Why Such a STARK Difference in Hair Progress Between Tyra & Oprah?

Well, it's the same reason why many around here don't like Tyler Perry movies. I guess portraying the positive aspects of the Black community is not looked upon as being a good thing. It not "real" enough because the majority don't have that lifestyle. Of course not everyone will be the Cosby's, but everyone can benefit from the positive roles they play. I have no issue with people keeping it real, but you can't neglect the positive aspects as well and offer solutions. We have enough shows that talk and portray people of color as self hating, promiscuous, loud mouthed, uneducated, fat, bad credit having losers, but to each is own...
Opra's hair is much better off because she has her own personal stylist who washes and styles her hair EVERY DAY! I think I saw a clip one time when they toured Oprah's studio. From the looks of it, her stylist keeps her on point all the time. Plus, it's Oprah, so don't you think that her stylist would do all she can to keep her client happy and stay employed? I would not be surprised if she used some growth aids on Oprah's head!
LOL! Point blank, if Tyra had that, her thinning issues as well as her growth issues would be nonexisting!
I don't think it's all that involved in regards to why oprah's hair looks better than Tyra's.
I don't think its about the hairdressers, or who has more money, or more expensive products, or who is older, yadda yadda yadda.

Simply, genetics and one uses chemicals and the other doesn't.
I'm sure some of the ppl who complain about Tyra's show and it's content are some of the same people watching every show on BET (Frankie & Neffe, for ex) and all the VH1 buffoonery (Real Chance, Charm School, etc.). Come on now.

Crabs in a barrel, I tell ya.
I don't think it's all that involved in regards to why oprah's hair looks better than Tyra's.
I don't think its about the hairdressers, or who has more money, or more expensive products, or who is older, yadda yadda yadda.

Simply, genetics and one uses chemicals and the other doesn't.

And there you have it!:yep:
Why is my hair not like nikstar's or pinkskate's?

(Sorry ladies, just used your names because you happened to be above me :))

The question makes me go :huh:

because why WOULD their hair or hair progress be similar?

because they are both black entertainers?

They are people. Individuals just like you, me and everyone here. With totally different heads of hair and very different regimens.
All I can say is, "Get it Oprah and Tyra!"

Although not enviable (because I envy no one - God Blesses us individually), I could work with either length easily. I say that because my hair is growing from a bc and I have some months before neck-length, much less ear-length. lol
I love both Oprah's and Tyra's hair, they are both lovely. The difference in length retention is probably due to the fact that Oprah has always had long and thick hair, althoug not as long as she has now. I dont think relaxers have anything to do with it, I am relaxed and my hair is very thick and looks like a big fro when airdried, just like Oprah's hair, bigger than my other sisters hair, and mind you they are both natural.
I'm sure some of the ppl who complain about Tyra's show and it's content are some of the same people watching every show on BET (Frankie & Neffe, for ex) and all the VH1 buffoonery (Real Chance, Charm School, etc.). Come on now.

Crabs in a barrel, I tell ya.
I haven't watched BET MTV or VH1 on the regular since my high school days, I feel like my IQ drops whenever I see so much as a commercial for some of these reality shows. I also don't even own a tv in my dorm at this point.

The other shows you brought up I'm not familiar with at all.....interesting you could name them so readily though! lol

Are all these accusations really necessary?

Like I said before, its kinda sad to see people spouting attacks and accusations over people none of us even know lol

We're all pretty much repeating ourselves at this point......its all been hashed out in this thread.....let's move on
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Forget the difference in thickness. Oprah's hair was always thick but it was NOT always long. Her hairstylist is better. some know how to take care of hair, most do not. Most know how to make hair look good but do not care about hair health. In addition it appears that Tyra has a snip happy stylist who is perpetuating the same stupid "cut it to grow it" myth that I've been hearing from stylists all my life. I say it's the stylist fault. Most people rely on them and if you do you're putting your hair in their capable (or incapable) hands.

No myth...my hair grows faster when I cut it....kinda how your hair gets the stimulus to grow back after you shave. If it is impossible for cutting to provide a stimulus, then why does your hair grow back so fast after a shave? I trim every relaxer and still managed to make it from shaved (like a boy!) to BSL in about 3 years. While doing so, I experimented with trimming less and it was a disaster. My ends looked horrid and my growth rate slowed. Maybe it's not true for everyone, but it's very true for me.
Because they're two different people with two different heads of hair. Take any two random members on here and compare their progress and I'm sure you'll see a STARK difference as well.

I think her hair looks great and it was long before here stylist chopped off three inches...



oh hell no. he would be fired cutting off all that hair.
Hon, I wasn't talking to you directly. I was speaking towards the general tone a lot of ppl take towards Tyra and her show. But all of that is good to know. Good for you. :)

I haven't watched BET MTV or VH1 on the regular since my high school days, I feel like my IQ drops whenever I see so much as a commercial for some of these reality shows. I also don't even own a tv in my dorm at this point.

The other shows you brought up I'm not familiar with at all.....interesting you could name them so readily though! lol

Are all these accusations really necessary?

Like I said before, its kinda sad to see people spouting attacks and accusations over people none of us even know lol

We're all pretty much repeating ourselves at this point......its all been hashed out in this thread.....let's move on
Tyra has a relaxer AND color....

Oprah doesn't....

I thought that Oprah uses phytorelaxer. Did she stop using that?

Also, everyone's hair is not the same. Oprah has a thick grade of hair. Tyra's looks more fine.

Maybe Oprah's hair grows like a weed and Tyra's grows a lot slower:look:
Ok, I didn't read through this thread, but my first thought it "how do we even know what the goals of these individuals are?"

Apples and oranges really. Not to mention, Tyra's hair looks perfectly fine to me. Who says Tyra wants but length hair? I know I don't.
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Just wanted to throw in my dos centavos

Oprah has thicker hair and more money LOL j/k
Oh and for the record, Oprah does relax her hair. Tyra's hair is pretty too, just looks more fine.
What do you think is the biggest factor? I mean Oprah did the same protective styles Tyra did: Lacefronts & Weaves because obviously they're on TV every day and have to switch it up more often then most. But Oprah is now wearing her pressed hair out for the world to see and its thick lush strong layered and MBL:


Whereas I'm sorry but Tyra's hair looks sooooo average like every other black woman walking down the street that had a miseducation about their hair from Day 1 (this is borrowed from a post on the E/T board called First Screen Cap Of Tyra's Real Hair):

To top it off she has a stylist that got up on national television talkin bout you need to cut your hair to let it grow:eek: somebody pray for this girl:nono: aint she supposed to have the best stylists in the world @ her disposal? What I wanna know is what went wrong with Tyra? Maybe she just wasn't as determined? Do expect too much as a hair-centric person?

These are two women who have the same high demand lifestyle who both have access to the best of the best why such a stark difference in results? Maybe she should give going natural a try like Beyonce and Oprah did...idk

What do yall think? Why such a stark difference in results?

I didn't know that was Oprah's hair. Awesome. I don't get to see her much but I saw her on the news this morning (a clip of her interviewing a woman who was attacked by a Chimp). I was thinking that her hair looks fabulous!
Oprah is newly relaxed, in the pics on the first page of this thread that is her natural hair before the relaxer.

She stated on the show with Chris Rock that she is now relaxed.
You have a point. My hair looks natural even though it's supposed to be relaxed.

This pic is of my "relaxed" hair

thank you! I'm texlaxed and my hair looks very 'natural', but it's NOT

EDIT -- I see that it's confirmed that Oprah is natural
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I don't think it's all that involved in regards to why oprah's hair looks better than Tyra's.
I don't think its about the hairdressers, or who has more money, or more expensive products, or who is older, yadda yadda yadda.

Simply, genetics and one uses chemicals and the other doesn't.

both heads are relaxed so basing it on chemicals v natural doesnt really stand up
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oprah has been relaxed for many years that picture of her big hair she was relaxed in it as well why do people find it so hard to believe lool
Yeap, this thread is from a while ago, in the 'Good Hair' show she did say that in that photo she was natural but she recently relaxed it.

eeeyea this thread is hella old yall:look::lol:
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Oprah is newly relaxed, in the pics on the first page of this thread that is her natural hair before the relaxer.

She stated on the show with Chris Rock that she is now relaxed.

When did she stop relaxing? Because for years she used phytorelaxer:look:

And I think she tried to keep that a secret from others:yep:

I went to a hairdresser that knows Andre from Chicago and he told me that:yep: