Mother's what would you do?

It does appear to be an earring. I've only seen him in pictures.
Does this 5 yr old little boy have an EARRING in his ear?! Am I looking at the pic correctly? Or is it just the glare?

Is that what's hot in the skreets now? Getting little BOYS' ears pierced?! Goodness. I guess I'm behind the times.

Anyway, as for the hair. Dang, mama could at least put in some straight-backs (cornrows) or some gangstas (part down middle, cornrows to either side).

I'm glad both boys are ok.
I do think he looks like a lil girl and it wouldn't me my preference to have that hairstyle for DS. Kids focus on appearance more than anything else and while his hair is beautiful, if it is getting him teased or picked on at school, i'd let it go. I'm conflicted though cos i wouldnt want to teach lil man that he needs to conform to societies ideals to be accepted....
but the reality is that kids can be cruel and if i could stop my lil boy from having a hard time at school, i would do whatever i could.
He is so cute and his hair is so healthy and beautiful. I do agree with the other posters to style his hair in a more gender-neutral way, but please don't make her feel 'at fault' for his fight. Some people really don't know how to style hair. (I'm one of them lol)
Those are my thoughts exactly
I do think he looks like a lil girl and it wouldn't me my preference to have that hairstyle for DS. Kids focus on appearance more than anything else and while his hair is beautiful, if it is getting him teased or picked on at school, i'd let it go. I'm conflicted though cos i wouldnt want to teach lil man that he needs to conform to societies ideals to be accepted....
but the reality is that kids can be cruel and if i could stop my lil boy from having a hard time at school, i would do whatever i could.
yeah that's what some of the people of her fb page are doing.
He is so cute and his hair is so healthy and beautiful. I do agree with the other posters to style his hair in a more gender-neutral way, but please don't make her feel 'at fault' for his fight. Some people really don't know how to style hair. (I'm one of them lol)
I agree he does look like a little girl. Kids are very cruel in school and they are also very blunt. I hope your niece will cut his hair because the bullying will probably only get worse and it would be sad for him to end up with self esteem issues or some kind of complex.

She should let him get his hair cut and maybe he will see it's not so bad.
There is no need to cut his hair, only if she wants to. She shouldn't feel forced into it in any case. As far as the style: I don't think she should ever put it in pig tails! That is a very girly hair style. There are boyish ways of wearing long hair and she should frequent those styles; or how about straight back in a ponytail. The styles in the other pics seem okay I guess
Try groomed dreads. My son has dreads that I take down and redo every few months. We started at age 7 and he looked like a boy with dreads. Or she could just take him to a loctition(sp) and get him all fixed up.

Those 3 ponytails.... No no no. Just no.
There are masculine, long haired styles for boys. Those styles she chose just aren't right for little boys. IMHO.
I would sugges cornrows or two french braids going to the back with a part down the middle like Snoop Dogg use to wear or cut it. He is an adorable little fella. There are tons of cornrow styles for boys.
Bless him, he does look like a girl in those pics. I want to know, is his hair natural or relaxed or pressed? If he is natural, his hair could be worn in a fro it would look more gender appropriate. I also second the cornrows.

Maybe he even just cut it down a bit instead of completely?
He is a very cute little boy, I would cut his hair at this point. He is 5 after all...

I'm not a mother, but I answered anyway, sorry! :)
I will have to ask but i think he is natural from what I seen from other photos
Bless him, he does look like a girl in those pics. I want to know, is his hair natural or relaxed or pressed? If he is natural, his hair could be worn in a fro it would look more gender appropriate. I also second the cornrows.

Maybe he even just cut it down a bit instead of completely?
I know I already commented a few times but with the info about his parents I'm curious as to if he's in counseling of any kind? Looking at the pics he's not smiling in any and I've never seen that before from a child his age. I know that's not the topic but she may want to consider it just to make sure he turns out alright.
*looks at lil boy with pigtails*

Poor thing. It's tough out there and he would probably prefer not having to fight classmates because his hair makes him look like a girl. I can imagine what boys would say in my day growing up, but nowadays?!?! He probably gets called all types of horrible names and is sick of it. I don't condone fighting at all, but when your hairstyle is the cause of suh commotion, it's time to cut it or do aomething else. it's bad enough that it looks like the little boy has a perm:( Poor thing. It's like sending a girl to school shaved bald.
I know I already commented a few times but with the info about his parents I'm curious as to if he's in counseling of any kind? Looking at the pics he's not smiling in any and I've never seen that before from a child his age. I know that's not the topic but she may want to consider it just to make sure he turns out alright.

He might not have been in the mood for pics?? I have plenty of mean face pics of my kid lol

As far as the hair I agree. Either cut it or braid it up.

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I'm really stuck on that earring though lol.

because he is a little boy or in general?....
i had my ears pierced by his age:look: and i wouldn't have a problem with pierced ears on a little girl (i wouldn't pierce a boy's ears either)
Cut his hair. He's a little boy and in this culture, it is not normal for a little boy to walk around with long hair like that. He will continue to have problems at school if the issue isn’t resolved. This story reminds me of the situation with the mom dressing her biracial son like a princess. I think she calls him her little princess boy or something ridiculous. Sometimes I think society is getting a little too liberal and politically correct. If he wants long hair when he grows up then so be it for now have her cut his hair. I have a feeling if a man was around this wouldn't be an issue.
Its just the pictures i choose. There are tons of other pictures with smiles they were people in the picture with him and i didn't want to put them on LHCF.
I know I already commented a few times but with the info about his parents I'm curious as to if he's in counseling of any kind? Looking at the pics he's not smiling in any and I've never seen that before from a child his age. I know that's not the topic but she may want to consider it just to make sure he turns out alright.
good questions, I'm not sure. She does not know how to do hair very well and I think it maybe out o laziness but again I'm just speculating.

I have to say for someone who doesn't know how to do hair very well she is doing a very good job as far as health and actual styling is concerned.

Just like to ask where she has seen other little boys having hair like this?

Does she have any other children?
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I'm assuming my niece since she has him since an infant.
I was just gonna post about it. I went back to look at his pics and I just noticed the earring.

Question to whoever gave permission for the earring in this baby's ear...WHY?
Where my nieces are from they are in a whole 'nother world then what we live in. My siggy is how my other niece combs her daughter's hair and it drives me up the wall. You can say some much without stepping out of line about how one raises their children. I've voice my opinion and given suggestions.
I have to say for someone who doesn't know how to do hair very well she is doing a very good job as far as health and actual styling is concerned.

Just like to ask where she has seen other little boys having hair like this.

And OP, have you ever commented to your neice about the boy's hairstyles?
yes and he always makes sure its combed. He likes it to look neat:yep:

that is adorable. he is so so so cute, but I do think more masculine styles would help the little guy. Doesn't have to be extreme, even a single pony tail, can look good on little boys.

I feel bad that he is being bullied at school :( I do think that this is a good time for the other kids to be taught about bullying, because I am sure they know he is a boy (esp by his name, if it is masculine, his clothes, etc). Kids aren't stupid.