Women, Body Fat And Hair

It's not stereotypes because most of what was said are not common ideas. It was like brainstorming to come up with a reason for an observation and trying to discuss the correlation. Nothing more, nothing less. Now if someone wants to turn it into a research project to find the real answer then great. But there are multiple people (myself included) who have noticed it. It could be a coincidence, but there is a correlation. The two could be related, the two could not. I personally like the ideas about self-esteem. But I don't see this as any different than sociologists saying rates of teen pregnancy and crime are higher than ever because of the media. They just saw a correlation, set their hypothesis and decided to test it. How is this any different?
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I am diggin' dis lard sammich idea!! :yep: I have gots to git me some o' dat!!

Wonder if it'll be good for my skin too... :scratchch

cmon on let me slather some on your face

IMA BEAT YOU!!!!!!!!!!! and eat more sammiches :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Girl, just tell me how many cups of sugar water I need to drink to get my hair the length in yo' sig.

let's just make a sugar water bong and keep pouring it down your throat until we can visibly see your hair growing. there's no measurement really.

Ya'll need to chill out on the lard sandwiches and sugar water cause I just saw someone with ceiling length twist! You definitely don't want that!!!:lachen::lachen:

I hope BostonMaria comes through lol
"It's not stereotypes because most of what was said are not common ideas. It was like brainstorming to come up with a reason for an observation. Nothing more, nothing less. "

Fine. You have brainstormed an idea. One idea was that fat people have better circulation so their hair grows better.

Well this is factually wrong. Better circulation comes from more oxygen intake. Which can come from exercise. So fat or thin, exercising would be the key to better circulation.

So why continue to defend the idea? If it's just about brainstorming, and not some strange need to take away the work and effort that an overweight woman puts into her hair, then why defend a position that's been proving wrong? What are you getting out of it?
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I'm not defending anything lol I'm just trying to explain to you the purpose of the thread and trying to understand why you are attacking everyone in it. If you are dissatisfied with the answers and the OPs observations, why do you continue to come in here?

If I wanted to defend the positions, then I would pull out my physiology text books and explain that it is true that overweight women have more fat in them to insulate their body and therefore, when it is hot outside, their bodies work harder to regulate temperatures. But I don't care. The other women who have found fault with this thread made light of the situation but you continue to ask people for things that they're not going to produce because it's all just speculation.

You yourself are not providing legit sources. My paper would be marked down if I cited the source you have provided so why even bother? The only thing you are doing is bumping the thread and giving other ladies an opportunity to state their ideas.

And I'm not trying to attack you at all. I came in the thread, laughed at the silliness and said whatever. I know initially you said you were offended and frustrated but now what are you trying to prove? That you're the only one capable of doing "google searches" which is not even legit research? I don't think much WORK is going to be put into this thread because no one is going to attempt to become overweight over some hair. And if they do, they have more problems than LHCF can handle!

BTW, scientific facts always have a chance of being proven wrong through new findings.

The OP said she received her answer so let's just stop replying and the thread will soon disappear:yep:
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I have learned so much in the last year from this board. I do have a Ph.D., but my strength is that I am a learner. I pick up new information. I research it and find out more. I care about ideas and facts, and abhor stereotypes... particularly those about black women.

The cumulative idea that I picked up from my sum total of reading and participating in this board is that a healthy body = healthy hair. Because of this board I have been more motivated to drink water, to exercise, to take vitamins, to eat more nutritious foods, and NOT lots of empty calories.

THAT is the what LHCF has been about for me.

To say that this thread is a complete contradiction to everything I've learned here is an understatement.
I have learned so much in the last year from this board. I do have a Ph.D., but my strength is that I am a learner. I pick up new information. I research it and find out more. I care about ideas and facts, and abhor stereotypes... particularly those about black women.

The cumulative idea that I picked up from my sum total of reading and participating in this board is that a healthy body = healthy hair. Because of this board I have been more motivated to drink water, to exercise, to take vitamins, to eat more nutritious foods, and NOT lots of empty calories.

THAT is the what LHCF has been about for me.

To say that this thread is a complete contradiction to everything I've learned here is an understatement.
You mean like if a fat person keeps eating yeast rolls,then uses monistat on their scalp they will have unmanagable hair growth?
LMAO at this whole thread, and at all the hit dogs hollering :lachen: :lachen:

I already posted this in the fitness forum, but my male friend completely agrees w/ the theory that fat girls have the prettiest hair. He says it's because its the only thing they focus on (neglecting exercising, health etc). :look:

I don't think there's any scientific proof behind it, and yeah there are a lot of trim chicks on this board with long gorgeous hair who disprove this method. But I'd be lying if I said that it hadn't crossed my mind. :scratchch *kanye shrug* Ah well....
@the bolded- PCOS is a genetic condition...not a weight related condition. It doesn't just "come up" when someone gets fat. Although...symptoms may OR may not be aggravated by weight fluctuations. It is classified as a syndrome rather than a disease because symptoms vary from person to person. There are plenty of skinny, average, and overweight women who suffer from pcos and they symptoms that accompany it.

Let me clear up what I said about PCOS. I didn't mean it comes up like pops up just because you gained weight. I meant the subject comes up. Of course I'm not saying that all PCOS cases happen to big women. But weight is "one" of the factors. There are SEVERAL factors that you can attribute to any syndrome, disease or whatever. E.g., you have skinny women with Diabetese and big women with Diabetese but being overweight is just ONE of the factors. Because along with being overweight one might say that the types of foods consumed attributed to that. Please don't think I'm saying Diabetese is a weight disease, I know it's not. It's how your body handles Insulin. But exercise and weight can play a part.

Also, Estrogen is known to hide in fat cells. So the more excess fat cells you have the more Estrogen may be hiding to throw things off. Therefore, that could contribute to a hormonal imbalance or PCOS. Keep in mind, this is only ONE of the factors.

If you're researching something and just because a factor is not present in all of the samples doesn't mean that it couldn't have caused the affect. I thought my Cancer comment explained what I meant.

I hope you don't think I'm being sarcastic in any way. This is just good debate.
I think it has to do with body temperature. Overweight individuals have more fat on them and their body has to work harder to maintain a normal body temperate. So there is more heat/circulation going to the scalp. Same thing with runners. Ever notice how a lot of runners have longer/nice hair (and prob don't do much to it). My theory is that they are getting more blood circulation than the average individual.

Nope....not that either.

I'm not talking about the people who talked intelligently about self-esteem and hair. That's a worthy topic. I could even rationalize the reason I have a Ph.D. is because I chose to focus on books and not body (or hair, for that matter.) But it IS about focus, and effort and work.

Shoot, I'm not even gonna front . . . subconciously that is why the reason I focused so much on academics and now have my J.D. :look:
lol i used to think that when i was younger- all the girls with long hair were bigger but when i got older i didnt notice the correlation
This thread is :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

:blush: But seriously. Is that why my hair is growing now?? :sad: Gotta be mo careful! Oh wait! Then technically my mac and cheese should be a growth aid! Chile' by the time Thanksgiving is over, I should be knee length. :grin:
Wow, this thread - hilarious! I think whatever the OP has seen is just a coincidence, especially it would make more sense that one could think that overweight women eat more junk food, or consume more alcohol, and foods that contain toxins....which hinder hair growth. <----I am by NO MEANS developing my own thesis, but that's just what I would think of. I actually have no idea, and this is funny as all get out.
Well when I used to starve myself in college and smoke tons of cigs, my hair would fall out and my teeth were very loose. I had a lot of jaw infections. One of my friends teeth did actually come out because of dieting. So I would say from anecdotal evidence that it is caloric intake.

And I am now eating all the time lol and my hair is finally growing !
I haven't noticed a correlation.

Obviously if we're talking about the difference between anorexia or malnutrition vs women who eat balanced meals everyday then yes the women who eat good food daily will have better hair. But overall I don't notice chunky women with better hair than healthy women who are not overweight.
I agree with EllePixie concerning the many sitings of overweight women with long/pretty hair as being coincidental. Hair growth rate or health is not based on weight. It is a fact that many overweight individuals are malnourished.

I have a sense of humor, but some of the comments posted in this thread are very insensitive, especially when they are not based on facts. I was going to add more, but I thinks it's best that I do not.
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I don't know about this one. When I was working out regularly and taking in more protein my hair was growing faster and stronger. I've always thought the more you work out the increased blood circulation aided in healthier hair. I could be wrong but that just my opinion.
For me, weight loss has always meant hair loss, and eating well has always meant healthy hair.

Eating well means not restricting things with the goal of losing weight.
Actually I was just reading in another post - forgot which one - where one of the posters said her male friend said the same thing - that bigger women always have prettier hair - because they focus on their hair as their best feature instead of their figure. Did that make sense?

I second this post too. My bro's gf is 5'2 and a bit over 150 (overweight, but not fat) But then everyone drools over how long her hair is lol! Whereas I'm sure if she didn't have all that hair, then she wouldn't receive any kind of good attention.
Ok I'll just say this: a lot of people are being rude and insensitive for nothing. A lot of people are attacking one another for naught. I'm not obese but I'm overweight, and trust me, I hate myself for this. I have been suicidal many times over because of this, along with other things. So all of the food jokes needs to stop. And I know that there are some skinny girls out there that hate the fact that they're too skinny. It's not just a one-way street. I'm in no way attacking OP. In fact, I'm appalled at the way she was being attacked for just an observation. So just keep in mind ladies, please watch what you say and joke about on any of these threads; you never know who's reading them.
the "jokes" come with the territory... it's the internet

i'm not condoning w/e is going on in this thread but at the same time... the title says it all. if the topic is a sensitive subject then why click on it in the first place?
^^^I understand what you're saying, but I clicked on it b/c I wanted to. I wanted to see what it was about, if there was really any substance to the title. I really didn't think that it would get handled like this. :nono: I know it's the internet. But I see it as we're all in this together, to share tips/ideas/whatever about healthy haircare. IMO that sort of makes us a sort of family. I've seen plenty of threads that have gone south and all I can do is smh. It makes me kinda sad that we can't come together on something simple like haircare w/o all of this extra nonsense. There is simply no need to make jokes about something like this. If we want to joke about things w/o pitting one group against the other, I suggest other sites. :shrug: I will be making my exit now! :wave:
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