Women, Body Fat And Hair

I see the opposite for myself. I heard that exercise and proper eating accelerates growth.

For myself, I find that when I am healthiest, it shows everywhere. I'm overweight now but working on losing. I've noticed that with my increased level of exercise, my hair has thrived.

Now the fattest I've been was when I was pregnant. My hair was also the longest then. Hormones played a part in that growth spurt though.
YOU AINT CRAZY... I've seen and know some HUGE women with gorgeous locks. One girl eats a ton of mickey d's hamburgers and her hair has the best sheen. I guess it's from all the grease she consumes.

The other one ,waistlength hair really she really doesn't do much to it...someone else has to do it so i guess low manipulation does work.
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This thread was simply an observation about hair and not intended to convince anyone to "eat more sammiches" for accelerated hair growth. And you're right, I did not mean to be offensive (or insensitive really). To be honest, I think my question is valid...I think there may be a connection and I'm curious about it. I appreciate the info you posted regarding PCOS. I didn't know this. You provided scientific reasoning for some of what I've probably observed in real life. :yep: Thanks again.

Ughhh some ladies on this board.... To the OP, I COMPLETELY see where you are coming from. ANd like you said, IT WAS JUST AN OBSERVATION AND YOU WERE SHARING. WHy don't others see that? I don't know. I also had the same observation, but UNlike you, I kept it to myself because of some people might be to "sensitive" and will take it personal. Good grief :ohwell: Thanks for sharing! Too bad no one cared to see where you were coming from before judging.

ETA: Not saying NO one was being open-minded....
YOU AINT CRAZY... I've seen and know some HUGE women with gorgeous locks. One girl eats a ton of mickey d's hamburgers and her hair has the best sheen. I guess it's from all the grease she consumes. work.

I'm sitting here looking at my gray dog. So most dogs must be gray because that's what I see every day. And from there, from this truth I have invented, I then postulate theories as to why most dogs are gray. Perhaps because they play in the dirt so much? Perhaps it's the color of the dog food they eat?

Your logic is frustrating to me because you can look around this board and see that what you are theorizing isn't remotely true. And like I said, the facial hair thing...
Actually I was just reading in another post - forgot which one - where one of the posters said her male friend said the same thing - that bigger women always have prettier hair - because they focus on their hair as their best feature instead of their figure. Did that make sense?

hmmm that actually does make a lot of sense to me.
That's interesting. I remember showing someone a youtube vid of a slim girl with long hair (trying to prove that black folks can grow our hair long) and the young lady dismissed it because she (the youtuber) was skinny. I also had a skinny girl once tell me that her own hair was so long because all her protein went to her hair. I've never given these things much thought.

What I will say is now that I'm trying to think about it the heavier people that I know with long hair usually have really lush thick hair. I dunno. I don't really think they correlate though.
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So you're saying that women who will put a lot of energy into perfecting her body with exercise and diet just blow off how their hair looks?
Okay....I'm just going to ask because I've been wondering about something for a long time. I've concluded that most of the prettiest heads of hair that I see are on "overweight" women.

Now, I'm not saying thin/fit women don't have beautiful hair...this forum is testament to that. What I am saying is that I see a greater proportion of overweight women (black women, more specifically) with nice hair (not just online but in real life). I don't know why. :spinning:

My theories:

1. Heavy women work out less and manipulate their hair less. :look:
2. Body fat level are connected to hormones that regulate hair growth/texture.
3. There's a connection between metabolism and hair.
4. Caloric intake is connected to hair growth.

Ladies, what are your thoughts? Have you noticed this too? Please tell me I'm not crazy.

And here's the original post. There's nothing in the original post about putting all your self esteem into your hair. (Which I also think is belied by the photos in this forum.)
Interesting theory OP :look:. But, I've been around internet hair world for 4 or 5 years now and I haven't personally noticed this trend.
So you're saying that women who will put a lot of energy into perfecting her body with exercise and diet just blow off how their hair looks?

Ummm...just another observation :look:...a lot of women I know who work out a lot keep their hair short or wear protective styles (braids, weaves, buns) so they don't have to "do" it. I know when I used to work out more my silky pressed/wrapped styles didn't last long, since my head sweats.
I think this is it. Not necessarily to hide the weight. Its more of playing up the good features they have. We all know that anyone can have long beautiful hair but I also know plenty of heavy women with great hair and great shoes and great purses. Its like all effort is put into things that have nothing to do with weight.

A slender woman is definitely more likely to be considered cute on her worst day i.e. hair in bun, sweats on, no makeup. A lot of heavy women won't go there.

Don't stone me. Its not me judging, just an observation. :look:

I have no words...
OP, I've often wondered the same thing. Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I'm more likely to take notice of an overweight woman's hair. Perhaps I was more drawn to her hair than anything else.

It may seem like there's a correlation but the hair boards prove otherwise. For me it was just a bias in my point of view. I think I was more likely to think apl was long rather than bsl and beyond on a smaller person. And from what I've seen PCOS comes with obesity, facial hair, and a lot of other effects.
Interesting theory OP :look:. But, I've been around internet hair world for 4 or 5 years now and I haven't personally noticed this trend.

Thanks for the response. What about in the non-internet hair world? Is the same true for people you know from school, church, the mall...? Just wondering.
OP, I've often wondered the same thing. Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I'm more likely to take notice of an overweight woman's hair. Perhaps I was more drawn to her hair than anything else.

It may seem like there's a correlation but the hair boards prove otherwise. For me it was just a bias in my point of view. I think I was more likely to think apl was long rather than bsl and beyond on a smaller person. And from what I've seen PCOS comes with obesity, facial hair, and a lot of other effects.

I was thinking maybe that was the case for most people rather than overweight women having longer hair because they are overweight.
I think it was meant as more of a question and not a blanket statement. I can see how and why someone might be offended (I think weight is a sensitive subject for most women), but OP has stated several times that that was not her intention.

And while I disagree with OP's theories I think it was an interesting enough question. But to answer your question, I just haven't noticed longer/healthier hair on heavier women or thinner women.

I think hair length and health is dependent on genetics, overall health, and probably a few other factors. Now that's not to say that an individual couldn't notice a difference in the health of her hair as her weight changes. Personally mine does not.
That is funny. I'm truly not trying to be offensive and I'm not a newbie here so I know that women of every size can have long flowing locks...it's just in my experience, I've seen MORE larger women with long hair. :perplexed On a side note, I've also seen more facial on on larger women...I'm just saying there may be a connection...IDK. :spinning:

Perhaps some of these women suffer from PCOS which causes hirsutism and excessive weight gain (and can make it extremely difficult to lose)...which is not something to take lightly or ridicule :ohwell:
OP, I've often wondered the same thing. Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I'm more likely to take notice of an overweight woman's hair. Perhaps I was more drawn to her hair than anything else.

It may seem like there's a correlation but the hair boards prove otherwise. For me it was just a bias in my point of view. I think I was more likely to think apl was long rather than bsl and beyond on a smaller person. And from what I've seen PCOS comes with obesity, facial hair, and a lot of other effects.

i see your point, but I think I notice long and pretty hair on everybody....shoot, it could be on a mannequin and I'd notice it. :lachen:
I think enough people here have told you they don't find your theory viable. Perhaps if you need more, you could google it.

Here's a link for you.


I don't know how the heck you did that!! "0.o"

As far as the main subject, I have made no such observation. Since joining this forum, I've noticed women of various sizes and shapes who have drool-worthy hair. And in real life, I've mostly seen black women of every size with short to medium length hair... that or weaves/extensions and wigs. *shrugs*

I suppose if I had subscribed to any such idea, it really wouldn't benefit me personally, because at nearly 5'9" and around 25 lbs overweight, I don't really consider myself either thin or heavy. I'm medium sized darn it! :lala:
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I've been overweight most of my life with a stint for 5 yrs as a size 0-2. I'm not offended in the least and I in no way think you're being mean. I think you're making just that, an observation. It's not an insult to anyone.

Honestly, I know ALOT of overweight people where I'm from and I have to say that most of them have atleast APL or longer hair. I, unfortunetly, wasn't one of them LOL I don't know why but they do. The thin women I KNOW IRL usually don't have long hair. Just an observation. NOTHING MORE. So, OP, youi're not alone in noticing.
A slender woman is definitely more likely to be considered cute on her worst day i.e. hair in bun, sweats on, no makeup.

Word :yep: totally agree with ya there. She is a perfect example of this:


I would take her over Queen Latifah any day!!
Maybe it's all the extra Omega 3 oils and fatty acids :rolleyes:

Just joking, I never noticed that before, but it's an interesting observation.

Me neither. Prior to the hair boards, the only people I knew (outside my family) who had apl-ish hair or longer were the thick girls, and I don't mean 'fat', I mean 'not skinny'. The women in my family with long hair were all sizes, though, so I was kinda torn on my hypothesis.

I think a lot of it has to do with nutrition and calories, period. I'm slim, but I grew out a twa real quick in highschool, and now that I think about it, I was eating a whooooole lot more food (and gained a little weight, shrug).

No offense to anybody, for real.