Women, Body Fat And Hair

Overweight women may consume an over abundance of protein and other nutrients that contribute to hair growth but the two are not necessarily linked. Diet is linked but weight is not.

Look at most Asian women who are half the size of most Americans, and how fast their hair grows.
This is my first time coming across this thread. I see some of you have been enjoying this thread for years. :lachen:

Anyway, yes OP I personally HAVE noticed (in real life) that some of the overweight women that I know tend to have very thick, shiny and beautiful hair.

Everyone on this board is into hair so I am going to assume that we notice the hair on big, medium and small folks equally, and aren't just focusing on some ladies hair because of their body types.

Some of the ladies on this board tend to try to put things in absolutes, as in "Okay you're saying big girls have thick, shiny, long hair so that must mean that thin girls must have thin, dry, short hair." This is not what I am saying. I am not saying if x is true then y must always be false. :spinning: I am not speaking in absolutes. I don't KNOW if one causes the other. I don't know (and don't care) if being big your entire life vs. becoming big later is life has an effect on hair health. I am not here to do scientific experiments, though I do appreciate reading the posts that are backed up by scientific fact.

I am simply saying, in my real life, the black ladies that I know personally who have thick, shiny healthy looking (not necessarily long) hair are all obese. I am not saying their weight is the CAUSE of this hair either. I am saying this is just what it is. And no where am I saying that ALL big girls have thick, shiny hair and that NO thin girls have great hair. I just want to make sure this is clear.

Personally, when I am at my most fit and eating right, my hair takes on it's best appearance. So I don't really think obesity and thick hair are correlated.
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WOW, some of the post here are examples of exercises in futility.
Merry Christmas, now let me go be with my famiy.