Women, Body Fat And Hair


I'm sitting here looking at my gray dog. So most dogs must be gray because that's what I see every day. And from there, from this truth I have invented, I then postulate theories as to why most dogs are gray. Perhaps because they play in the dirt so much? Perhaps it's the color of the dog food they eat?

Your logic is frustrating to me because you can look around this board and see that what you are theorizing isn't remotely true. And like I said, the facial hair thing...

Let's be fair and not bring animals into this...they can't cook or drive to the store to buy foods.:look:
I was thinking about this the other day. I have started looking for gorgeous heads of hair in real life and a lot of the beautiful heads of hair I see are on big women. Nothing wrong with that.
i see your point, but I think I notice long and pretty hair on everybody....shoot, it could be on a mannequin and I'd notice it. :lachen:

My point is maybe it's noticed MORE than anything else. For a slim chick her figure might trump her hair or a pretty chicks face might trump her hair or anything else really. Noticing long hair on a larger woman is just that...noticing. That's the impression I have come away with, "she has nice hair."

Like I said, after weighting the same observation, I think there are actually a lot of triple threats around here at least...banging hair, body and face. A lot of "hair idols" are good looking ladies.
I don't get what the problem is. She made an observation and theorized about the possibility of there being a link between the two. I have casually observed the same thing. I personally think its nothing more than a coincedence, but I can understand why she asked the question.
My point is maybe it's noticed MORE than anything else. For a slim chick her figure might trump her hair or a pretty chicks face might trump her hair or anything else really. Noticing long hair on a larger woman is just that...noticing. That's the impression I have come away with, "she has nice hair."

Like I said, after weighting the same observation, I think there are actually a lot of triple threats around here at least...banging hair, body and face. A lot of "hair idols" are good looking ladies.

This forum is not a good randomized sample of the general population. :lachen: There are definitely some triple threats around here. :yep:
First I was :look::perplexed:perplexed:nono::nono::sad:

Then I read some of these responses....:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:<BREATH>:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

Let me go eat some of my sammiches!!!!

Pass me a sammich girl! I got some sweet tea over here for us too, and any other takers.

Then we're going to have Bible study.
This topic is loaded.
Any way you go at it.
Some things should probably be left unsaid for sensitivity purposes.
I just gotta ask...

Since the Size Sexy Gals got such gorgeous hair and all, and we are on a Long Hair Care Forum ---- are some of you Slim n'Sexys willing to gain 50, to get the coveted head of hair you seek? You know, since all them extra aminos and fatty acids make the hair so purty and all...

I'll be back with an appropriate animated gif in true lhcf fashion...

This topic is loaded.
Any way you go at it.
Some things should probably be left unsaid for sensitivity purposes.
I just gotta ask...

Since the Size Sexy Gals got such gorgeous hair and all, and we are on a Long Hair Care Forum ---- are some of you Slim n'Sexys willing to gain 50, to get the coveted head of hair you seek? You know, since all them extra aminos and fatty acids make the hair so purty and all...

I'll be back with an appropriate animated gif in true lhcf fashion...

But what if it's only the gene that makes some women predisposed to being "thick" that contributes to long beautiful hair? If that's the case, gaining weight won't help your hair no matter how fat you get. :lachen:
^Oh, okay, so this doesn't correlate with eating habits/exercise regimen yada yada yada? I thought I read that early on...anyhoo

*Thinking aloud*
Hmmm, we are singling out Sizable Women of Color - ah, heck, Big Black Hairy Women, to find out if they have fat genes that help them grow thick, long hair? >>>>> We are looking for a gene that not only makes them big but makes them grow a lot of hair and retain it?

(Where's Nonie and our Resident Doc when you need them????)

If so, would you (not you - per se) be willing to undergo a genetic mutation of sorts for this 'fat hair gene' to grow lushous locks? I wonder if that's even possible...Fascinating stuff.

And to think at first we were just talking about fat black chicks with great hair.
OP I would agree, but just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they are eating heathily (most people who eat natural, healthy foods are not going to be overweight)...just as someone who is skinny isn't necessarily eating healthy, either (anorexia?).

In all honestly, unfortunately black women have high(er) overweight/obesity rates as compared to females of other ethnic groups in the US, so perhaps you are noticing more overweight black women with long hair because there are more overweight black women, period (sad but true).
My theories:

1. Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:
2. Body fat level are connected to hormones that regulate hair growth/texture.
3. There's a connection between metabolism and hair.
4. Caloric intake is connected to hair growth.

Ladies, what are your thoughts? Have you noticed this too? Please tell me I'm not crazy.

I really do not get these two:nono: Am i thinking to hard?? Because...

2- If body fat was connected to hormones then that means every person who is FIT(as in works out, lifts weights, likes the gym:grin:) would have no hair and most Americans would have hair down to the floor. Since the average young women is suppose to have like 15-20% body fat & men even less...most over weight ppl are around 40% and more.

3- If it was the metabolism then no overweight person would have hair!!! Since SUPPOSEDLY the slower the metabolism the more over weight you are. So that means all the naturally skinny folks should have hair to floor.

Also i do not get the theory over weight ppl get more nution because they over eat. How does over eating = extra nutrition??
Where do I begin....

I'm an overweight woman and I've never noticed this.:perplexed My sister and my mom always had long hair and they were much smaller than me. While my hair has always been between shoulder and APL it's never gone beyond that stage. In fact, I can't speak to anyone else's cause for weight gain but mine was general poor diet and being a couch potato. I actually, think I'm more malnourished as compared to the average person because the source of my calories come basically from french fries and ice cream (just keeping it really real).

As for the exercise and the maniuplation, my hair actually does better when I exercise. Since the beginning of this summer I've lost 30 lbs and I'm still on my quest. I was actually concerned that the restrictive calories would harm my hair growth but I take vitamins and supplements to balance it out.
Let me chime in and say: Yes, estrogen is STORED in fat cells. Alternatively, increased accumulation of fat in women, can also be caused by increase i estrogen. Hence the gain of weight in women taking BC pills and the increased weight during/after pregnancy. It's fact:

"In women estrogen is made in the ovaries, the follicle around the ovum, the adrenal glands, and the fat cells. With the progression of the aging process, the ovaries stop producing estrogen on a regular basis, and the main source for the production of estrogen becomes the adrenal glands located above the kidneys. Unused testosterone is also transformed into needed estrogen, and even estrogen stored in fat cells is called to action as the ovarian production of estrogen diminishes."

As far as the hair thing, I have noticed this too, even on hair boards. I have even talked to a friend about this; could it be the increased estrogen that makes it seem that bigger women have fuller/thicker hair? IDK, I just know I have noticed it.
Pls don't tell me about all the thin women on the board with long thick hair, cause I have eyes and have seen that; all I'm saying is that I have noticed bigger women have thicker/full hair like 98% of the time compared to thinner women (just my observation, don't stone me)
When I was younger I also noticed that overweight African American Women usually had hair that was either APL or BSL. I used to think they were getting an overabundance of nutrients from eating a lot of food. I remember talking to my sister about it a long time ago and she noticed the same thing. They would have the most thickest, shiniest hair you've ever seen, but as of lately I haven't noticed it as much so many people these days wear weaves, wigs, and half wigs, that you can never tell how long their actual hair is.
I'm suprised no one said this, so I'll just say it.

It's possible that fat women have better hair. There's a good reason why too.

Larger women are more committed looking attractive beyond their body concerned

Have you ever noticed that woman that have a physical limitation will compensate some where else? No different from BBW. Manicures, pedicures, shoes, clothes, make-up AND hair. BBW are committed to looking nice regardless of their body. They want to look good, and doing this makes them feel pretty and feminine. (So my BBW cousins tell me.) Many are doubly committed to caring for their hair, as that is the sexiest and most feminine part of a woman for some BBW.
That is funny. I'm truly not trying to be offensive and I'm not a newbie here so I know that women of every size can have long flowing locks...it's just in my experience, I've seen MORE larger women with long hair. :perplexed On a side note, I've also seen more facial on on larger women...I'm just saying there may be a connection...IDK. :spinning:

It is true that more overwight women have an increased growth of hair in unwanted places due to higher levels of androgens. The condition is called hirsutism. See the attached article. I'm not sure if it causes more growth on the head though. But their are all types of women that experience unwanted hair growth....I know most wish that growth would just transfer to thier head. :lachen:

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Weight is a sensitive topic for many Black women since many Black women suffer from obesity, so the topic hits close to home for many posters.

Honestly, it's not even about weight being a sensitive topic. Weight gets talked about on here all the time. That's really not the point. It's about 2 totally different things being lumped together as having something to do with one another that has people giving the OP the side-eye. OP probably didn't mean anything by it, but that doesn't mean we still can't side-eye it.

So you mean to tell me that I can stop washing, deep conditioning, protective styling my hair...start back relaxing every 4 weeks, using heat every day, and coloring my hair within an inch of its life...and I'll still have healthy hair? Sorry, I can't follow this one.

Fat doesn't keep the hair on my head, *I* do. And after all of the work that we women (of all sizes) put into our hair, it seems kinda like a slap in the face for someone to tell us that our hair is only a certain way cause we're (fat, skinny, mixed, etc).
I think it's just the odds. I think there are probably more overweight (varying levels of course) women in general.

I agree!

I really do not get these two:nono: Am i thinking to hard?? Because...

2- If body fat was connected to hormones then that means every person who is FIT(as in works out, lifts weights, likes the gym:grin:) would have no hair and most Americans would have hair down to the floor. Since the average young women is suppose to have like 15-20% body fat & men even less...most over weight ppl are around 40% and more.

3- If it was the metabolism then no overweight person would have hair!!! Since SUPPOSEDLY the slower the metabolism the more over weight you are. So that means all the naturally skinny folks should have hair to floor.

Also i do not get the theory over weight ppl get more nution because they over eat. How does over eating = extra nutrition??

That's what I don't get. Show me a fat person who's over indulgence is fruit/vegetables.

I'll wait...
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It wasn't that the topic was sensitive, it was that the logic was frustrating.

"Most of the walls I see are blue. Why are most walls blue? Perhaps the way fumes from cooking mixes with airconditioned air?" It's the same dang logic, people.

I had to go to bed.
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Larger women are more committed looking attractive beyond their body concerned

Have you ever noticed that woman that have a physical limitation will compensate some where else? No different from BBW. Manicures, pedicures, shoes, clothes, make-up AND hair. BBW are committed to looking nice regardless of their body. They want to look good, and doing this makes them feel pretty and feminine. (So my BBW cousins tell me.) Many are doubly committed to caring for their hair, as that is the sexiest and most feminine part of a woman for some BBW.

and this

My point is maybe it's noticed MORE than anything else. For a slim chick her figure might trump her hair or a pretty chicks face might trump her hair or anything else really. Noticing long hair on a larger woman is just that...noticing.

I think it has to do with what gets noticed compounded with societal pressures placed on overweight women to compensate for their body being different from societal ideals by working with their hair makeup and style.

Mostly on what gets noticed though. If you're looking at a supermodel for example, you might just say " she is beautiful" and the statement encompasses all her attributes, hair face, body style whatever. If you see an obese woman, by societal standards you may have a reluctance to say flatly the all encompassing " she's beautiful" so your mind jumps directly to the positive features ie. " she has beautiful hair and pretty eyes" or something like that.

I dont think there is a correlation with weight and hair. (not to be confused with nutrition, which is correlated, but we all know overweight does not mean you get all the right nutrients)
I have a friend who is sickly and thin. Her hair looks terrible. So maybe the OP is correct. Fat people DO have better hair than thin people!
Yes, the theories by the OP are well... but your responses to the topic were off putting. I have a white friend with partial paralyzation. Because of this she's fixated on her looks. She hair a nice figure and long red hair. She insist on being dressy all the time and practically hyperventilates at the idea of leaving home with no make up or nice clothes. All this to distract people from her cane.

My cousins (w/ no kids) are fixated on their hair, clothes, make-up and what not too. I'm one of the thinest in my family , and I get lots of attention even when my hair and clothes are crap. But black men are less concerned about the weight of a woman. But he does notice how she keeps herself. Long hair is just another way to make yourself attractive.