Wild kid chops off my friend's ponytail

glossyxlipz said:
That what I was saying! If he can do this now, what is stopping him from becoming a serial killer or something.

You can't grow up to be a serial killer without the use of your thumbs! I woulda broke somethin! :mad: He would be afraid to cut the cheese when I was through with him!
JCoily said:
I do condone violence and I would have been one fired teacher that day. Besides what that child did was assault and scissors could be a deadly weapon. It's too many things that can go wrong with a sharp object and a person who doesn't expect one to be right behind them.

I know that I'm really sensitive about hair, but this child really ought to be expelled.

I feel you JCoily! Beat him like his mama should have!
mysweetevie said:
That's awful....:nono: why didnt the other children say something:confused:

Well, if he was bold enough to do that to a teacher, can you imagine what he'd do to another child? Little psycho...
See my first response would be to have beat his ass like he was a grown up cracked a chair or something over his a**..but.....(unfortunately)..i would be jobless which is even more stressfull...soooo i would try...by all and i mean any means necessary to battle him and his parents in court ...make sure he was expelled...do sum juvie time..sue parents...a lesson needs to be taught ..and true he and his parents need counseling.....Im just realy sickened over what happened I really feel for ur friend . This has always been one of my fears to grow hair BSL and beyond is crazy people..My lil sis has mid back hair and some girls at her school threatened to jump her and cut it off!!!! Those girls where dealt with..(in an appropriate fashion) but what is up with people:confused:
:eek: There should have been more action taken IMO. The kid needs counseling. This is a first sign that something is wrong with him. The fact that he's only 8 years old also rings alarms in my head. Give him about 8 more years before we see him on America's Most Wanted! This is sure to happen unless they get help now.

Wow! I'd be too pissed if that had happened to me. I'm sure it will all grow back to be even longer and more healthy... but yeah, maybe she should consider wearing buns from now on. :look:
(I would have given his behind a good swatting before we went to the principle!)
WomanlyCharm said:
Time off to recover?! Yeah, at my attorney's office, figuring out the best way to get at these mofos! :mad:
They better be ready to reach DEEEEEEEP into their pockets to pay for my pain and suffering! :angry2:

And that kid would have found my fist in his face. I do not condone violence, but there would have been an ass-whooping like no other!

This poor teacher needs to get herself an attorney, RIGHT NOW...she has a hell of a case against the lousy excuse for a parent and probably against the school district as well.

Thank you! That child needs to be brought up on ASSAULT charges and his parents need to be SUED!!!:mad:
A agree your friend will need years to recuperate from the trama of her assault and her therapist and lawyers will surly help her through this grievous time.
As for the young man.......... :spank: .......enough said.
That.little.boy.needs.his.ass.whooped.something.serious. What in the hot hell made him bold enough to do that shyt? I would be in some type of rage. Was it a low ponytail? How much hair does she have left? I would have hurt his little ass. Oh my goodness... Something else to keep in mind when I go into teaching. :sigh: I will be one bun wearing muhfugga!!! jajajaja
SweetCaramel1 said:
i woulda had to give him a wild *** whippin' in a closet somewhere :eek:

My mother's friend (an adult) actually beat up a boy ~6th grade in the boys bathroom. He'd been hitting and punching girls and my mother's friend who was a school administrator followed him into the bathroom when he was alone, took off her skirt so she could move more freely (she had on a slip) and beat his butt! He never told a soul, and he stopped hitting girls.

I think you should urge your friend to bring the child up on assualt charges also and sue the parents for $$$. They need to know that it is THEIR job to teach their children good behavior, not the school's.
That's assault and battery. They should at least have to pay some sort of restitution. Thank the good Lord that I quit teaching. It's funny, I quit for the same reason I went into it- the kids. I'm sorry for your friend. I would have definitely been fired and possibly handcuffed.
I would have gone to jail that day. And would have had no regrets for knocking a child out. I'm exaggerating....a little bit.
Girl the title alone ticked me off. I would have sued the mess out of the parents myself.

I sure hope her hair grows back quickly.
I woulda beat that child until I felt good. Seriously though, that's awful. She needs to get an attorney and sue the parents and the school board. Some folks only realize stuff is serious when their $$$ is threatened.:mad:
I agree. Your friend definitely needs to file assault charges or sue the mess out of those parents. Now she's going to have to spend all kind of money and time trying to get her hair back to where it was.
JCoily said:
I do condone violence and I would have been one fired teacher that day. Besides what that child did was assault and scissors could be a deadly weapon. It's too many things that can go wrong with a sharp object and a person who doesn't expect one to be right behind them.

I know that I'm really sensitive about hair, but this child really ought to be expelled.

This is what I was about to say. That was an assault, your friend should lawyer up... at the very least it should call the parent's attention to their child. The Dad needs to know what's going on ...esp.
Blossssom said:
You knew that already. Quit playin' :lol:

This thread is hilarious but that boy needs it!

One more thing, how did your friend cut her hair?

She got it about chin length now. Its actually pretty since she got layers. But that is a drastic change from BSL to chin length when you did not want it done to yourself.

I am told her that day to go to court and make some cash. She is thinking about it.
I keep thinking about this crazy post and now I have a question. What do you think caused the boy to target her hair of all things. He could have cussed her out, pushed her, hit her, or any other numerous actions to get suspened. What was it about her beautiful hair that he couldn't handle. Perhaps to him her being African American (I'm assuming) and having beautiful long hair was conflicting with something he learned and giving him issues. Perhaps we need to look at the parents a little closer.

Sorry folks I am a psych major.:look:
IntoMyhair said:
i would of had him charged with assault

Or been charged with it!

I was thinking if her hair was still all one length, she would probably see the length back sooner than later but if it's in layers, it's going to take longer.

She might not even bother trying to grow it back once she gets used to it, but that THUG wouldn't be in my classroom ever again.

Did you ever say what race he is?