Well-Known Member
I'm adding this pic to the natural thread. I loooooooooooove it
It displays beautiful long hair of Black women. And they all have different textures, which shows people you don't have to have type 1 or 2 hair to have long hair!

I am so sick of people saying that black women can't have long hair, or if they do then they have to be half white, or they have a weave or whatever type of nonsense they come up with, but to be honest its our own fault. I believe every woman has the potential to grow their hair to "terminal" length. I believe that yes everyone has a hair terminal length and that hair will only grow to a certain point- this is determined by the growth cycle, rate of shed, care and etc. Most african american women will never know what their growth potential is however due to improper haircare techniques- thus the myth that black women can't grow long hair. However this myth is fairly modern. Black women had been growing their hair long successfully for quite some time without a problem until the 1920s when short hair and the bob became popularized. Add to that the invention of the pressing comb by Walter Sammsons, Madame CJ Walker's introduction of "black" haircare products, the lack of scientific information, the perpetuation of myths regarding hair in the black community(i.e. good hair vs bad hair, you can't wash your hair to often, blacks can't grow long hair, our natural texture is bad and straight is better, etc), the low cost of mineral oil compared to other oils-thus the lower production cost for companies, blowdryers, curling irons, relaxers, and other factors all amount a lack of knowledge and misinformation that passed on to other generations. The result= a majority of of black women have BSL hair and shorter (due to damage and mishandling) and people of every race, including our own, think it's genetically impossible for an African American woman to obtain the longer lengths naturally. It's amazing what we can convince the world of in less than a 100 years, now image with all the resources we have now (i.e. the internet, television, radio, telephone, etc) just how quickly we could show the world otherwise.
Okay I'm done ranting. Here are some pictures/inspiration of some beautiful African American women and their lovely hair.