Why We Are Not Married/the Hidden Costs Of Getting Married


Well-Known Member


Marriage is not a big deal
They don't need a legal marriage and paper to prove their love one each other
Too expensive
Too money conscious to get married (even though they have 1 million dollars in debt.).

purple font?
At least she didn't settle for a black man.
Didn't watch :toocool: but I did go to their channel to see if she has any hair videos. She does. Her hair is beautiful. No comment on the rest of the foolery.

Wait. I lied. One comment. So, on this wash and go video that I just started watching she says at 5:40 "get a little kiss from my hubby" and he kisses her on camera o_O. But sis, I'm confused. You refer to him as "hubby" but yall ain't married and aint getting married? Girl, all the byes and boy, all the seats o_O. This is why I don't listen to what people say. Like a previous poster said if he asks her to marry him she would.

I'm confused. Why does she have on a ring? It doesn't cost a lot to get married. They prob spend more on Starbucks. The court cost it takes to legally change a name is the same or more than a marriage license. Just get married if you are going through that trouble. Have they never heard of being married and filing taxes separately? Is this a case of if I say it 50 then it makes it true? Their reasons are ridiculous. I dont think they should get married because they arent mentally mature enough to do so.

And 1mil in debt? I wouldn't marry someone that had that debt. It would then become mine. No thanks! How does someone that young even amass that amount of debt?
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People are so weird.

A former colleague who's divorced started dating a divorced single mother who he'd known since high school (they were in the same circle of friends but never dated, married other people, divorced then connected after a reunion). They're together, raising her daughter (bio dad dropped out of the picture), but they don't want to get married.
They have legal papers drawn up so they can make medical decisions for each other.
They have wills and insurance policies to provide for each other and the girl, who he refers to as his daughter.
They own their home together.
Not married. He says neither of them is interested in getting married again.
They had no business buying a house with that much student loan debt. The down payment for that house assuming they put 20% down is $108K. They could have used that to pay most of the student loan down. Are they even thinking of their kids' future financial outlook e.g college funds etc etc. Very poor financial decision making.

They go over it in another video
Mortgage is $542,000
Student Loans1 $220,000
Student Loan 2 $198,000
Total - $960,000 remaining $40K are here and there costs.