink water with lemon slices. And you can have cucumber sammiches while us other ones that don't care gorge on turkey and cheese.
Girl, just tell me how many cups of sugar water I need to drink to get my hair the length in yo' sig.
Ya'll need to chill out on the lard sandwiches and sugar water cause I just saw someone with ceiling length twist! You definitely don't want that!!!:lachen::lachen:

I hope BostonMaria comes through lol
I have seen big women with "pretty" hair,
and I have seen big women with unhealthy hair.

I have seen thin women with "pretty" hair,
and I have seen thin women with unhealthy hair.

The way a single person treats his or her hair dictates whether or not their hair will be "pretty".

A person that doesn't eat enough can cause his/her hair to thin and fall out. Also a person that eats too much can cause other problems in his/her body to fail which can lead to thin and short hair. I have seen both cases.