My LHCF Letter to the Tyra Show... I NEED EDITS!

I guess you missed all of the other post stating why this will be a bust. I am not being defensive just cmments like that is the reason the thread has turned off topic. I need advice on how to make the letter its best not why you think this will accomplish nothing.

Ummmh, yes "that's my opinion". I don't see how you are "representing black women" with a show proposing that black women can have long hair. You are speaking as if it a common goal of black women to have long hair. Further more, you are expecting all of these black women who desire length to engage in healthy hair practices (instead of getting weaves). I can only speak for myself. I came to this site because I received my first relaxer as a teenager and my hair became thinner, shorter, and just plain 'towe' up. I wanted to learn how to care for my relaxed hair and understand how my hair would react to certain products (moisture/protein). Since you have such a defensive attitude, I will simply refrain from posting.
Its not that serious. I don't care if we debunk the myth that black women cannot grow long hair.... so what? White women don't have curves, yet I've only met one trying her damndest to break that stereotype.(Coco)

Ladies, there are several women around my neck of the woods with MBL and longer... However they achieved it or plan it maintain it is their perrogative. Besides, black women really don't care about long hair... just well-coifed hair. Many of the new traffic we would get from exposing this site would be stupid questions on, "How can I get a press and curl everyday and grow my hair long cuz I don't want to go to work looking like a nappy-headed ho." Who really gives a damn about a body wrap besides us? Thats where our loyalities lie.... non-healthy, over-processed but well-styled hair. I mean, not many of us really care if its perfectly healthy or long like an asian womans.
Its not that serious. I don't care if we debunk the myth that black women cannot grow long hair.... so what? White women don't have curves, yet I've only met one trying her damndest to break that stereotype.(Coco)

Ladies, there are several women around my neck of the woods with MBL and longer... However they achieved it or plan it maintain it is their perrogative. Besides, black women really don't care about long hair... just well-coifed hair. Many of the new traffic we would get from exposing this site would be stupid questions on, "How can I get a press and curl everyday and grow my hair long cuz I don't want to go to work looking like a nappy-headed ho." Who really gives a damn about a body wrap besides us? Thats where our loyalities lie.... non-healthy, over-processed but well-styled hair. I mean, not many of us really care if its perfectly healthy or long like an asian womans.

I would have to agree. Hell sometimes I feel like I'm in the same boat. I'm not concerned with no waist length hair. I'm just glad my hair is healthy. And as long as my hair is on point that's all that matters. And people are in here acting like Super Hair Woman talking talking about we need to debunk the myth when Oprah and Tyra are saying, we don't have hair or we wear fake hair. Well, lightbulb the majority of the real world outside this board falls into that category. It's not like they're making it up or lying. And that's the truth. Why do we have to run around like Super Save a Strand? And most times when people ask you for hair advice they don't even listen to what you have to say because they are looking for instant gratification. They don't really want to put all the time and effort into taking care of their hair properly.

Same thing with them thinking all black people have beady beads. You wouldn't believe how many people ask me do I alter my hair (chemicals, twist outs, etc.) to make it look the way that it does on it's own. I get the "I ain't never seen no black person with natural curls like that. What did you have braids and took them out? Or Did you have twists and take them out?". I get that all the time. Then they look at me like I'm crazy or tell me I'm lying when I tell them I wet it and apply my products and go. I've even got those comments on this board. And to top it all off my hair is nappy. That's just good hair, bad hair all over again.
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OP, I think you should send your letter. Are you?
I think she should send it, but iI dunno about leaving LHCF in it. I mean, I'm sick of BHM and the irrelevent questions, so I DAMN sure enough don't want that foolishness here:lachen::ohwell:. Stupid questions like," How can I hide my beadie-beads" or "why can't I wear a weave and relax every weekend and shave my forehead while rocking a lacefront to get longer hair":perplexed Besides, there are plenty of black women with long hair, its just that they get overshadowed by those who are weave-obsessed and don't care. Today on The View, Sharri did a special on weaves and wigs for black women. She could have easily called up Nikko (Halle's stylist) or Kim Kimble to do a segment on taking care of black hair. You see what I mean? Its a matter of choice... People choose to have their head looking a raggedy mess and as long as they are happy with it, then its fine with me. My ends are jagged from growing out my cut, and I'm fine with it. Shari loves to promote weave and wigs for black women as the only protective style. Whatever makes folks happy.

You know how much crap I get for washing my hair everyday, although my hair is still healthy and strong? Ever since I was young I used to think black folks were disgusting for not washing their hair everyday. I mean, why would you wash every part of your body besides your head?But women still think that blacks cannot wash their hair often. Let them believe if it makes them happy. But, being clean from head to toe makes me happy.

The point is that no one is going to listen to our techniques because its not a priority in their lives. Besides, some low-rent stylist/ wannabe dermatologist is always going to confirm their already ignorant beliefs about black hair care. SOMEHOW, she's going to manage to have these ladies hair growing and they get the same desired result as us.

Maybe she should ask individuals if she can add their blogs as reference to the letter.

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Hey I think the letter sounds great, send it, send it, send it.
I can’t express the magnitude of info I have found out about hair in the last 3 months on these boards are a true inspiration and I was thinking once before man we should put some of these ladies on Oprah!

I think it’s a great an wonderful idea, also I’m admiring how u never backed down regardless of what people were saying and that displayed a lot of personal courage. You got the right idea girlie so go for it.

I can only imagine what I would have been doing w/my hair if I had never found these boards. I have had hair insecurities, balding edges, shabby napes on & off for the last 5 years and now I’ve been delivered. I would love for many other black women to receive the same experience!!!!

Hey & one more thing:

Don’t allow anyone to deter u away from the wealth of knowledge that you have to give!
oh yeah and make sure u can send them some before or after pics of people who are willing or something tangible that will catch their eye..u know a little proof in the pudding...also enclosing some of urself would help. God Speed!
Pretty Face, I'm glad you're taking this step! It's about time Tyra gets schooled. Hopefully she'll take notice.

I agree! I'm a huge supporter of this letter! As confident as I think I am, shows like the one she did which determined black women aren't desirable still gets to me a little. I know its ignorance but I'm tired of ignorance prevailing. Lets start enlightening people!!!!
I think your idea is great! The letter is well written and I hope she takes notice. As successful as Tyra is, I feel she continually perpetuates negative myths of about black hair. Very few people, black, white, purple can double process their hair (relax and colored/highlighted) and use heat daily and still have long healthy hair. It needs to be brought to light that in the black community style is more improtant than length many times. Its not that we choose not to grow our hair long, its that we rather have our hair "did".
Lmao i saw the date read part of the OP and thought maybe someone bumped the post because Tyra finally responded.

But nope

@I Am So Blessed why the bump ? Do you still feel this is relevent 11 years later and if you dont mind me asking what were you searching for when you came across this.
o O did you read the date of the posts. It's from 2007... WHY DOES THIS KEEP ON HAPPENING!!! lol
Yup, I sure did see the date. And I still bumped it because it's a good read and I want to hear what some others (maybe newbies since) have to say or at least they can just sit back and read. This was interesting to me and expresses what I feel in a way. Some others may feel the same. It "keeps happening" doesn't it? Well with me around it will always keep happening LOL. I apologize in advance.
Lmao i saw the date read part of the OP and thought maybe someone bumped the post because Tyra finally responded.

But nope

@I Am So Blessed why the bump ? Do you still feel this is relevent 11 years later and if you dont mind me asking what were you searching for when you came across this.
LOL you mean to tell me that you don't get the nostalgic feeling about these,old things? Ok Fine.@danniegirl and @Lute I'll try not to bump decrepit issues.

Key word "I'll try"
I can't even remember what I was doing in 2007, lol. And I DO like old posts.
I can't remember either. I like old posts better then these new posts for sure and some of my old posts I shutter to read being (I'm really embarrassed by them) my views have changed since. We all feel that way about our old posts. Every one here had great views on this! I hated tyra back then for cutting off beautifully long hair aka "covering crowning Glory".
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