Why We Are Not Married/the Hidden Costs Of Getting Married


This is the biggest fail at IR dating I've ever seen but lemme go.

Really? The biggest fail?

The only fail I see is the lack of a marriage license. If this video was called "we're married and a million dollars in debt" living in a half a million dollar house with law school loans. As a couple they have concocted a realistic financial plan based on their earnings of how to get their savings up to $1M in 9 years. They saved $200K in 6 years and have $90K equity in their home after 2 years, despite their faulty marriage/tax logic they are on it as far as taking care of their family unit.

The average 2 time baby mama of any race ain't cohabitating at this level. If what I saw in this video was the standard black baby mama / baby daddy set up I'd shut up about marriage from now on.
Didn't watch :toocool: but I did go to their channel to see if she has any hair videos. She does. Her hair is beautiful. No comment on the rest of the foolery.

Wait. I lied. One comment. So, on this wash and go video that I just started watching she says at 5:40 "get a little kiss from my hubby" and he kisses her on camera o_O. But sis, I'm confused. You refer to him as "hubby" but yall ain't married and aint getting married? Girl, all the byes and boy, all the seats o_O. This is why I don't listen to what people say. Like a previous poster said if he asks her to marry him she would.

Love the hair video, but I noticed she has crazy eyes.
Really? The biggest fail?

The only fail I see is the lack of a marriage license. If this video was called "we're married and a million dollars in debt" living in a half a million dollar house with law school loans. As a couple they have concocted a realistic financial plan based on their earnings of how to get their savings up to $1M in 9 years. They saved $200K in 6 years and have $90K equity in their home after 2 years, despite their faulty marriage/tax logic they are on it as far as taking care of their family unit.

The average 2 time baby mama of any race ain't cohabitating at this level. If what I saw in this video was the standard black baby mama / baby daddy set up I'd shut up about marriage from now on.
she's very pro black love i.e not pro-black women... ignore
Ha ha ha

Is this the worst IR relationship I've seen? No, but it is still a fail. Black kids growing up in an out of wedlock home.

More and more millennials of all races are choosing not to marry so this could become the norm.
In a sense, I understand their point. Both of them are on income-based student loan repayment plans so not only will their loan payments increase substantially if they were to be married - they would also pay a lot more in income taxes. I would agree with their plan not to marry until the loans were forgiven if both of them weren't such dumb azzez when it comes to other aspects of their finances and personal lives. Purchasing a home is a stupid idea with the level of student debt that they have. Also, the oldest child does not have a college fund despite being like 16 or 17 years old. AND they decided to have yet another child. Poor planning.

The woman is a former teen mom who is also divorced from a man who is not the father of either child so I doubt marriage to the 2nd baby daddy matters to her THAT much considering her life experiences. Personally, I would bankroll a college fund for the daughter; sell the house; and pay off the student loans expeditiously rather than relying on public service loan forgiveness if I were in her situation as morals trump money. If children were not involved, then I think not getting married would make sense.
He may be gay, but that's still not the reason they aren't married. Gay men marry women all the time
so what's the reason?
Geez....totally sugary!
My cheeks are burning on her behalf...Making black women look bad! Right up there with the 365 days of sandwiches chick!
it was beyond second hand embarrassment.:nono: and i know she knows by the way she looks at him when he speaks. maybe they're bearding for each other.:lol:
People are so weird.

A former colleague who's divorced started dating a divorced single mother who he'd known since high school (they were in the same circle of friends but never dated, married other people, divorced then connected after a reunion). They're together, raising her daughter (bio dad dropped out of the picture), but they don't want to get married.
They have legal papers drawn up so they can make medical decisions for each other.
They have wills and insurance policies to provide for each other and the girl, who he refers to as his daughter.
They own their home together.
Not married. He says neither of them is interested in getting married again.
This is so strange to me. Not interested in getting married again? After having wills, insurance policies, owning property and all that? If they ever split they'll have almost all of the same issues as if they were married except it'll be even messier. People think not getting married makes it a cleaner/easier break when they want to leave. Why don't they just admit it? But it won't be when you're playing house and doing all things like a married couple anyway. I dated a guy who told me after a month that he had no interest in getting married again. When I asked why he said he had to pay his ex a lot of money after the divorce and it took him a long time to get back on his feet and he never wants to go through that again. I appreciated the honesty and made my exit.