I only have one question: when will people learn to leave race/ethnicity out of the equation?!? People please ignore the ignorant comments about hair.....from ANYONE!!! It's all just hair in the end. We all know that no matter what your background is.......black, white, asian, hispanic, creole, italian, ethiopian, nigerian, hell.......horses grow long hair!!! It doesn't matter, anyone can grow long, beautiful, healthy hair with proper TLC and knowledge. I get hated on all the time because of my father's background. Do you think it really bothers me? Nope, not one bit. It used to bother me, but that was before I came here. Now, having my father's blood is just an ancestral thing to me. It makes no difference to me in regards to my hair. So please, if we all take a stand and ignore people like that, maybe we'll find that their ignorant and foolish comments no longer bother/affect us. And maybe the people who make these comments will find that we're no longer impressed or shocked by their ignorance. We can never stop the ignorance, but we can ignore it!!